About Sherri:
Hello, I’m Sherri, the woman behind this top Quilting blog, A Quilting life… I live in the desert of southern Nevada, but I love the ocean and rainy days. I love my terrific family–my husband, four wonderful children, and my four cute granddaughters and two grandsons! My hobbies are quilting, stitching, reading, writing, gardening (in the desert), reading time management and lifestyle books, and genealogy.
I’ve loved fabric since I was a child–I was blessed with a mother and grandmother who both sewed for me and inspired me to sew. I received my first sewing machine and sewing lessons at our local Singer shop when I was about 10 and have been sewing clothing and home décor items ever since. In about 1993 I began quilting with a “gentle push” from my grandmother, and I haven’t stopped!
About this Quilting Blog…
I began this blog in the summer of 2008 in order to keep track of my quilting and sewing projects. It quickly became so much more as I developed friendships with quilters from all over the world. Blogging has opened up a whole new world of quilting inspiration for me–I’m amazed on a daily basis by the wonderful creativity and generosity of the amazing individuals associated with the quilting community. Thanks to everyone who I meet through this world of blogging!
I love sharing my love of quilting here on the blog. I’ve also written two books: A Quilting Life: Creating a Handmade Home, and Fresh Family Traditions. I also have a third book published in June of 2019 co-authored with friend and fellow Moda designer, Corey Yoder: Sunday Best Quilts. More recent books include Labor of Love, Home & Hearth. In 2022 I published Home for the Holidays with my daughter Chelsi Stratton, and our second collaboration, Family Favorites was published in September 2024. You might also enjoy my A Quilting Life Planner & Workbook if you love keeping track of all things sewing and quilting.
I publish patterns through my pattern company, Quilting Life Designs, and I design fabric for Moda along with my daughter Chelsi. We have designed over 21 fabric collections with Laguna Sunrise shipping in October 2024 and the most recent, Raspberry Summer, arriving in stores in February of 2025!
Most days you’ll find me here…in my light-filled sewing studio where I love to sew, quilt, and create beautiful things for my home, family, and friends! For a recent tour of where I sew, you might enjoy this post! My cutting table is one of my favorite pieces in the sewing room. It is from Klaussner Home Furnishings under their William Mangum Carolina Preserves Collection. I purchased it at a smaller furniture shop, but I’ve heard it is available in some of the larger chain furniture retail locations.
Keep in Touch with Sherri and A Quilting Life:
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- Sign up for Sherri’s Weekly Newsletter
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Patreon Community
Quilting Patterns:
Patterns are available wholesale — for details on wholesale orders
please email me at the above address. You can also find my patterns in
my Etsy shop .
And a little more…
And…for some of the non-traditional “About Me” topics…read below for some of my favorites things (most of them are in no particular order)!
- God, and this beautiful world
- my husband, four amazing children + their amazing children + the individuals who love and support all of them
- the ocean, and rain, and cloudy days in the desert
- fabric (of course!)
- kindness + lemonade + mango/Italian ice gelato
- pepperoni pizza (thin crust)
- fish tacos
- soufflé
- houses with porches + shutters
- beautiful writing
- learning + growing
- flowers + shrubs + gardens
- art + white pitchers + soft aqua
- cashmere anything + denim
- armoires
- notebooks + pens + (parentheticals)
- chocolate covered strawberries
- hydrangeas
- being outside…or at least in a room with a view
- quilting + my sewing machine…
I am available for quilting lectures and classes. Please contact me for further information. I am currently scheduling for 2025 and beyond.
Thanks so much!