Tuesday is “Eventide” update day, and I have been having a wonderful time working on this pattern. It’s a wonderful design (the Ohio Star is one of my favorite blocks), and the French General and 3 Sisters fabrics are so incredibly elegant. I’m still in the early stages…mostly chain piecing right now, but I had to stop and put together one block!
I’ll be making more of these today…and then hopefully I can finish the Ohio Star blocks soon. There’s still time to join in this sew along if you’d like. You can read all about it on Thelma’s blog!
Since I’m quite sure I have attention deficit disorder when it comes to quilting, I’ve also been making flying geese. These will be 2″ by 4″ finished, and I already have a plan for them!
I’ve also been doing a little “spring organizing.” I’ve been wanting to collect my 2 ½″ strips together since reading this post of Kim’s. This box is for Sandi Henderson and Amy Butler fabrics.
This box contains Fig Tree fabrics along with Lecien.
And don’t they look great all stacked up! I think I have enough strips to fill one more box–hopefully I can get that organized today! It’s going to be so nice to have the strips all organized and in one place ready for projects. I’ll be tackling my charm square scraps next!
Oh, and thank you, thank you, thank you! I just noticed that I have reached over 1500 followers–I think a giveaway is in order–soon! Have a wonderful day!
Sue says
Sherri, those fabrics in that star block are gorgeous as well as the block!
I too, suffer from attention deficit disorder when it comes to quilting. About ten things in the works at the moment. Now it's making my head spin!!
Love your flying geese. Do you anything special to get your points right on track? Or are you just that good 🙂
Mary L. says
Love the blocks and now I'm leaving your blog FAST before I find myseelf tempted to join that one too!
Thimbleanna says
You're killing me with all of these gorgeous projects!!!
Helen in Switzerland says
The star is lovely – your choice of fabrics is just gorgeous! I so understand about quilters ADD – I have it too! It's hard not to with all the fabulous fabrics and patterns out there – so many quilts and so little time!!
Stephanie says
I do love Ohio Stars. Perhaps it's because I live in Ohio. I love Kim's strip organization tips. Now if I can just make myself do it.
ritad says
Quilter's ADD…. I have it and I'm not even looking for a treatment!!! That's one of the things that makes quilting so much fun!
Peg - Happy In Quilting says
Sherri the fabric ranges you are working with are just so beautiful…
ShirleyC says
The fabrics you chose are beautiful! I've always loved the Ohio Star.
1500 followers is amazing!
Jan Marie says
I bet you have lots more people that check your blog everyday. 1500 would be the tip of the iceburg. I can't imagine not see all the great things you are working on. I guess I get my quilting vicariously. I am very slow.
Q says
Congratulations Sherri! I would follow you twice if I could 😀
I love those boxes of strips, may have to steal them somehow!
And your blocks and sewing are all so perfect, they are always a real treat to gawk at, thanks for sharing.
Jackie says
Your Eventide block is fantastic! I always love red and I love stars…perfect combo you hit upon!
Martina says
Ohhhh Sherri… it's beautiful!!
Congratulations! I love this fabrics!
Hugs from Spain,
Mama Pea says
You are so fast, and all your piecing is so perfect! I saw Kim's post on that, too, and thought it was a great idea!
bingo~bonnie says
that Ohio Star block is FANTASTIC!!! Love that red with the chocolate brown tone! Beautiful can't wait to see more!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Béa says
Love your start on Eventide, rich & elegant, again a wonderful project.
Carol says
I'm crazy about your Ohio Star…great fabrics! Oh those flying geese are wonderful!
suemac says
I like your 2 1/2 strip organization. I am going to do some strip swaps in the next few months so I need to get organized.
Shannon says
The strips look great in the boxes. Thank you for the links. Those were good ideas!
Pink Fawn says
Great idea for jelly rolls & honey buns! It's much more user friendly to have them unrolled & ready to go.
Thelma says
Your Eventide blocks look great! You know I'm particularly interested in your project since we are using the same families of fabric, but I kept the blue! I can hardly wait to see more, thanks so much for participating in the sew along!