Hello and Happy Saturday! I hope your weekend is off to a great beginning, and thank you so much for stopping by here! If you are new to my Saturday posts, the Saturday Seven posts are a smorgasbord of fun things for quilters: patterns, notions, recipes, good reads, lifestyle, and more! Enjoy!
1. Quotes for Simple Living
I do love inspirational quotes! And I loved every single one of these “12 Simple Living Quotes.” They’ll make you stop and think and inspire you to slow down and enjoy life. Find them here.
2. Recipes, Recipes, Recipes
I can never choose just one recipe to share (although strangely while in Kansas City last weekend I ate at the same restaurant four different times, getting only two different menu items). First up, is this Fresh Squeezed Lemonade and Limeade recipe. And then there was a bonus post with Fresh Fruit Syrups to complement the lemonades. With summer just around the corner these would be so much fun for your Memorial Day or 4th of July gathering. Finally, these Strawberry Crumble Muffins look delicious!
3. Simplified Cleaning
Although I love organizing and decluttering, I certainly don’t want to spend the majority of my time on these tasks (I’d rather be sewing). So I loved this free printable with a great list of “5 Minute Fixes”–simple tasks that can be done in five minutes or less. Find it here. And if you’d like a detailed explanation of the whole Kon Mari craze, this post breaks it all down wonderfully.
4. Summer Sewing Goals
Yesterday as part of my Sew Your Stash series I wrote about my summer sewing and personal goals for this summer. I’m super excited to get started on these. If you missed the post you can find it here.
5. Sewing Circles
Lately I’m drawn to curves…in quilting and in sewing. I love these Curved Bottom Wristlet Zipper Pouches. And I also think these Scrappy Full Circle Zipper Cases look like a lot of fun. And although this project doesn’t have any curves or circles, these Pinwheel Pincushions were too cute not to share. Find the free tutorial/pattern here. Finally, if you’re looking for some ideas for projects to sew for men, this “Gifts to Sew for Father’s Day” post has some good ones.
6. Health and Care-Taking
I’m not fun to be around when I’m tired. And sometimes work + travel calls for some long days. When I finally got home from Quilt Market earlier this week I think I had been up for about 21 hours straight minus a 45 minute “nap” on the plane! So it was nice that I found this article this week on “A Mindful Method for When You’re Tired.” The ideas in it are helpful whether you’re really tired or just regular tired!
7. More Ideas & Inspiration
For more fun ideas and inspiration, you can find all of the previous Saturday Seven posts here.
Happy Quilting, and thanks so much for stopping by!
Hildy says
Thanks for your post and Happy Weekend!
Kelly A DuMaresq says
Thanks so much for these Saturday posts Sherri. My Saturday morning starts with a coffee and your wonderful posts ❤️ So much interesting stuff!
Andi says
Hi Sherrie,
I follow your Saturday Seven posts regularly, Thanks for all that you share!
I can’t find where to purchase the nested churn dash quilt pattern, I get a 404 error when I try to follow your link to it from your earlier post about it. I love this pattern and would like to make it. So, my question is, do you know where to purchase the pattern? Thanks much!