Hello, friends, and happy October! Welcome to the Saturday Seven 253: Lifestyle + More for Quilters post where I share inspiring articles, quilting, sewing, home and organization ideas. I’m spending this weekend at home and hope to get some major cleaning done in my sewing room. (We just found out that sample precuts for our next collection are on the way, and I want to be ready to sew with them when they arrive). I also hope to get a bit of handwork done while watching inspirational messages throughout Saturday and Sunday. I hope this week’s round-up of good reads and inspiring things will have your weekend and your week off to a terrific start. PS–keep reading to the end of the post for this month’s free calendar PDF download!

Saturday Seven 253: Lifestyle + More
1. Self-Care
I really liked this article on “Moving from Desire to Action” (hopefully it will help as I attempt to declutter my closet this weekend). And this article/podcast on “Women, Stress, and Productivity” is absolutely informative and helpful (and timely with the busiest time of the year just around the corner). Finally, this post on “The 12 Golden Rules of Decluttering” was super helpful as I tend to do a “fall cleaning” each year in preparation for the holidays.
2. Cook
Get lots of ideas for your fall menu planning in this roundup of “22 Delicious Fall Family Dinners.” For something sweet, you might want to try these amazing Apple Dumplings (I have this cookbook, and I think this is the first time she has shared the recipe for free on her blog). Recently I mentioned my favorite Corn Chowder recipe and received a few requests for the recipe–you can find it here. Finally, I have a discount code for Wildgrain! Get $10 off your first box and Free Croissants in Every Box here. We love Wildgrain breads, pastas, and dessert items–and there is no better time to try these amazing products than right now.
3. Quilt + Sew
This weekend I plan on doing some hand applique orange peel blocks. I recently saw this tutorial and realized it was a method I had learned in a class years ago. So, I’ve been prepping petals and will let you know how it goes! This fall coaster and garland is adorable–I’m still trying to get one made. And here is a link for a Folded Star Pincushion Tutorial I’ve been wanting to try–if anyone gets to it before I do, please let me know 🙂
4. Sewcialites 2 is Coming
Mark your calendars for the beginning of the Sewcialites 2 Quilt Along. I’m super excited to be participating once again this year as a block designer. Here are a few of the most important details:
- Sewcialites 2 begins with the first block pattern shared on October 21st and each Friday for 24 weeks with breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
- You can make blocks in 3″, 6″, or 9″ finished sizes. I’m thinking about making 3″ and 6″ blocks–we shall see!
- Go here to download the information packet from Fat Quarter Shop with fabric requirements for all three block sizes.
- Find even more details in the informational post shared the other day on the Jolly Jabber (FQS) Blog.
5. Sew Sampler September 2022 Box Reveal
The September Sew Sampler Box arrived just the other day, and it’s a good one with some fun goodies inside including:
- Sweet as Honey Daisy Fields 10″ Stacker (such a darling collection)
- More Daisy Fields Fabric Options
- Magnetic Seam Guide
- Thimble Pad Leather Adhesive Thimble (going to try these out this weekend)
- Ergonomic Seam Ripper
- Bliss Quilt Along Block 6
- Sew Sampler Sign Ups Available Here
6. Bookshelf
I got some great books in the mail this week! First up is the beautiful A Home to Share by the author of the 100-Year-Old Home Blog. Inside this book you’ll find beautiful photos, lots of decor and design inspiration along with some DIY project ideas. I’ve also been enjoying Ryan Holiday books for a few years now, and his latest–Discipline is Destiny: The Power of Self Control just released this week. I can’t wait to start reading and love how his books are divided into short, manageable chapters. And finally, I love the brand new on the cookbook front is What’s Gaby Cooking: Take It Easy Recipes for No Stress Deliciousness. Super excited to try many of these recipe ideas.
7. Recently on the Blog
Here are links to the posts from earlier this week on the blog:
- A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 66 Show Notes
- Christmastime Mystery Quilt Block 3
- Moda Blockheads 4 Block 28 + Quilt Finish
- Quilting Life Favorites September 2022
- 10 Tips (+ More) for Using Jelly Roll Strips (a very popular post from a few years ago with some new updates)
- Plus download the free October PDF calendar here or click the button below 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by to read the Saturday Seven 253: Lifestyle + More for Quilters post. If you are looking for more terrific ideas and inspiration, you can find all of the previous posts in this series here.
Happy quilting!
Dulce says
I love your posts!
Lisa says
Love love love your posts, they are so inspirational and positive….just like you!! Thank you for all that you bring to us!
lee says
Thank you very much for another great Saturday Seven…. even though I am reading on Sunday! 🙂