Last week I was able to take one of those “bucket list” trips I’ve wanted to make for a long time. I’ve never been to Washington, D.C. before, and it worked out that I was able to get away last week and spend time soaking up the incredible history and culture found in the very inspiring museums and memorials.
On the first day we visited the Library of Congress, the Botanical Gardens, and the Capitol. We
contacted our Senator’s office the week before our trip to arrange the Capitol
tour and were pleased with the professionalism and knowledge of the young staff and interns we met. It was also a lot of fun to get a library card from the Library of Congress and request my own book (my most recent book hasn’t been cataloged yet).
Day two was the day of many steps: we started at the National Archives and then did lots of walking around as we went to every single monument and memorial. The weather was actually incredible for the whole trip: the humidity wasn’t bad, and the temperatures were in the 80’s.
I knew I would love the Lincoln Memorial…it was an incredible experience to finally visit this memorial in person.
And the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial was awe-inspiring as well.
I really loved the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. This memorial is a little more out of the way, but I truly enjoyed the walk along the water and the beautiful trees (no Cherry Blossoms this time of year–but the trees are beautiful in their summer finest).
Of course the Vietnam War Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Roosevelt Memorial and the WW II Memorial were inspiring as well. I truly enjoyed seeing everything and trying to learn as much as I could! I feel like I’m probably not writing enough in this post as I haven’t had time to really sort it all out yet; I think I’m still in a little bit of a daze from everything I saw and experienced.
On day three we toured the Smithsonian Museum of American History and also visited the National Portrait Gallery. Friday night was a highlight as well–as the relative of a friend was able to arrange a West Wing White House Tour for us. Photography wasn’t allowed in many areas, but I loved seeing the Roosevelt Room, the Oval Office, the Rose Garden, and even the press room. It was kind of cool taking photos of the grounds from “inside the gates” too.
Saturday was spent at the National Air & Space Museum, the Museum of Natural History, and the National Gallery. Not only was I able to see many of my favorite art works in person, but I was also able to visit a beautiful special exhibit of American antique furniture.
Learning to navigate the Metro around the city was a bit of fun–I’m happy to say I never actually got on the wrong train the entire week–although there were a few close calls.
And of course there were many wonderful options for dining throughout our stay. We loved Ted’s Bulletin for delicious American eats, GBD (Golden Brown Delicious) for amazing buttermilk fried chicken and donuts, Zaytinya for incredible Mediterranean food, the Garden Cafe’ for a yummy French lunch at the National Gallery, and Restaurant Nora for fine dining. The really fun thing about Restaurant Nora was that the owner has decorated the restaurant with antique art and quilts…there were dozens of incredible Amish and antique quilts that could be found on nearly every wall.
Even though there was a lot of walking and more to see and do than was possible in a week, I came home refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to get back to quilting. Quilting coming soon! Thanks so much for stopping by!
PS I’ll get the Simply Small post finished up before the end of this week, too–thanks for your patience!
Margaret R says
Love Washington DC but have been unable to get to the D.A.R Museum to see their gorgeous quilts.
sunny says
You had a very full week. And the weather this year has been amazing compared to normal temps and humidity. Glad to hear you had such a wonderful trip.
Rebecca Stevens says
Yes, the weather would have been wonderful last week. Not the usual heat and humidity for DC this time of year. I have not done those things since I was in high school and would go visit my aunt every summer. She worked at the FBI and I even had a tour of it. Lots have been erected would love to go now when I would appreciate it more but the knees say I don't think so!
gailss says
Sounds like a great time in DC and there is so much to see there. Bet it was a nice break from summer routine
Joy says
Such an amazing trip! I can tell you had a wonderful time.
Needled Mom says
There is so much to see and do there. It looks like it was a dream trip for you.
foffmom says
I have been to Washington many times and I am in awe of what you did on ONE trip!!! You really did get a great deal in, impressive planning and execution.
Thimbleanna says
Boy — it sounds like you had a great trip and packed a ton of stuff in Sherri! I used to travel there and would see the sights between meetings — I'd love to have a whole week to spend just touring. Thanks for the restaurant tips too — great to know for a future trip!!!
Sara A. says
So weird to read about my old neighborhood from a tourist's perspective. We used to live in a remote corner of SW DC and to get anywhere we'd have to drive through the monuments. My husband's favorite run was a 6 mile loop from our home over to Jefferson, up to the Supreme Court to see what was being protested and then back home.
Beverly says
Ohhh, sounds very special !
Cindy says
We did that trip last year since our son has moved to the DC area. It is great fun and not very expensive. Didn't you love the Library of Congress? Beautiful building!
Sylvia Anderson says
Welcome home Sherri, and it looks and sounds as if a good time was had by all. Being able to see all the historical sights must have been very inspirational, and one you will remember for many years to come.
Thanks for sharing with us.
JudyCinNC says
What a wonderful trip and memory for you and your family. Next time, maybe you can take in the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial at Judiciary Square. It is so beautiful, peaceful and moving. Judy C in NC
Gai Butler says
What a brilliant trip, so pleased for you re weather.
Sherry says
What a wonderful trip Sherri! Glad to hear you had a great time. Come over here to IL sometime, we'll show you lots of Abe! 🙂
Andrea says
DC is great. I live in South Central PA, so have taken the city for granted all my life. We can easily hop on the train and go, and everyone in this area has been there for an elementary school class trip somewhere along the way. Glad you were able to take in some Eastern US history!
greg @ grey dogwood studio says
That sounds like an amazing trip! I've been lucky enough to visit several times in recent years for business meetings, and I always tack on a few days to go sightseeing. There is SO much to see and do there and it's truly amazing to see so much of our heritage in one place.
JenniferO says
It sounds like you packed in a ton! I'm glad you enjoyed my city!