Hello, friends, and happy Wednesday! Today I’m sharing Moda Blockheads 4 Block 12, the Friendship Star presented by Deb Strain. This is a super simple, fast and fun block. It’s always fun to have these types of blocks after a more labor-intensive block like last week’s 🙂 Keep reading for all of the details on this week’s block plus more.

Moda Blockheads 4 Block 12
Block 12 Tips and Tricks
- First, go here, or click the button below to download this week’s block pattern PDF, the Friendship Star.
- Also, this week’s block is a terrific one to make super scrappy! Make every half-square triangle from a different fabric in the same colorway for more variety–or use a different color for each half-square triangle. I used one fabric for my center square along with a second fabric for the star points.
- Finally, consider using a low-volume print for your background to add extra interest to your block.
Moda Blockheads 4 Sew Along Information
- Read the Moda Blockheads 4 Introductory post here.
- Get the Moda Blockheads 4 Basic Methods Resources Sheet PDF here.
- Join the Moda Blockheads Facebook group. In the group you can share your blocks and get inspired by the other Blockheads participants.
- And find all of my previous Moda Blockheads 4 posts here.
Upcoming Blocks
I will be sharing the next block in the Moda Blockheads 4 series on Wednesday, June 15th. Be sure to stop by for another fun block pattern PDF then.
Happy quilting!
CK says
You make it so easy to figure out the pattern and it’s how-to! This is great!
Toni says
I just completed the friendship star block. I noticed that your hst end in a point above the 1/4” allowance. My hst end in a point at the edge each of the hst of the pieces. When i sew these into the quilt I will loose the points. What am I doing wrong?