For a couple of reasons I’ve decided to play along with the weekly stash report hosted by Judy. First, I really want to know how much I’m buying and how much I’m using. I thought about starting mid-way last year but decided to wait for 2011. I also want to play along to sort of “keep myself in check” as to my fabric purchases as well as to make sure I’m using those pieces that I buy. So…I added 3 yards of Riley Blake Domestic Diva ( finally had to get some of this…plan on using it for potholders, a runner, and some gifts for next Christmas). I’ve also added 2 yards of the cream tonal background fabric from 12 Days of Christmas (not pictured)–this will be great to have to use with my 12 Days scraps, and I’m hoping it will also work with Kate’s next line, Flurry! And finally, I picked up ¾ yard of Echino’s Fall 2010 Collection (Patchwork in Multi) by Etsuka Furuya–I’m going to use some of this for hexies and the rest for a Japanese-inspired quilt. So, nothing used…but 5.75 yards added for the week/year! I’m keeping a spreadsheet…so hopefully this will be easy to keep track of!
I’ve been stitching hexies today…and trying to decide if I want to put them together in flowers or in straight rows…this project is kind of evolving as I work on it!
And…for the winners from our LePetite parade…we have a few…
We have a great prize donated by Cara Wilson, the wonderful quilter who designed our Prairie Point Christmas project.
It’s a Layer Cake of Perennials by Kansas Troubles! And this prize will go to Joyce!
Quilter’s Paradise has a $25 gift certificate for a mini shopping spree at their store…and this will go to Sandy L.
Quilt Taffy is giving a $10 gift certificate to use in their “sweet store” which will go to Tonya.
Donna at Bear Paw Quilts and more has
2 charm packs of Lily and Will by Bunny Hill which will go to Cardygirl. Congrats to everyone…a big “thank you” to our sponsors, and happy sewing everyone!
WoolenSails says
Congratulations to the winners!
I have been working on hexagons too, they are addicting.
Jeni says
I love working on hexagons…I think I am addicted. I love your blog too. I can't wait to see what you make with your hexagons…have fun!
Simone de Klerk says
Congratualtions to the winners!
Love the hexagons!
For my stash I am planning to buy as little fabric as possible, since last year my stash only grew and grew.
I hope I can keep up ;o)
Stephanie says
Hmmm…I might feel ill is I translated all of the incoming fabric on a spread sheet if I put the dollar amount next to it. Isn't it better to just see yardage amounts? :o) Best of luck.
Love your Soul Blossoms hexagons.
Mama Pea says
I keep thinking I should do the stash report, too, but I'm just concerned I'd spend a lot of time trying to figure up what I used. I'd rather be sewing! haha
Love your hexies. I would have been afraid to put all those together, but I really love them!
badlandsquilts says
Love those hexagons!
Kelly@ Charming Chatter says
Great way to keep track of the in and outs of fabric – not sure I want to know LOL. Cute hexagons!!
Jacqueline says
Oh wow congratz to the winners!! How lucky! I adore your very cute hexagons!! Wishing you LOVE and JOY this new year! Thanks so much for your love and support you sent my way in 2010! Looking forward to sharing more with you this year. Love to you!
Gale, Ky quilter says
Congratulations to the winners!
Happy New Year & Happy Stitching!
Michele says
Congrats to the winners! I love the hexagons……beautiful fabrics!
Terriaw says
Congrats to all those lucky winners! You all always offer the best prizes.
How fun to keep track of your stash in such a detailed method.
Thimbleanna says
Good luck with your stash record. I need to do the same thing, but I know it would be heavily skewed to the acquiring side and it makes me afraid LOL!
Sandie ~call me crazy says
Oh I'm so excited! 🙂
I'm not sure I would like to keep track of what goes in my stash~ what comes out could be fun though LOL
Cute hex's. Thanks to all the sponsors!