Hello, friends, and happy Saturday! Today I’m sharing the Saturday Seven 267: Lifestyle + More for Quilters featuring a variety of great articles and inspiration I’ve found from around the web this week. I’ll be doing my annual January reset this weekend and can hardly wait to get things organized and fully back on track. I might sneak in just a little bit of sewing too!

Saturday Seven 267: Lifestyle & More for Quilters
1. Self-Care
One thing that has been useful for me as I’ve tried to take more care of myself mentally, physically, and spiritually is an occasional time-tracking exercise to check up on how I’m really spending my days. Go here to sign up for a week of time tracking with time management expert Laura Vanderkam. This post with “10 Prompts for the New Year” has some great content. And finally, here are links to some of the best posts from Zen Habits in 2022 (several I’ve linked to in this section in the past).
2. Cook
I can’t wait to try this Pomegranate, Burrata and Avocado Salad (I have her cookbook and have loved the recipes I’ve tried so far).This Skillet Lemon Parmesan Chicken looks so refreshing and delicious. And this One Pot Sausage Pasta is also on my “must make” list. Finally, here are “23 Healthy Recipes to Kick of 2023.“
3. Quilt + Sew
Fat Quarter Shop is sharing this darling Love Note Free Quilt and Cross Stitch pattern. And if you’re ready to make all of the heart quilts now, I have a great round-up post of heart-themed projects here. Finally, here is a great article about the quilts of Gee’s Bend.
4. Bookshelf
I’ve been making great progress this week in finishing up books started but not finished and recording summaries and thoughts from those I’ve finished in my book journal. I’m planning a “What I Read in 2022” post very soon. Also, I finished this book on The Power of Habit this week and gained a lot of helpful insights for life and business.
5. Home Organization
I’m doing a bit of decluttering this weekend and am super excited about it. Christmas decor is all put away, and I’m looking forward to my annual January reset. If you’re looking to do the same, then Erin is a great one to follow for home organizing. She’s kicking off a series on Monday and has lots of helps in this post if you want to join in. This article on “How to Declutter Your Home: 4 Easy Steps to Simplify & Organize” is also really helpful for taking charge of your home.
6. Goals, Intentions, and Resolutions
First, I loved this post where two creative women share their (very different) approaches to the new year. And this comprehensive post and podcast will give you a lot of resources for getting started this year. Finally, I also love the idea of “23 for 2023” list. Here are some terrific ideas (I’m making my list today and will share it soon).
7. Recently on the Blog
Below you’ll find links to posts from earlier this week on the blog:
- January 2023 Quilt Block of the Month
- Ornaments + Home for Christmas Wall Hanging
- 2023 Quilting Goals: How to Get Organized
- Sugar Pine Stars Fat Quarter Quilt
- Sewcialites 2 Quilt Block 10
Thanks so much for stopping by for the Saturday Seven 267: Lifestyle & More for Quilters. If you are looking for more similar inspiration, you can find all of the previous posts in this series here.
Happy quilting!
Patti McConnell says
Under section 3, I could not get the link to work for more heart projects, but I did a search and copied this link. If anyone wants it. https://www.aquiltinglife.com/valentines-and-heart-projects-round-up/
I really like the pillows! Thank you!
Kay Welch says
Happy New Year – this week my favorite link is the 23 in 2023. I will make my list this weekend. I am also doing some decluttering and better organizing in my creative space. I’m following Pat Sloan’s “Tidy Up” and also Just Get It Done Declutter challenge. It’s amazing how much “stuff” I can get in my small space. My word for 2023 is “Finish”. I have so many projects (not just quilting) that I need to get finished. Thanks for another great post.
Sue H says
The One-Pot Sausage dinner sounds delicious. Can’t wait to try it out. Thanks for the links for all the hearts projects!