I had a chance to get out of the heat for seven whole days…yay! It was wonderful to visit Mountain Green ( a very picturesque small town up Weber Canyon in Northern Utah) with family and also to have so many great quilt shops close by! Here is a little bit of what I was up to….
I basted hexagons…
I went to lunch and did some fabric shopping with family and friends (left to right Rae Ann, Susann, Nanette, me, my sister-in-law LeeAnne, and Lori)! We’re pictured here at Pine Needles but also shopped together at Material Girls! I was also able to visit Quilter’s Haven. with LeeAnne…another wonderful shop!
While at Material Girls I was able to pick up some of Monica’s new fabric, Holiday Happy!
I was really looking for Lecien Flower Sugar 2 and Lecien Color Basics…I found a great selection at both Material Girls and Pine Needles (thanks Lori for helping me find them all)! (I’d been wanting some of these fabrics ever since seeing them on Pam, Elizabeth, Monica, Lori, and Nanette’s blogs)! The Color Basics coordinate wonderfully with both Flower Sugar lines and also with Monica’s fabric.
Quilter’s Haven had more Lecien…I was able to pick up a few prints from earlier lines…so glad I stopped in! I might just have enough fat quarters now to start a new project.
This darling bee was a gift from Lori…love Miss Bee’s apron! Rae Ann gave everyone some cute thirties fat quarters along with a measuring tape and chocolate, and Nanette had wonderful squares of fabric from her Japanese and vintage stash all tied together with rick rack–thanks so much!
I couldn’t wait to look at Nanette’s fabric squares…project already in mind!
I had a little down time on this trip and also started a new quilt…pattern Rosettes by Joanna Figueroa…fabric Luna Notte and Martinique by Moda. I love the center star design with the “ribbons” around it…with these fabrics this will be a very soft, vintagey quilt. I finished one block…
and started block two! Planning on lots of sewing and quilting this week…after all…it’s way too hot to go outside! Have a great day!
Trisha says
What fun to get to see friends and get some long sought after fabric. Love those hexies. What is your plan with those?
Magnolia Bay Quilts says
Sounds like you had a great time! Love all your fabric finds, and the hexagons are looking fabulous!
Stephanie says
Lots of pretties! Glad you had a great time.
Cardygirl says
What fun & gorgeous fabrics. Nice meeting up with likeminded souls! Love your hexies!
Jennifer @ Stitchin' Thyme says
Sounds like you had a blast. I love all the beautiful fabrics!
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
Another beautiful start, great shopping and great friends! It's a winner of a week Sherri!
Vickie E says
looks like you had fun!
PamKittyMorning says
I'm pea green!
Penny says
Oooooo those fabrics are so wonderful. Love the blocks you are working on. It was so nice to meet you. Vacations are wonderful but sometimes you need a vacation to get over the vacation.
Thimbleanna says
Oh you lucky girl! There's nothing better than quilt shopping in Utah — looks like you had a great time!
Karina says
Há muita coisa linda por aqui!
Lhe adicionei nos meus links favortitos para lhe acompanhar mais de perto e já soua sua seguidora
Kim Walus says
Hi Sherri. It would have been fun to meet you. I'm so happy you had such a wonderful visit and could stop at some of our great quilt shops.
Little Lady Patchwork says
Thank you for sharing your summer vacation with us!
Dawn says
Fun times!
Just Ramblin' says
Sounds like you have a great time. Love all the fabrics you picked up. These are my favorite quilt shops and sad to say I always find something wonderful when I visit them (esp. Pine Needles)… Nola
Terriaw says
What a wonderful vacation! I bet it felt great to get out of the summer heat for awhile. And how lucky to have all those great quilt shops to visit. You picked out lots of gorgeous fabrics to play with. I'm envious of your hexagons cuz I'm dyeing to try them.
Jackie says
Looks like a wonderful time with wonderful ladies!! You really picked up some wonderful fabrics as well!
Nedra says
Wonderful time with the ladies. I read about your visit on their blogs too. I will be heading that way in the next few days. Looking forward to getting out of this heat!
Jackie says
Love your WIPs! I like seeing a project progress – it's much more interesting that just seeing a finished project.
Barb says
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I just love all the fabrics……yummy!
Sue-Anne says
Looks like you have had a wonderful break from the heat and I love all your fabric purchases. I have just ordered a fat quarter pack of Luna Notte and can't wait for it to arrive.
Siobhan says
It sounds like a fantastic time! I love all your new stash and gifties. Beautiful fabrics! I LOVE your new quilt–it is going to be so nice and vintage-y. I'm kicking myself for not ordering some of the Martinique during FQS's sale after seeing your blocks!
Gwendie says
Oh what fun!!! I've been using reproduction fabrics for so long that I haven't stashed many brights and the first picture of the fabrics really called to me. Maybe it's the weather but I'm ready for some cheerful colors and I love the fabrics in all your pictures. You must have had such a wonderful time visiting with everyone!!!
Anne Heidi says
Souds like a great time! Love all your goodies, and those hexagons are really piling up 🙂
Chookyblue...... says
great fabrics and how nice was it to catch up with the girls……….hope it isn't too hot…….
Susan says
It sounds and looks like you had lots of fun shopping!
kimmie's quilt's says
what gorgous fabrics you found! I live in Utah it would have been fun to meet a fellow Charming Gal, maybe we can meet up someday!
香昱信張君林 says
Carrie P. says
Oh, what a great vacation you had. Lovely friends and lovely gifts and fabrics.
Meli says
Hi, I'm discovering your blog, and I can say that it is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.
I'm French, and I'm a novice patchworker, and I hope I'll sew and patch nice things, like yours.
Read you soon, and keep sewing… it's a real pleasure.
Meli says
Hi, I'm discovering your blog, and I can say that it is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.
I'm French, and I'm a novice patchworker, and I hope I'll sew and patch nice things, like yours.
Read you soon, and keep sewing… it's a real pleasure.
Kim D. says
Looks like you had a great time with lots of lovely ladies!! Pretty fabric retail therapy too.
Jeannette says
I wished I lived out there and could hang out with you ladies! You girls look like you have the best time!
Carol says
What fun! What fun! What fun!
Patty says
Your quilt block is beautiful.
Rae Ann says
Loved being with you and can't WAIT to get together with you again. I will let you know when I am headed to St George and maybe we can have another SEW DAY! 🙂
Nanette Merrill and daughters says
It was good to see you. We had fun. Sorry I couldn't spend more time.