Hello, friends. I hope your weekend is off to a wonderful start. I had a pretty productive week last week and am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. I do have a magazine quilt to get finished up along with working on my monthly sewing goals–but those will be fun to do. And I should be able to do a little housework and some reading as well. Enjoy today’s Saturday Seven 170 with Lifestyle & Inspiration I’ve found from around the web.
Saturday Seven 170
1. Self-Care + Inspiration
If you’re looking for an inspiring read…this article offers so much hope for the encouragement we can give to others. And I loved these thoughts on “Creating Impact When You’re Overwhelmed.” I also loved this short article by a favorite author: “A Mental Trick to Make Any Task Less Intimidating.” Finally, I love the thoughts in creating “Positive Feedback Loops” to help us create better habits.
2. Quilt & Sew
Here is a quick and easy tip for creating a ruler “ridge” to use when trimming half-square triangles. Have you ever made a Buffalo Plaid quilt? I found this free tutorial on Instagram this week and have added it to my list.
3. Cook
Over the past year I’ve missed a couple of different foods a lot…one is Lobster Bisque, and the other is Thai Food. I just can’t seem to make those two things on my own. So I can’t wait to try this 15 Minute Egg Roll in a Bowl because…I love egg rolls, too. And this Easy Chicken Teriyaki is going on the menu soon (I bought the broccoli for it yesterday at Costco).
4. Clean & Organize
This post has lots of great ideas for cleaning when you’re super busy. Find Cleaning Routine Hacks When You Don’t Have Time to Clean here. I loved this post on “What is Clutter Identifying Clutter So We Can Eliminate It.” I’d never thought of it in that way before. Finally, here are 21 Habits for a Clutter Free Home.
5. Decorate
This first link isn’t really related to decorating, but I had to share: These Free Printable Encouragement Gift Tags are adorable. They are perfect for spring gift-giving or even just to send a quick note. And these Pretty Kitchens have me wanting to get our kitchen ready for spring. Finally, here are some great ideas for doing a room refresh without spending any money.
6. Bookshelf
Must-haves for new quilters: The Quick & Easy Block Tool (with lots of simple block designs in multiple sizes), and The All-in-One Quilter’s Reference Tool (I pull this one out when I’m designing new quilts…and it has lots of resources for beginners). I’m also finally going to read this book (I’ve read bits and pieces before) that’s been on my shelf for awhile (I’m about ¾ of the way through my current book, so it was time to decide on the next one).
7. Last Week on the Blog
You’ll find links to last week’s posts below:
- February Challenge Update
- Quilt Ladders & Quilt Decor Inspiration
- Helps for Piecing Small Blocks and Improving Accuracy
- Sewcialites Block 20…Again
For more inspiration, find all of the previous posts in this series here. And if you have ideas for content categories for these posts, you can always email me or leave your ideas in the comments below.
Happy quilting, and thanks so much for stopping by!
Patricia says
Learned a lot from this post. Thel encouragement tags are great.
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott is among my most favorite books! You will love it!
Nancy says
I enjoy all of your blog posts. You are making a big impact in my life. Thank you!
Patti McConnell says
The Bookshelf section hit home today. I ordered “The Quick and Easy Block Tool” book as I am making a sampler king-size quilt. I am using some of your BOM patterns but needed some more block patterns. Perfect timing! Love your posts!