Hello, friends! Today I’m sharing Saturday Seven 270–a lifestyle and inspiration post for quilters and other creatives! I hope you’ll enjoy today’s round up of ideas and more. I’m spending my Saturday (mostly) in the sewing room. Also, did you know that February 2nd (next week) will mark the half-way point of winter? Great news for those who live in very cold climates now!

Saturday Seven 270: Lifestyle & More for Quilters
1. Self-Care
Find helpful thoughts here on how to “Create Exquisite Focus Amidst Chaos.” Also, making a “Things I’m Loving Now” list is wonderful for your state of mind. See a couple of examples on this post. Finally, this week the Productive Woman shared tips on Planning for Productivity.
2. Cook
I’ve had lots of requests for the cinnamon roll recipe I mentioned on the podcast earlier this week. You can find the recipe here (Note: I didn’t do the overnight method). I also just recently made these Blueberry Scones with Lemon Glaze and absolutely loved them too (per my friend Vicki add one egg to the cream before adding to the flour mixture). Finally, here is a shortcut Easy Baked Chicken Parmesan perfect for a busy weeknight (or weekend) meal.
3. Quilt + Sew
First, Simply Delightful pre-cuts are in the shop (and yardage will be here soon)! Find Fat Quarter and Fat Eighth bundles, Layer Cakes, Jelly Rolls, Honeybuns, Charm packs, and Mini Charms here. There are also a few additional FQ Bundles here. Next, my daughter Chelsi is having a fun sew along that begins Monday. Get all of the details from her blog here. (You can find the pattern she is sewing along with here). Also these super cute fabric envelopes would be perfect for Valentine’s gift cards. And finally here is a fun round up of projects to sew for your favorite traveler.
4. Fat Quarter Shop January 2023 Sew Sampler Box
The latest Fat Quarter Shop Sew Sampler Box arrived this week, and today is the first day to be able to share (spoiler alert if you haven’t received yours yet). You can watch the unboxing video above, or go here to watch it on our YouTube Channel. And find the box contents with links listed below:
- Calico fabric by Lori Holt (5″ Stackers included in the box)
- Bee Plaid Wrist Pincushion
- 2.50 Reader Glasses with Soft Case (a variety of strengths and styles available)
- 6″ Kite Quilt Block Foundation Paper Pad
- Bliss Quilt Along Block 10
5. Bookshelf
I finished this book on stress earlier this week and learned so much (apparently, I don’t breathe correctly the majority of the time). And I really appreciated the practical suggestions for better health included in each chapter. I also enjoyed “Decluttering at the Speed of Life” which gave me a lot of great ideas for decluttering in the sewing room.
6. Home Decor & Organization
I loved this fun post on ideas for filling glass jars for Valentine’s Day–how easy would it be to make some of those cute little hearts she shares with your favorite Valentine’s fabric scraps?! And here are some terrific ideas for styling bookshelves. And finally, here is a great list of Organizing Projects You Can Tackle in 15 Minutes.
7. Recently on the Blog
Here are links to the posts from earlier this week:
Thanks so much for stopping by for the Saturday Seven 270: Lifestyle & More for Quilters post. If you are looking for more similar inspiration, you can find all of the previous posts in this series here. Happy quilting!
Carol says
Love your Saturday 7 posts! Thank you! Is there a link for the Valentine’s glass jars in #6?
Mary Kauffman says
Thanks for the inspiration. Did you leave out the link to the Valentines/hearts in a glass jar? I couldn’t find that link!
Thanks for all that you do!
Regina says
Thanks for all you shared this morning! I didn’t see the link for the different ways to fill jars for Valentine’s Day. Am I just missing it? I look forward to your Saturday post each week!
Lee Ann Kittleson says
In the Home Decor Section, the link to filling glass jars wasn’t activated. I thought you’d like to know so you can fix it.
I submitted to quickly! Have to mention that I read the Saturday 7 every Saturday morning. It’s become part of my weekend, de-stress routine.
Mary Jo says
Within the 15 minute organizing article was a link to a post about making a capsule wardrobe from clothes you already have. Your readers might find this interesting.
McJunkin Leslie says
What is the name of your new Christmas line? When will it be in your Etsy shop?
Michelle says
Hi! Love your Saturday blog posts! Is there a link missing for the Valentine’s idea in the last section?
Suzanne says
Jocooks.com has a great cinnamon roll recipe that sounds maybe even a little easier. I do the overnight method. No bread flour required. I don’t have a lot of baking confidence, but these always turn out great….except for that one time when I tried to speed the rising along and forgot to turn the oven off after preheating to 200 and also forgot to remove the plastic wrap. Yikes!!
Florence says
thank you for sharing the planning page. I am typically not a planner on paper.As I have gotten older, I am finding my mind is not as it used to be. my problem is even whem I get a planner I forget to use it. I also hate technology though I undesrtand the benefits. I feel Technology is complicating rather than simplify our lives. But it is always good to try new things.
Happy New Year.
Lynne says
Hi Sherri, I loved your unboxing video and the Lori Holt fabric in it. I followed the link but apparently the 5″ charm square packs are not available? I love calico fabric for reproduction quilts. Thanks for all you do for the quilting community.