Well…the pressure was just too much! For the past week or so I’ve watched as one person after another joined in the quilt-along using the book The Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt: Letters from 1920s Farm Wives and the 111 Blocks They Inspired. The quilt-along is hosted by Amanda and Angela and is based on the book written by Laurie Aaron Hird (to find out more about the book, go here). I really tried not to join in…really I did…I have a lot of things going on right now. But I have a lot of ancestors who were farmers and farmer’s wives…and so I bought the book thinking I’d just read it for fun. However, the book is so amazing that within a day of receiving it I was making blocks.
I know we’re only supposed to make two blocks per week…but I wasn’t quite sure when week 1 ended, so thought I’d start with four simple blocks so as not to get behind. I’m going to use Fig Tree fabrics from my stash–I shouldn’t have to purchase anything until I decide on sashing. And I’m going to make the king-sized quilt–hey, if I’m making 111 blocks I ought to get a big quilt out of them! First I made Block #2, Autumn Tints.
Next, I chose another simple pattern, Basket Weave, Block #4.
And then I made Box, block #9.
And finally I made the Friendship Star, Block #41. I’m really excited about this quilt-along–it should be a lot of fun. I’m thinking about starting a second set of blocks using brights from my stash….there are so many possibilities for this project! Oh, and there is also a Flikr group to go along with the quilt along.
Since I was posting those Fig Tree blocks…thought I would share this fun backpack I made using Butterscotch & Rose, Joanna’s newest fabric line that will come out in the fall. The backpack is one of Joanna’s newest patterns, the Daisy Girl Backpack, and this is one terrific pattern. I was a little hesitant about making this (I guess I just didn’t believe you could really make a backpack), but it went together perfectly. I used charm squares for the outer bag which is a little different than the pattern. This pattern is perfect for a child, yet also has longer strap measurements for an adult.
Okay…well…that’s all for now…school gets out here tomorrow, and then summer will officially begin here at my house…can’t wait!!!
WoolenSails says
Wonderful blocks, that will be a beautiful quilt.
happy zombie says
I was so excited when I saw your tweet that you joined the FWQAL! You blocks are so beautiful, as I knew they would be!
Mary says
This will be a wonderful quilt. Your fabic choice is great. I have made the quilt, and it is wonderful. A lot of fun. Enjoy!!
Jenny says
oh NNNOOOOO! Sherri…you might just be the straw that broke this camel's back! I've been wondering about my stash of Fig Tree….this is perfect!
badlandsquilts says
LOVE your blocks…I couldn't resist either, the book is on it's way!
Rhonda says
LOVE this! I just might have to join in
Jules says
Oh no! Not you too!!!
I am a farmer's wife and I even have the EQ7 companion software (needed it for a guild raffle quilt, I'm chair) but I'm not done with Dear Jane… surely I can't do another one like this. And I'm in this monthly schnibbles group and….
Maybe I'll just enjoy yours online….
Busy As Can Be says
I love that book. I haven't started yet making any blocks but I love reading it. Your blocks look so good.
Hanne says
Lovely blocks 🙂
Bolo heads says
I have seen everyone else's version and I think I like yours the best.
suemac says
Farmer's Wife is fun to make. That was the quilt we made for my first class ever. I only did 50 blocks for a laptop quilt. Have fun with it.
Darlene says
I bought the book for the same reason – to read the stories and such. Your blocks are beautiful, Sherri.
diane says
my book arrived today now I have to choose fabrics! UGH! I don't like choosing fabrics! HELP!
Silvia says
Sherry, how lovely blocks!!. I can not imagine how wonderfull it will be when you finishe it.
Ivory Spring says
Lovely fabric choices!
Carol says
Oh Sherri, I've resisted that book for all this time…you may have just pushed me over the edge…and a quilt along too! I may just have to jump in…a couple of blocks a week is certainly doable…LOL! Cute, cute backpack!
Helen in Switzerland says
I think I'm going to have to follow the crowds too and buy the book!
Tiffany says
I don't have this book, my library doesn't have this book, and I don't have the money for this book right now… so I will resist! Love checking out everyone's blocks tho! 🙂
Magnolia Bay Quilts says
That looks so fun! And your quilt is going to be gorgeous in Fig Tree fabrics. Love the back pack, too!
karenfae says
I love the fabrics that you are using for this quilt. I have the book too and have thought to get started and never do as I'm working on other things. I will hop over and see about this quilt along and maybe get started too.
Auntie Pami says
Too much pressure! I totally agree. It's on my list, but I have so many other things I need to finish.
Dana says
I have thought about buying the book, now I will definitely be purchasing it! It would be fun to join the quilt along….now I just need to think about the fabric choices 🙂
Saska says
My DIL got me the book for Christmas. I feel so guilty about not starting blocks..but I've got SOOOOO much to finish first. It's definitely fun to read tho. I'll get there.
JayTee says
Love your blocks…I've done some…I need to join the quiltalong so I will be motivated to work steady on them
Cathy says
I didn't join the QAL but I too am working on the Farmer's Wife quilt. Your blocks are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Hugs.
2ne says
Nice blocks – I understand you got some creative idèes from the book.
Talin's Corner says
Love your blocks and I especially like the backpack you made. I love the fabrics that you used.
Pat says
I love the blocks that you have started with and look forward to seeing the ones in the future. School is out and summer is officially starting.
Deborah Hays says
This is way too funny! I own both books, The Farmers Wife and the Dear Jane….. are all of us related somehow? 😉 I can't wait to see your quilt when you're done. So how do you get the time…… Debbie
angela@sfquilts.com says
I bought the Farmer's Wife book today. I can't wait to get started on my blocks too. Thanks for sharing.
Mama Pea says
I have had that book for over a year now and have yet to start that quilt, myself. One of these days! Yours should be beautiful in those colors!
arandomharvest says
I found this book in our library and I am enjoying the letters in it so much. My parents and their families went through the 'Dirty Thirties' in Saskatchewan and many of the stories are the same. I learned so much from them and their experiences; thrift, creativity, food production and preservation, handcrafts, etc.
I'm just beginning to hand-sew again and have begun making some of these blocks as my 'refresher course'. One day they will be a lovely quilt for me. In the meantime, I've been enjoying this blog and am now a follower.