Hello and happy Saturday! Thanks so much for stopping by for my Saturday Seven Inspiration for Quilters 65 post. My Saturday posts are a round-up of fun things I’ve found from around the web that I think will be of interest to quilters. Post topics include fabrics, patterns, books, recipes, and organizing and decorating ideas. Enjoy!

Saturday Seven Inspiration for Quilters 65
1. Decorating with Quilts
Recently one of my amazing quilting friends started blogging again. And then she shared such a fun idea for decorating with quilts outside. First she mentioned how easy it is to quilt up a pre-printed panel to use for outside décor…and then she shared a wonderful way to hang quilts outside. Read her post and get all of the details here.
2. Always Recipes
First…this super simple and incredibly delicious Easy Fettuccini Alfredo. And then there is this Easy Chicken & Dumplings recipe I couldn’t pass up. And since I’m on the topic of comfort foods…how about some Easy No Knead Overnight Artisan Bread that would be wonderful with either of these two main dishes?! Find the bread recipe here.
3. Time Management
Thank you so much for all of the positive feedback and terrific ideas to go along with yesterday’s Sew Your Stash post. (If you missed it, you can read the Sew Your Stash Power Hour for Quilters Post here). I love reading the comments on these posts because there are always good ideas shared that can help everyone. On the same topic…I loved this post on spending our time intentionally…I can definitely apply these ideas to help make more time for quilting! Read the post here.
4. Quilt…
My copy of the new Summer Moon book by Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie’s Quilt Company arrived, and I’m in love with it! the beautiful sampler quilt has 24 different blocks in three sizes. Each block is made in each of the three sizes to create this beautiful sampler quilt. I’m thinking I am definitely going to have to participate in a sew along for this one! Get the book here.
5. Getting Organized
I do love having beautiful things on display for inspiration (and that definitely includes fabric bundles in the sewing room). But I thought this article on “How the Convenience Fallacy Contributes to Clutter in our Home” was quite interesting. I definitely accomplish more when I have clean work spaces, so I might have to think a little bit about what I choose to leave out at all times in the sewing room.
6. Favorite Quotes
I’m always on the search for inspirational quotes about the creative life…and this week I found two that I just have to share! The first one is from American novelist Alice Walker and says: “Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul.” I just love this one! And the other one I found is from E.L Konigsburg and says, “Some days you must learn a great deal. But you should also have days when you allow what is already in you to swell up and touch everything.” I feel like both of these passages really explain the beauty and joy we get to feel on a regular basis as we sew quilts for ourselves, our family, our friends, and for others we may never know.
7. This and That: Shop News
I’ve added a few new things to the fabric section of my shop this week that you might want to see…and as soon as I’ve filled all of my kit pre-orders, there may be also some extras available. I’ll have to email everyone on the waiting list first, but there may be extra pre-cuts, bundles, and kits available early next week. Visit my shop here.
I hope you enjoyed this Saturday Seven Inspiration for Quilters 65 post. Remember that you can find all of my previous Saturday Seven posts here.
Happy quilting…
gailss1 says
Always love Saturdays and what new finds you have for us Sherri. More good info and great tips……you keep us inspired and love these posts.
Thank you
Phyllis says
I love your blog, especially the Saturday 7. I just moved and will have TWO adjacent rooms for sewing and quilting. I’m so excited and have been reviewing every article I can about setting up sewing space. I’m more technically proficient than creative. I cannot sew in a mess. I try to neaten up my sewing room at the end of each session. I had a hug pegboard in my previous room. However I’m even debating whether that’s necessary. Command hooks give so many opportunities to hang something right where you use it, rather than centrally storing a lot of unrelated stuff.
Another tip: when I’m just not feeling like I’m in the mood to sew, I go to my sewing room. Sort through stuff, clean the machines, make sure every thing is its location. While I’m doing kind of mindless stuff my mind is working behind the scene to identify the next project.
FranniCat says
They call that nesting when you tidy up before delivering a baby. Maybe you are nesting in your new residence & will contemplate your fabric bundle of joy when you deliver it, that is your next creation. LOL.. Have fun-no pain!
sherri McConnell says
Great tips! Thank you!
Patsy says
Thank you for another inspiring blog. So many great tips. I was thrilled to see the quote from E.L. Konigsburg as I used her books often with my fifth graders She was a gifted author and remarkable person who lived and taught school here in Jacksonville, FL.
sherri McConnell says
I loved reading her books when I was younger! I didn’t realize she taught as well…good to know!
Jane says
I keep a journal of quotes I love in my bedside table. These two will definitely be added! Thanks!
Nelda says
Thank you. I love all your tips and the articles you post to read. I just read about the “convenience fallacy”. I really need to live this one. I have used lots of your tips for organizing and I am loving your HST block of the month. I especially loved the quotes you shared today. Full of appreciation.
Karen says
I love your fabric lines Clover Hollow and Walkabout. Are you working on new ones?