Hello, friends, and welcome to my Saturday Seven 257: Lifestyle & More post. I love writing these posts each week to share inspiration I’ve found through the week and hope you’ll find ideas to get your weekend and your week off to a wonderful start (thank you so much for all of the positive feedback on this series). I’m sewing a quilt this weekend, trying not to think too much about missing Quilt Market, and then am going to be spending a lot of time on Christmas decor and gift sewing.

Saturday Seven 257: Lifestyle & More
1. Self-Care
I loved “When You’re Overwhelmed, Simplify.” I also really enjoyed thinking about “Productivity with a Purpose” this week–so many great ideas and resources here! Finally, did you know that a lot of time-management and productivity experts tout the value of “effortful fun.” Isn’t it wonderful that we quilters are already dialed into one of the best effortful fun hobbies!
2. Cook
I can’t wait to try this Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese! In fact, here are 65+ Fall Dinner Ideas from the same author. If you’re still looking for a fun Halloween treat–this Halloween Popcorn Mix looks delicious. Salted Caramel Rice Krispie Bars–yes, please! And finally, here is a yummy homemade hot cocoa recipe.
3. Quilt + Sew
I have just a few kits available to make Chelsi’s darling Sweet Pea Panel quilt (kit and pattern links above). And here is a tutorial for a super cute Tree Block Christmas ornament. I also think this Reversible Patchwork Christmas Apron is darling and would make a terrific gift.
4. Flexispot Standing Desk
I’m super excited to let you know about my new Flexispot Standing Desk (it’s motorized and easily converts to a wonderful sit-down sewing table. We filmed a video to share all of the great details about this that you can watch above or here on my YouTube channel. [Note: This desk was sent to me for free for my personal evaluation. I absolutely love it and am using it daily]. I also have a discount code if you’re interested in one of these wonderful desks. Click here for $30 off your Flexispot standing desk purchase.
5. Newly Organized Blog Page: My Quilt Index
I’m super excited to share a newly organized page here on the blog that will help you find projects and posts and even search the blog. If you click on the label “Quilting” under the second large circle on my home page, you’ll arrive at my Quilting Index where you can easily find posts and projects in the following categories:
- Basics & Techniques
- Fabric & Scraps
- Organization
- Small Projects
- Pre-Cut Quilts & Projects
- Holidays
By clicking on any of the category links you’ll be able to find a wealth of content on that topic. I hope this Quilting Index page will be super helpful to you!
6. Holiday Prep + Recent Finds
I’m currently working on my Quilter’s Gift Guide for this year–but in the meantime here is a terrific list of Holiday Prep Tasks to do right now. And you’ll also find “How to Simplify the Holidays” helpful as you begin preparations. Finally, I am loving this blush brush so much and have started using this incredible cream blush.
7. Recently on the Blog
Here are links to posts from earlier this week on the blog:
- A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 68 Show Notes
- Home for the Holidays Sampler Sew Along Block 3
- Sewcialites 2 Block 2 + October Sew Sampler Box
Thanks so much for stopping by for the Saturday Seven 258: Lifestyle & More. If you’re looking for similar inspiration, you can find all of the previous posts in this series here.
Happy quilting!
Donna says
Love how you designed the Quilting Index! My favorite is the easy to find, one click design to the various patterns pre-cut patterns! So easy and quick!!! The blog would blow my mind to keep so lovely and organized – do you have to use one of your project planners to keep little reminders of including things in different tabs? I’d love to hear how you stay so organized with the blog too! Its so incredible that you do so much….and I’m grateful too because it helps me accomplish much more than I ever thought I would.
clara macuirles says
Your index page is sew helpful…..glad you thought of it.
I love all your quilts and ideas.
I have made one of your quilts with the appliqued hexies and I just love love it.
thank you for all you do for us in the quilting world and also your daughter
Sue Kennedy says
Thank you Sherri for your new Quilting Index!!It is such a helpful addition!! You organized it in great categories!!
As usual, your Saturday Blog is part of my Saturday morning ritual. Such a delightful way to start my Saturday!
Thank you Sherri!!😊
Margot says
Thank you so much for adding the index. You have so many great ideas and tutorials. This will make it so much easier to find “that one” that I need to read again!
julie kaplan says
i have said this before…..i do not know how you get sew much done…and sew beautifully. having said this, your one-click index is great. i could have gotten myself lost down the rabbit hole today if i had allowed it. thank you for everything you do on behalf of all of your fellow quilters.
Ginger says
I made the Salted Caramel Rice Krispie Bars. I only had a 9 ounce box of cereal, so I used 3/4 of the other ingredients. The 9×13 pan was full. I snacked on some that was stuck to the spoon and pot. This is delicious❣️ My grandchildren will enjoy some when they arrive tonight ❤️