Hello, friends! First, thank you so much for all of the kind comments on my April Works in Progress update yesterday! Today I’m sharing my Sampler Spree Quilt Blocks April 2022 Update (that I didn’t get finished up in time for yesterday’s video). And I’m also giving you some information about the Garden of Quilts event where I’ll be teaching this fall.

Sampler Spree Blocks Update
I have some new fabric sewing that is just around the corner, and so I decided I’d better get my Sampler Spree quilt finished up and off to my quilter. So, over the weekend I chose the light sashing and small posts and started sewing blocks together. There are 100 blocks in this quilt, and they are first set together in groups of four. I divided my blocks into their main color families and then tried to get a good mix of both prints and colors in each group of four.
Block Sashing and Posts
I decided to go with the fun “plus” print ton-on-tone from Seashore Drive for my inner block sashing. And I used a blue floral from our Clover Hollow collection for the small posts. I’m really happy with how they all went together. Now I just need to make a quick decision regarding the sashing that goes between the large blocks.
Outer Block Sashing
Right now, I’m thinking about going with one of the three prints above for sashing. The grey floral on the left is from Seashore Drive, and the blue and yellow prints are both from Emma. There isn’t a border on this quilt, so whichever fabric I choose will figure pretty prominently in the quilt. I’m leaning towards the yellow right now because it’s so bright and happy–and there isn’t a lot of yellow in the quilt. Thoughts, anyone?
Garden of Quilts
Finally, I want to share with you that I will be teaching at the Garden of Quilts event at Thanksgiving Point in Utah on September 14th and 15th. I’ll be teaching Emma’s Garden and Al Fresco and am super excited to have been invited back after all of the craziness of the past few years. I was able to teach at this event in September 2019 and thoroughly enjoyed my time there then. It’s one of those don’t-miss events. Get more information on classes here (you can sign up to be on the event mailing list at the bottom of the page). Signups will be available shortly, so keep an eye out. I’ll let everyone know here on the blog as soon as I hear signups are open.
Thanks so much for stopping by for my Sampler Spree Blocks Update–happy quilting.
Carol banks says
Yes use yellow. Should look gorgeous..
Anne Crostic says
I like the yellow for the dashing too!
Cathy Barnes says
I am looking forward to getting my Seashore Drive low volume packet soon.
sherri McConnell says
Fabrics are supposed to be shipping this week from Moda…yay!
sherri McConnell says
Shipping out next week!
Rita Walters says
the Yellow would look amazing
L H says
Yellow would be my choice, too.
Bonnie Cruickshank says
Yes, go with the yellow. Wish I could go to Utah.
Karen says
Yellow would be perfect!!
Linda Templin says
When or where can we get the pattern