Hello, friends! Today I’m sharing the Quilting Life Podcast Episode 68 Show Notes. Today’s episode is a little different than our traditional shows. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation today. As always, you’ll find all of the links and topics from today’s episode in this show notes post.

A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 68 Show Notes
Episode 68 Topics & Links
Today we talked about Halloween vs. Fall quilts and quilting with a little family history and some talk about costumes Sherri made for Billy and Chelsi when they were young. Here are links from the show:
- Maple Sky Quilt paper pattern (on the wall)
- Maple Sky Quilt PDF pattern
- Backyard Blooms Quilt (pattern found in my Home & Hearth book for the quilt on the table)
- Cozy Earth discount code is still good (35% off site wide with AQuiltingLife code)
- Wildgrain Use the link or the code AQUILTINGLIFE for $10 off your first box and free croissants in each box.
Where to Listen & Watch the Podcast
Where to Find Sherri & Chelsi
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Patreon Community
Our Next Episode
Thanks so much for stopping by for today’s A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 68 post. Our next episode will air on Monday, October 31st, 2022 and will be a listener question episode. We are always looking for listener questions, so please email them if you have some you would like us to discuss. Also, you can find all of the show notes from the previous episodes here.
Happy Quilting!
Theresa says
Not a fan of Halloween.
I love your Maple Sky quilt pattern.
Look forward to your next podcast on quilting.
Mary Jo Preti says
Halloween is my favorite holiday. So Fun. I haven’t made Halloween quilts but I have made Day of the Dead quilts. Made a few simple costume for the kids.
We are the ‘book house’. We give out books for Halloween. I separate them into board, picture, chapter, teen, adult. We welcome all the kids whether they have costumes or not. You just don’t know kids circumstances so we never berate kids without costumes. The teens have some of the best costumes. The Buy nothing group donated 400 books this past month for our Little Free Library and Halloween.
While the trick or treating is going on we have a dinner party for 15-20 on the driveway. Very simple, soups and breads. We get entertained by the trick or treaters. I love Halloween. To see the kids faces light up is just pure joy!
sherri McConnell says
I loved hearing about your Halloween book house and the dinner party idea, too! Thank you so much for sharing!
Pam Weaver says
Sherri, Chelsea and Billy!!
I just loved today’s podcast. I always enjoy the podcast. I can see the appreciation Billy and Chelsea have for you Sherry and today’s was no exception.
Thank you all so much for sharing you Halloween memories.
Tracy says
I loved the podcast today as well. Sherri what was the name of the 80s movie you watched. I cannot remember ?
sherri McConnell says
Watcher in the Woods 🙂
Ali Barnes says
What a fun episode! I love Halloween , but I’m not a fanatic. I just love seeing the kids in costumes. So fun to listen to your laughter and conversation. The only problem was I wanted to join in!
Becca says
Please tell Billy I was ALSO traumatized by The Ring in high school. I went with friends to see it and had never felt so dark in all my life. I told my “best” friend how much I had hated it. Later, she invited me on a double date with couple of guys “to see a movie”. What movie? Oh yes, the Ring. She said that she knew I wouldn’t come if she had told me. I spent the whole moving looking at my shoes singing primary songs in my head. 🙈
Also, Kristin Duke posted some great thoughts about teens trick or treating on instagram to add to your discussion on what age is too old.
Jenny Hiett says
I look forward to every other Monday when your podcast is released!! I joined you when you began and have appreciated that you continued on even when things weren’t perfect. Like when a loud car drove by or Chelsi’s kids were loud. Those things made you real and normal people, just like me.
I loved hearing about all the costumes that Sherri has made over the years. Halloween is my favorite time of year because I get to make the costumes. This year there are no new costumes due to my schedule being super busy, so I decided to share some of the ones I have made over the years on my Facebook page Sewing with Jenny Lou.
Thanks for inviting us into your lives!
Delores Rast says
I went to your Etsy shop and it says your Maple Sky PDF pattern is sold out?????? How can a pdf be sold out. Just wanted to let you know.
sherri McConnell says
Thank you so much for letting me know! I just renewed the listing 🙂