Hello and happy Saturday! I hope you’re enjoying the first weekend of the new year. The Saturday Seven Inspiration for Quilters 110 is a smorgasbord of fun things for quilters: find patterns, notions, recipes, good reads and more! Photos for this week’s post are of our Summer Sweet collection which is starting to ship to stores as I type!

Saturday Seven 110
1. Feed Your Spirit
I found some great ideas in this article: “How to Be Happy: 8 Ways to be Happier Today.” While we hear a lot about the term “self-care” these days, it’s sometimes hard to put it into practice. I loved this article with practical suggestions for focusing on a different self-care topic each month. Read “The Ultimate 12-Month ‘Self-Care’ Challenge that Tops Any New Year’s Resolution” here. And finally, I loved this article on simplifying our hearts. It was a perspective on the topic I’d not thought about before. Read it here.
2. Good Eats
I’m making this Quick Chicken Ramen Noodle Stir Fry this week. Find the recipe here. And these Skillet Chicken Fajitas look to be an easy weeknight meal as well (and would make great left-overs, too). And this looks delicious too–find the Thai Chicken Buddha Bowls recipe here (healthy, but it does call for peanut products).
3. Bookshelf
I’ve been trading off between two books this week and am enjoying them both. The first one was a total impulse buy…it was on my “to think about” list when I heard several good recommendations and decided to get it. Find Stillness is the Key here. I’m also enjoying Let it Go: Downsizing Your Life by Peter Walsh. I’m getting great tips from this one!
4. Quilt & Sew
My Summer Sweet yardage began arriving yesterday! I’m expecting the pre-cuts sometime next week. After I’ve shipped all of the pre-orders I’ll list the left overs and will get them in the shop asap. As of now, there are some remaining fat quarter and half-yard bundles available of the low volume prints here. Also, I’m sure Fat Quarter Shop will be listing their Summer Sweet fabrics any day now! I enjoyed this fun read of “Sewing Misdemeanors: 20 Things We Resolve NOT to Do in 2020.” And, these Quick Lip Balm Key Ring Mini Cases are really cute and would make great Valentine’s Gifts. Find the tutorial here. Finally, if you’ve ever wanted to try a class on BluPrint (formerly Craftsy)–all of their classes are free through January 7th here.
5. Happy New Year
There are so many articles out there right now with terrific ideas for the New Year. It’s hard to narrow them down 🙂 My favorite was probably the one by Joanna Gaines with a free printable for reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the new on. Read it here. But I also loved this one with “The 10 Best Personal Finance Resolutions for 2020.”
6. Organization and Storage
I might have shared this one last year, but either way it’s definitely worth a second read. “How to Have More Focused Hours in Your Day” has great tips and ideas for the new year. I also appreciated the article, “Love the Home You Live In.” It has some great thoughts and perspectives on why we sometimes feel like we need more. I loved “10 Minute Household Tasks to Organize Your Life“–great ideas for making good use of small blocks of time. And finally, this free printable with “50 Things You Can Toss or Donate Today” is a great help to jump-start your New Year’s organizing goals.
7. This Week on the Blog
- Best Tips for Storing Christmas Quilts & Décor
- A Quilting Life Top Posts 2019 Part 2
- Scraps Along: 12 Months of Scrappy Challenges
- 10 Tips for A Great Year of Quilting
Thanks so much for stopping by to read today’s Saturday Seven 110. If you are looking for more inspiration, you can find all of the previous posts in this series here. Happy quilting!
JanaR says
Wow! So much good information here. Thank you!
Kathleen says
Hi Sherri, your SS 110 post was a great way to start my birthday this morning, thanks for sharing all this good stuff with us, it’s appreciated! Love the by-color pics of Summer Sweet – beautiful new line!
April Carey says
Dear Sherri,
Help! I signed up for a collaboration project between you and Corey Yoder sometime in 2019 and now can’t remember exactly what it was and when it starts. Please fill me in. Thanks from someone who loves both your fabric lines.
Donna says
Where did you get the tape measure tape/ribbon? I have been looking some I can not find any.
I hope to get my life a bit more organized this year. Happy New Year.
Camille says
The recipe sites you shared today were so inspiring. My family meals need a flavor boost and you delivered! I cannot wait to get to the grocery store and get started on trying one of the suggested meals right away. Thanks!