A whole stack of the extremely yummy Meadowsweet 2 means you have some decisions to make…
A whole stack of new designs from the amazing Camille doesn’t make the decision making process any easier…especially when you want to make every pattern! “June Bug” seemed to be the perfect match for Meadowsweet 2…so a decision was made!
Heat n Bond Lite is my favorite fusible to use for machine applique’. I like to buy it by the package and use a 50% off coupon at Jo-Ann’s (it’s also available by the yard, but buying it by the package also makes it easier to store).
Every shape that you need to fuse needs to be traced onto the paper side of the fusible web. Cut out each shape leaving just a little bit around the outside edge. Also, cut out the middle of your shape (I usually leave just about ¼″ on the inside). This will make sure that your applique’ shapes are soft and flexible…so that your quilt is also soft and flexible! Iron shapes to the wrong side of your applique’ fabric using a medium heat and only pressing for a few seconds.
Next, cut out all shapes on the outer drawn line…they are now ready to be fused to the background fabric. One nice feature of the “June Bug” pattern is that Camille includes a guide that you set underneath your background block to ensure that the petals are placed in the correct position. After the block is set in place you can slide out the guide and iron. Remove the paper backing (actually, I remove the paper backing from the fusible web before setting in place) and iron using a medium setting for just about 5 seconds. If you use too high of a setting or iron for too long the glue doesn’t seem to stick as well. You don’t need to use steam here, either.
The “June Bug” pattern is perfect for someone new to machine applique’ since the shapes are simple and have smooth curves. If you look closely at this picture you should be able to tell that I’ve already machine applique’d the edges on this block. I used a buttonhole stitch on my machine and made the stitch length just a bit wider. Practice on some scraps until you get the stitch look you like. I think machine applique’ gets easier the more you practice, and simple shapes are best for practicing! After finishing the machine applique’ I like to press my block from the back first and then press the front.
Here are all my blocks ready to be machine applique’d…two down and nineteen more to go!
My alternating blocks are all finished…hopefully I can get the machine applique’ finished today!
I also had to cut out another bag pattern while I was cutting my “June Bug” quilt…can’t wait to finish this one…these are the perfect fabrics for an end-of-summer bag!
And if you haven’t entered my giveaway yet…you can still enter here! I’m enjoying reading the comments (there are a lot, so I won’t be replying to these…). I’m also really appreciating the ideas for future posts…you’ve given me some great ideas, so thank you! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Deb says
Thanks for showing on you do this. I'm about to try my hand at applique, and it helps seeing pictures of what you've done.
Loris says
Beautiful fabric and wonderful pattern choice. This is going to be lovely! Thanks for the tips too.
Donnamo says
Your instructions and tips are a big help. Can't wait to see the final result.
Stephanie says
A pretty pair…Meadowsweet 2 and June Bug.
sincerely yours says
You're amazing; you accomplish so much in such a short time…I think I spend too much time "hemming and haaing" trying to make up my mind on what or how I could best do the project. Thanks for your tips on fusible applique…I love the idea of cutting out the center (of the webbing) as I hate the stiffness of large appliqued projects. Emma
Jenni says
I totally love the June bugs! Super cute!
Quilter Going Bananas says
June Bug is an adorable pattern! Thanks for showing how you do machine applique, it's the same way I do mine except I use Steam-a-Seam which I have handy in my sewing room. Can't wait to see the finished quilt top Sherri!
Little Bluebell (Adrianne) says
What a beautiful start! I'm loving that Meadowsweet and I think you're right, Junebug is a great fit.
Little Lady Patchwork says
This one is going to a beauty! I also love that fabric line.
trish says
Oh how cute! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia
Micki says
It is going to be gorgeous! I love your choice of fabric!
jabeybaby says
That is going to be a beautiful quilt! Thanks for the applique advice. I haven't ever cut out the middle of the fusible web, what a great idea, why didn't I think of that. 🙂
traceyjay says
I love this line… so much! And I love those petals!
Is this done with raw edge?
Not too bad at all if so! 🙂
Beautiful work Sherri
kate spain says
sherri, i just love to visit your blog and marvel at the amazing things you can do and make them look so effortless! it looks like you've paired the pattern and fabric perfectly, and have the workings of one beautiful quilt! can't wait to see it when it's all finished. xok
Sinta Renee says
Great combo! Looks like you have been having fun! Thanks for sharing your fusing technique. Can't wait to see your bag your working on… I wonder which one???
Chocolate Cat says
Do you know I use the fusible web a lot and I have never thought of or had someone suggest before to cut out the middle to keep the shape softer etc!!! What a great idea, thanks for the tip. Love how this quilt is looking!
Jackie says
I don't think you can lose with this combo! This is going to be a beautiful quilt!!
Cardygirl says
Another treasure…I really like tis one. I normally needleturn so it was great to hear your tips on machine applique…thankyou! I love Meadowsweet.
Terriaw says
what a perfect pattern for these fabrics! I love how those applique petals look. This technique is so much faster than hand applique-ing every single one of the petals. Those alternating blocks will really set off the petal blocks.
Magnolia Bay Quilts says
Great fabric choice for that pattern! I really like that collection. You've been busy!
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
Meadowsweet and June Bug look like a great combination Sherri! Can't wait to see it all together.
Donna S. says
Great tip on applique!! Can't wait to try that!!
Material Mary says
Love your June bug quilt. I have used Steam A Seam and found I really did not like it and it was way overpriced. I have been using wonder under with better results. I'm going to try the one you use and compare. Thanks for the tip.
Carol says
What a perfect pattern/fabric match! It's going to be an awesome quilt!
Cindy says
Fabric and pattern go nicely together, Sherri.
And you're so right, an End-of-Summer bag would be so perfect !!
Darlene says
Great pairing, Sherri. Awesome tutorial, too. I usually do applique by hand but may have to try your tips for machine applique. We have the same machine – would you mind sharing your machine settings, please.
Rebecca P says
What pretty fabric & darling pattern.
Thanks for the info on Heat n Bond. I love machine applique but hate how stiff it gets with other fusible webs. I am going to try Heat n Bond. Thank you.
Karen says
I think I like this Meadowsweet line better that the first.
You picked the perfect pattern…
Stina says
A very good decision..:o) Love the fabric and love the pattern!!! Cant wait until you show the whole quilt..:o)
Karen says
I haven't tried machine applique yet, but it's next on my list of skills I'd like to acquire. What a fun pattern, can't wait to see it finished.
Joy says
Ooooh what pretty fabrics!!! That is gonna be one GAWJUS quilt :o)!!!
Joy ;o)
謝昱廷 says
Barb says
Oh…I just love that….might have to try it.
Nanette Merrill and daughters says
Your new bag is going to be as lovely as all the rest! I like the method for the heat n bond. This is a beautiful project.
Lucy says
These are great tips on how to do this. I've never done applique and I might be crazy but my first attempt will be on Betsy's Closet — the little girl dresses. I need lots of help. lol You make it looks so easy. Thanks for sharing.