Outside my window the first roses of spring are blooming. Their beauty must be enjoyed now because summer is so hard on them.I am thinking about how nice it will be next week when my children have spring break...no deadlines, no early, early mornings...and lots of fun just being together! I am
Another idea for a Moda Jelly Roll…
I've been wanting to work on some Grandmother's Flower Garden blocks for some time. I made a couple of these blocks a few years ago for a sampler quilt and wasn't really happy with the method I used to make them (I made a mylar template and ironed my fabrics around it before hand-stitching). The
“Straight Seams, Perfect Points, and Finished Quilts”
I finished my pinwheel quilt and have named it "Pinwheel Picnic." Attending Carrie's trunk show last week really motivated me to name my quilts! I used 25 of my pinwheel blocks along with 36 squares from a Snippet's charm pack. Just a bit of white and a bit of a Snippet's floral were the only
Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co.
Yesterday I afternoon I traveled to Scrap Apple Quilts in St. George, Utah to attend a dinner and trunk show. The dinner was spectacular and was prepared by Shirley, the owner of Scrap Apple. Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. drove from Arizona (enduring the terrible traffic nightmare that
More Patisserie and More Pinwheels…
Before I had even finished my first bag made from Nanette's "Mixed Bag to Quilt" pattern I knew I would be making more; I also knew that I would be making one from Patisserie...problem was Patisserie wasn't available yet in yardage, so I patiently waited. Now, a few fat quarters and a yard later my
Tea Swap Mail
I've recently participated in the "Time for Tea" swap hosted by Stephanie of Loft Creations. The picture above shows some of the goodies I sent Peg (you can see her post about them here). I'm not a tea drinker...but since I was very young I've always loved tea things...tea sets, tea pots, tea
All Dressed Up and Patisserie
Since Saturday was National Quilting Day I was determined to sew...I did a lot of yard work Friday so I wouldn't feel guilty...and the family was busy watching either the NCAA tournament (the guys) or Twilight (younger daughter)! First on my list was to finish my All Dressed Up quilt from Nanette's
I've been sewing bindings on like crazy this week! My "State Fair" Schnibbles quilt is finished and hanging in my entryway! It's so bright and cheery...I smile each time I walk by!I also finished my "Be Attitudes" quilt from the book by Nancy Halvorsen. I finished the piecing and machine
A Quilter’s Journal
I've been so inspired by these two posts (go here and here) that I thought I might do some similar posts occasionally.Outside my window my favorite flowering plum tree is blossoming beautifully; spring is here, and it must be savored because summer comes too quickly. I am thinking about what I'm
Scrappy Patchwork Place Mat Tutorial
Hello! Welcome to my Scrappy Patchwork Place Mat tutorial! I've done a little editing to this post to add in a few more ideas. I originally wrote the post to make scrappy place mats with left over jelly roll strips, but you can really use any scraps, and you can also use Moda candy squares and charm
A Tisket A Tasket…I’ve Been Working on Baskets!
I'm really enjoying Anne's "Tisket a Tasket" Block of the Month...and last weekend I finished my March block! You might notice that my bunny doesn't have a tail...I thought it would be fun to pick up a little pom pom for a tail the next time I get to the store (and I need to pick up some ribbon
I Heart Quilting
Lately I've been thinking a lot about how much quilting enriches my life. I just have to start out by saying how grateful I am for my Mom and for my Grandmothers who sewed and quilted and who always encouraged me to sew as well. Quilting enriches my life in so many ways...and I need to say thank
Charm Pack Table Topper!
Hello...how about a fast and fun table topper from a single charm pack?!
I've recently made this again in fun Christmas fabrics by Lori Holt...enjoy the original tutorial below!
Today I'd like to share a quick and easy table topper I made from a Moda charm pack, 2 yards of 1/2" (or 5/8")
Today is Tuesday, and I haven't sewn much lately. I had my two college kids home, and we had a lot of fun family time. In my mailbox this weekend was this delightful "tea house" and "tea swap" tag from Stephanie; she made these for each of the "Time for Tea" swap participants...thank you
A Quilt and More Dresses!
I finished my wall hanging...well, the top is finished...so it's ready to be quilted. This is seriously the quickest pattern for a wall hanging this size that I've ever made (finished size is 42 x 47). I spent less than 8 hours start to finish including cutting and doing the raw-edge machine
More Retreat Photos…And a Sneak Peak!
I have just a few more things to share from the retreat at Bryce Canyon...and then a little sneak peak of a project that is almost done! This is one of my favorite quilts from the Village Dry Goods trunk show. Four store employees shared their quilts with us...they gave a delightful presentation.
Quilt Retreat
Last week I got to spend a couple of days at the Bryce Canyon Quilt Retreat at Ruby's Inn in Bryce Canyon, Utah. The gorgeous scenery of Bryce Canyon National Park is just around the corner from the lodge where the retreat was held. There were over 240 participants with lots of classes, trunk
Checkmarks on the List
Do you have a list...or several...of things to do, things to make, things to think about doing and making? I have been a list maker all of my life...and there is nothing like being able to mark things off! I've been a bit under the weather for about a week...so what to do but sew and mark things
“My Home or Yours”
I've been working on my stitchery blocks from the pattern "My Home or Yours" by Lynette Anderson Designs. Here is the Tropical Home. Although we have lots of palm trees in southern Nevada, the weather is anything but tropical!I also finished the Barn block. I've been wanting to make a farmhouse or
Applique’ and Stitchery
Block one of the Tisket a Tasket Block of the Month is now complete (except for the buttons on the vine which I'll add after quilting)! And I must say block one was as fun to make as block two! Also, Anne is offering some embroidery tips starting with this post!About a week ago I was getting ready
Rainy Days and Mondays are Perfect for Sewing!
Finally...I went to work on my "A Tisket a Tasket" block of the month quilt! When I saw February's pattern I had to make it first...I just love the little birds! I decided to use "Sweet" and "Swell" for my quilt after seeing this block. I had soo much fun putting this little block
Half-Square Triangles and other Things
All of my Noah's Ark stitchery blocks are now complete...they just need to be put together; each month I had a new favorite as the new design seemed to be cuter than the previous one...I love them all! Thanks Lynette, for the free patterns! And, I'm starting a new stitchery project by Lynette
Another Whirlygiggle?
This is "State Fair"...a 32" square quilt from the Schnibbles pattern by Miss Rosie's Quilt Company. I love Schnibbles patterns...they are quick, fun, and always go together perfectly! In addition, there are always tips for precise piecing! I used charms from 3 different charm packs--Recess, Look
It has been a busy week...I've had to use small periods of time to get some sewing done. These are blocks from a project I hope to have finished this week. They're not whirlygiggles...I can't wait to show you this little quilt! On Saturday I was up at 5:00 a.m. to get younger son on a bus for a
Thank You!
Yesterday I got home to find an unexpected package at the post office. When I opened it up I found the cutest little house ornament from Stephanie...thank you Stephanie! The colors and the fabrics are delightful...I just love it! It will hang year round in my sewing room! A little bit later in the
Time for Tea
Yesterday I decided to play with a couple of teapot patterns. First I made the great new pattern from Ayumi at the Pink Penguin blog. I decided to do as Nanette did and use a button for the handle on the lid (I haven't found the perfect button yet). I love this little teapot. I enlarged the
More Blog Inspiration
I recently won a great give-away from Terri over at Purple and Paisley. For her birthday give-away she had many give-aways...and the prizes came from the Etsy shops of fellow bloggers! I was able to win the greatest little "Quilting Queen" sign which now officially gives me the title I've always
This is a quilt I've been working on since 2004 or 2005. I love this quilt designed by Peggy Waltman titled "Hopeful Sampler;" it contains pieced and applique'd blocks along with embroidered quotations relating to "hope." This quilt contains much of my journey as a quilter. It was while making this
My first finish for 2009...my Amy Butler Daisy Chain quilt is complete...binding and all! I have named this quilt "Sea Glass" since it reminds me of everything "ocean!" I also got my first "whirlygiggle" quilt top finished (sorry about this photo). The pattern was a lot of fun...I'll definitely be
Sometimes I devote a sewing day to working on one project...and other times I work on a little of this and a little of that. Yesterday was one of those days where I didn't have the attention span to work on just one project. I worked on my Daisy Chain quilt...which I'm quite sure will be my first
Hearts all Around
I remember thinking (and blogging) that I didn't have any Valentine's quilts...but while rearranging some of my quilts the other day I discovered that I do actually have a few "heart" quilts that can definitely count as Valentine's quilts. This is an early quilt of mine...probably mid-1990's (why
Houses, Fabric, and Whirlygiggles!
Today I went to the post office and there was a package from Nanette! Inside was one of her darling house ornaments and the cutest potholder I've ever seen! This potholder will never touch a casserole dish or a cookie sheet...it's a work of art and is going on the wall! Nanette also sent a kit I
Another Basket…of Course!
Of course I HAD to make a Pink Penguin basket in Valentine's fabrics...Moda's "Love is in the Air" is perfect for this project! I've never purchased Valentine's fabrics before, so it has been fun playing with them! I made a few more zipper bags...they are just so fun to make!And I have to share my
A few distractions kept me from making much progress on my "Merry-Go-Round" quilt this weekend. Friday night I was checking some blogs when Nanette's tutorial posted. I literally ran for my sewing room and made two blocks. Nanette's "Doll House" potholders are amazing...you'll have to go look at
I've been making a few more bags...a girl can never have too many bags, right?! They were great around the holidays for gifts, so I thought I should build up a little supply so that I always have a "thank you" on hand. I love the top one...I used some older Amy Butler fabrics for it. The bottom one
Merry-Go-Round Progress
I untied the ribbon and started to cut the strips for "Merry-Go-Round." The pattern is actually designed for two jelly rolls...but I had done a little math and knew I could make it with my fat quarter bundle...I just needed to cut twice as many strips as were called for. I cut lots and lots of
New Neighbor!
Another cottage has joined my neighborhood. This one is from Mel. Isn't it lovely! It is perfect...it really brings my neighborhood together! Not only did Mel send a cottage...but she sent a beautifully wrapped package with lots of goodies inside! The little bird ornament is just precious...he is
Fabulous Fabric
Here it is...my first Moda fat-quarter bundle! I've seen them at shops and on blogs, and Friday I bought my very first one with my Christmas money (thanks, Mom)! It's so gorgeous I just want to look at it...but I want to start my Merry-Go-Round quilt--so I'm going to have to untie the ribbon soon!
A New Year–More Quilts Ahead!
I've been thinking about projects and goals for the new year, and "Merry Go Round" is at the top of my list! The pattern is by Sandy Klop of American Jane and is found in the October 2008 issue of McCall's Quilting. Actually, I have a few hexagon projects for 2009, and I thought this would be a
“A Ribbon at a time”
My post title today comes from Emily Dickinson (No. 318)--it's a line describing the sun rising; however, I've had the line going through my mind as I've been organizing for the new year. I started to feel overwhelmed just by the amount of projects on my lists, so I have to keep reminding myself to