Happy Friday! Let’s celebrate the almost end of summer with a fun giveaway from Jodie at Fort Worth Fabric Studio. Jodie puts together the most wonderful fabric bundles and has a “Pretty Bird” fat quarter bundle to give to one of my blog readers! To see a list of all 12 fat quarters included in the bundle, click on the link above (and there are a few available if you think you might need one asap)! To see all of the fun bundles in the shop click here.
Fort Worth Fabric Studio also carries pre-cuts, notions, buttons and trims along with patterns and books. There are also special shop sections for holiday fabrics and patterns and sale items.
So…to make this easy…just leave a comment mentioning your favorite bundle from Fort Worth Fabric Studio and one thing you’d like to do before summer comes to an end.
I’ll keep the giveaway open through Monday evening. Good luck, and thanks so much for stopping by!
gailss says
Some nice bundles and love the "Autumn Pageantry" …would like to make a couple of fall table runners and this might be just right!
DebrafromMD says
My favorite bundle is Up Parasol. Before the summer ends, I would like to find my dress for my son's November wedding.
Kim says
Ooh they have some lovely bundles! I really like the 30's playtime bundle, I may have to drop some heavy hints with my husband!! Before the end of summer I really want to get out and start running again.
Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] says
Jewel Tone Splash 🙂 and i hope to finish painting my daughter's dresser and desk!
Margaret says
I love the Pencil Smudge bundle. One thing I'd love to do before this summer ends is finish my grandsons' quilts! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Ashley Bailey says
Oo I love them all. My favorite is the Autumn Pageantry bundle. Before this summer is over I want to get my engagement photos taken!
Debra says
I like the Redwork bundle, since I'm always collecting red fabric. Before summer is out, I hope to finish my Quilting 101 pattern I'm creating for a class.
Gill says
I like the Low Volume bundle!
I need to finish 2 baby quilts before the end of Summer!
Alice Ronne says
I love the Metropolitan Medley and Pencil Smudge. Lots of great bundles! Hmm…love to finish some UFOs but I'm sure enjoying those sunsets at the beach! Thanks for the chance to win!
Jane Cisneros says
You had me at "Dock of the Bay" — love those colors and prints! I'd just like to get to the movies … I'm dying to see the 100- Foot Journey.
Jane @ Handiworking.com
Paula @ Sewy Stuff says
Wonderful giveaway! Much thanks to you and to Jodi and FWS. Pretty Bird is so bright, I love it!
I'd say my favorite bundle they have just might be their featured bundle today – Lucky Ladybug!
Carol C. says
So many beautiful bundles!! I love the "Dock of the Bay"– beautiful colors!! I want to get back in to my walking program before the summer ends! Thanks for the give-away. I always enjoy your blog, and your wonderful quilts!
Lisa says
So many great bundles to choose from. My favorite was raspberry mixer. I also liked the red and aqua bundle. Hope to get the binding on three quilts before summers end!
Susan Smith says
I love that Pencil Smudge bundle! I'm trying to incorporate more grays into my piecing as I love the look but I don't have many in my stash. One thing I would love to do before summer ends it to FINISH SOME OF MY QUILTS IN PROGRESS!!!!!! (Before I get started on any more!!!)
Martina says
I really love the aqua/red bundle.
I would love to swim!!! It is quite cool and rainy here until now….
Swedish Scrapper says
So many great bundles at FWFS lately. I love every single Ta Dot bundle, and also the Hope Chest that is ready to pre-order! Before summer ends, I want to get outside early in the morning, with a quilt and my camera, and try to take some pics of the moose when they walk through the back field. If no moose, then deer, or foxes, or magpies. Thanks for the giveaway!
Rebecca says
Silent Cinama… nd while I am thinking about it I would love to make it to the movies sometime this summer!
Lisa Marie says
My favorite bundle is Blue Skies & Sunshine FAT QUARTER BUNDLE FWFS Exclusive. Before the end of summer, my husband and I hope to go hiking in Red River Gorge.
Vroomans' Quilts says
Oh, love the Scottie Dog bundle in the soft pinks and grays. I hope to finish my 'purging' so I can restock those shelves with Fall and Winter fabric play.
Iris says
There are 2 bundles I loved: strawberry margarita and the Riley Blake bundle: home for the holidays. I'd love to make one more picnic with my family, but at the moment the rain and cool weather are keeping us inside
Jayne Honnold says
Dock of the Bay looks might sweet! 'I'd like to finish 1 quilt top (Eventide), 3 UFOs, and get a couple more pool visits with my friend Cheryl. Thanks for the opportunity to win some fabric!
Jennifer says
I love the Mimosa fat quarter bundle! I would like to spend just one day reading and relaxing preferably at the beach, no chores or worries, before the summer is over.
Thanks for the chance at this bundle!
Margaret says
Good heavens. How do I choose just one? If I am forced to select just one, I would choose the Raspberry Mixer fat quarter bundle. The colors are so vibrant and alive. As for what I want to do during the rest of the summer, I would like to go visit my daughter in California before the summer is over.
Amanda and Mike says
I love the blue skies and sunshine bundle. Thing to do before the end of summer, have more quilting time!
Hildy says
The aquas and greens in the Gone Country bundle are great!
I'd love to reduce my Ufo pile before summer ends.
Lori K says
I love the Dock of the Bay – the blues and aquas are beautiful! I would love to have one, just ONE, un-interupted quilting day! (One Can dream, right?)
AnnieO says
Lots of great bundles! I like Metropolitan Medley. Thanks for the chance to win Pretty Bird.
paulette says
OMGosh!! Such sweet fabric bundles!! What I WANT and what I need are two different things!! haha I love all of the bright bundles as I am busy making happy baby quilts… The pinks and greens in this bundle would be PERFECT for a sweet baby girl! I need that Low Volume bundle for me!:o))
Have a wonderful day!
AnnieO says
Forgot to mention my one summer thing! I'd like to go up to the mountains and watch the Perseid meteor show
Deairdre says
My favorite is the Autumn Pageantry. I just love those colors!
Emma says
I love a vintage quilt so I have to say the 30's Playtime bundle is my favorite. I hope to finish my Liberty of London (in fluorescent Betsy) princess seamed birthday dress before the weather gets too cold.
luv2quilt says
I'm doing a dresedan plate quilt that 30's Playtime would look lovely in. As for what I'd like to do before summer is over is to visit with family on the west side of the mountains before the snow falls.
Jennifer says
I love the Gone Country Bundle and I'd love to go to the beach before summer ends.
Anita says
My favorite bundle is All Suited Up. I would love to finish a table runner before summer is over.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Celia Ambrose says
I like the Up Parasol bundle. I hope to visit Hot Springs, AR before summer ends. (celiaambrose@hotmail.com)
Lori says
Lucky Ladybug caught my eye. Before summer is over I'd like to catch up on my BOMs.
Glynette says
Love all the bright, colorful bundles!
Would like to take a special trip to celebrate our 30 year anniversary!
Heartsdesire says
Love the 30s Playtime bundle.
I'd like to get to the beach before summer is over. It's only a five-minute drive from my house, but somehow, I've not had the time to get there.
jan says
I love love the Gone Country bundle! Go figure right? Ft Worth Fabric is a really nice shop! Thanks for the chance.
xo jan
LeeAnn Amm says
I like the Metropolitan Medley bundle! I'd like to meet my newest great nieces before summer ends!
Linda B says
My favorite of their bundles is the low volume texty bundle, because it fits with a quilt I'm working on right now. Before the end of summer I'd like to visit the beach at least one more time.
gigi says
I like Metropolitan Medley. Pretty colors and prints. I would like to finish up most (all) of my UFO's– ha ha!
gigi says
I like Metropolitan Medley. Pretty colors and prints. I would like to finish up most (all) of my UFO's– ha ha!
Julianne says
I am loving that "dock of the bay" collection of blues..so pretty! It sort of goes with wanting to get to the lake before summer ends!
Jo says
So many to choose from! Dock of the Bay is gorgeous but so is the aqua/red bundle!
quilter says
I like Jewel tone splash bundle, and want to go camping before the summer is over,cork!pa.rr.com
Jill Trentacost says
Love the Aqua red bundle. I'm throwing a bridal shower in those colors, would love to make the bride a quilt with it!
java diva says
Sausalito Cottage. I'd like to take the family to Milwaukee for the day.
Harrysmum says
I love the raspberry mixer bundle, such lovely colours! I'd love to see some sun before the summers out, we've had a week on holiday and it's rained every day in Devon!
Tina says
So many beautiful fabric it's hard to choose. I loved Bugaboo but then also Dock of the Bay. I would love to go camping one more time before the summer ends. or on a fun road trip. I have a hard time making up my mind.
Quilting Tangent says
"Autumn Pageantry" is my favorite. 24Tangent@gmail.com
PegD says
I love the Pretty Bird bundle. Those colors remind me of my little late mama, those were her favorites. <3 I want to get my sewing room cleaned by the end of summer so I can be more productive in there! Thank you for the chance!
Betsy Smith says
Love her one piece left section. Before summer ends, I have two more ufo's to quilt and bind.
Sara says
They always have such great bundles, but if I had to choose one right now it would be either Oh Boy or Jewel Tone Splash. Thinking ahead to a couple of special projects.
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
My favorite bundle at Fort Worth fabric is Blue Skies & Sunshine. Before summer is over I would like to have one more beach party!
Joyce Carter says
Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite bundle is Hope Chest and 30's Playtime-couldn't choose between them. Before Summer ends, I would love to spend some time at the mountains.
Rebecca says
I've had my eye on several of the bundles from FWFS already. One of which is the Pretty Bird bundle (for my sweet 10 year old). Also love the Blue Skies & Sunshine, and the Gone Country navy and green bundle. How could I pick just one? As summer winds down, I'm trying to get a baby quilt done for my niece who will be here in a month and get to play some with my kids before the homework kicks in.
Annalee says
They have lots of beautiful bundles! I love Metropolitan Medley and also love the aqua / red bundle!
Mrs Quinn says
Love the raspberry mixer bundle. Very inspirational for a quilt. Would love to go to Knoebel's ( amusement park in central pa) but it may have to wait til September, which would still technically be summer 🙂
Allie and Me design says
♥♥♥ I´m in love with the pretty birds ♥♥♥ and before summer commes to an end … I would like to sew some new sofa cushions ♥
have a wonderful day
Allie and Me design says
♥♥♥ I´m in love with the pretty birds ♥♥♥ and before summer commes to an end … I would like to sew some new sofa cushions ♥
have a wonderful day
AJ Wu says
She has such a fantastic eye for these bundles! Thanks so much for sharing this shop, I'm seriously gonna be buying some of these bundles once I clear out some space in my bins! I'm torn between the NEAPOLITAN PIE Pocket Pack and Candy Box FAT QUARTER BUNDLE for my fav.
Linda says
HI, I'd select "Pencil Smudges"!
Thanks to You+FWFS's for a great giveaway!
Jennifer says
Low Volume Bundle!! And before summer ends (yipes!), I REALLY want to reorganize my kitchen cabinets. Because then my kids would have to help. Character-building, right? If I don't hurry, I'll have to character-build all by my lonesome while they are at school.
Quilt crazy says
Love both pretty bird and this weeks Friday bundle! By the end of the summer I am hoping to be driving and walking again!!!! Along with putting labels on a stack of quilts. Loved this shop that I have never seen before. Oregonquilt.blogspot.com
Karen says
I love the Low Volume bundle. I am working on a quilt right now using low volume fabrics, and I just love it. I hope to finish the quilt before summer ends! And I'd like to go for another boat ride on the lake before summer ends!
Shasta Matova says
I like the dock of the bay one that you have seen, but I also like Raspberry Mixer. This summer, I just want to enjoy my free time, and hopefully clean the basement.
Catskill Quilter says
Fort Worth has the BEST bundles. My very favorite is the Raspberry Mixer bundle, as I love to see oranges and hot pinks playing together. Several other favorites were the Hope Chest Fat Quarter Bundle, and the Milk Cow Kitchen Fat Quarter Bundle — great bundles!
Archie the wonder dog says
I love the jewel tone splash bundle!
Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts says
Oh gosh Sherri~ it is really a toss up between Blue Skies and Sunshine and Dock of the Bay~ both make me almost drool! LOL I'd love to take a small trip with hubby before summer ends. Happy Friday!
Rebecca Stevens says
Choose one from those beautiful choices? You make it tought ;-D but after looking at all of the bundles I came back to page 1, Autumn Pleasantries. I love autumn fabrics and those are pure deliciousness.
Kristy says
I love Strawberry Margarita! I have been slowly collecting some reds, pinks and grays to make a cute quilt I saw in Quilty magazine.
Before summer is over, I want to take a road trip and visit some shops here in Utah that I have never been.
Cecilia Aguilar says
My choice is the Redwork bundle, love the color! Before the summer is out I want to grow up and be just like you and design fabric. You inspire me. Love your work…Cecilia
Sharon S says
I'd love a Strawberry margarita. Fun names & cute bundles.
Having the Little Misters spend the night is on my list for before summer ends.
juliehallfeldhaus says
I thing that Dock Of the Bay is pretty cute:)
Bonnie58 says
I'm really liking Dock of the bay and I'd rally like the opportunity to get a bit of a real suntan yet this summer…lol..thanks for sharing.
Dondi Murdock says
Although both are quiltworthy, I'm drooling over Dock of the Bay. The blues are soothing, yet cheerful. Thank you for your great blog, too.
susan says
Dock of the Bay is my favorite and I would like to spend a day on our boat before summer ends!
Linda Nelson says
Love the Scotty Dog bundle! Also hoping to go to a great outdoor dance party tonight!
Vicki H says
I like 30's Playtime. Before summer is over, I would like to make a trip to MN and possibly bring back my mom for a month visit.
QuilterSue14 says
I love the Blue Skies & Sunshine FAT QUARTER Bundle. Before the summer is over, I want to design a quilt that has something to do with circles.
Debbie says
I love the Strawberry Margrita collection. I want to sent one more week with my grandson before he starts Kindergarten .
Kristi Brown says
Oh! I love the Pretty Bird bundle! I'd love to spend some time at the beach before summer ends!
Tiffany says
I love FWFS! I think my favorite today it's candy box. And I really need to take my twin two-and-a-half year olds to the pool before it closes!
Karen Thurn says
I love blues so Dock of the Bay would be perfect. Thanks for the chance to win. kthurn@bektel.com
Karen in Breezy Point says
Since I'm all about blue, I would have to choose Dock of the Bay, but the bundle of low volume prints is pretty fun too! I'm hoping to spend more time on the pontoon boat before it gets too chilly!
Carol says
My favourite is the Autumn Pageantry bundle. Before summer is over I hope to have a couple of quilts finished but maybe I'll just start a couple of new ones instead.
Diane says
Love the Snowbird Batik bundle!!! Before summer is over, I'd like to finish 1 more project 🙂
Karen says
I've been wanting to get my hands on some Terra Australis, but I also like the Scottie Dog Classic and Pencil Smudge bundles. Before summer ends, I'd like to finish assembling 2 quilts where I have the blocks completed.
Cheryl says
Love "Dock of the Bay"! I would love to finish my embroidered witches boot wall hanging before end of Summer so I can display it. It seems to be taking me forever!!
Debbie says
My favorite is Metropolitan Medley – so pretty!
and before the end of summer, I would love to have my closet cleaned out
Kim says
The Metropolitan bundle is beautiful. I would like to finish a couple of bags and a quilt that's on my machine right now.
Jordan Moore says
Glampers is my fave! It has such a girly John Deere feel to it. I would love to finish about three quilts before summer ends! Guess I better get going!
Slowpoke says
Lots of pretties! I like the Dock of the Bay bundle. Thank You.
Before we go back, I need to get 2 Charity Quilts put together
and sew on the binding. Ugh! The sewing part is OK but
with binding I be so very slow.
Do not know why.
Maureen says
I love blue and yellow, so my favorite is Dock of the Bay.
GranChris says
They are all my favorites but right now I like the 30's Playtime.
SueQ says
I like 30s Playtime. Before summer ends, I'd like to take my kayak out one more time.
Anita says
I like the raspberry mixer bundle. I hope to get out to the lake nearby with my kids at least one more time before the end of summer. Thank you!
Pris Phillips says
How can I choose a favorite? You have so many lovely choices!! I really like Blue Skies – I love the blue and yellow! I also liked Pencil Smudge… nummy greys! And Dock of the Bay really appeals to me as well… for some reason I'm very drawn to blues these days!
I would love to win a fat quarter bundle – if I win it, I will probably use it to make a toddler sized quilt for my new grand-niece (my brother married a lovely lady with a bunch of kids and grands… I want to make the new ones each a quilt!)
Something I want to do yet before summer is over? Hmmm… probably try to organize my sewing studio (the extra bedroom) and finish my niece Katie's baby quilt for the new Baby Ollie (Oliver Andrew) – her 5th boy… baby #6. Whew! What a woman! Love that girl!!
Happy Quilting!
Pris Phillips
MaryBeth says
I like the blue skies bundle.
Kathie says
We're going on vacaton before the summer ends! And I love the blacks and whites in All Suited Up.
Sheila says
I am really loving Dock of the Bay , love those blues ! Before summer ends I hope to get to visit family . Thanks for the chance .
Michele Minehart says
Blue Skies and Sunshine is gorgeous and definitely speaks to my love of navy! As for the end of summer nearing, I haven't been able to dig my toes into a North Carolina beach yet this year (a first for me!) but I am hoping to on Sunday so I can cross that off my list!
Heidi says
Blue skies! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Bethany says
Up Parasol is my favorite! Thanks for the chance!
supersara20 says
I love the Michael Miller dot fabric bundle. I'd like to plant some more roses before the end of summer.
DJ says
Love your blog and beautiful things you make!
Well, the first bundle I saw 'Metroplolitan Medley' remains my favorite, think it would make a beautiful quilt.
Before summer end I hope to finish reading the Old Testament.
JanetD says
Love Blue Skies & Sunshine, and Metropolitan Medley. Hope to get to the beach for a couple of days with my hubby- just need a little more beach time before craziness of fall starts!
Elaine says
Have my Eye on "Flirt" and so many others…I would like to quilt and bind a Christmas quilt that has been waiting for me for two months!
satterfieldfamily at sbcglobal dot net
Nita says
The very first one I saw stole my heart…metropolitan medly 🙂 i'd like to finally get out and do some fishing before summer is over!
Kim Anness says
Jewel Tone Splash is my favorite bundle.
Nanaofck says
I would really love to have the low volume FQ bundle. It would be so useful in a current project. Before the end of the summer I would like to visit a local Japanese garden that is wonderful. Our city is so lucky to have this treasure.
Susie'sfun2 says
My favorite is The Dock of the Bay. I love the cool colors and combinations. I really want to get to the beach to see the baby loggerhead turtle hatchlings this summer.
Thank you for all the lovely ideas you bring to us.
Lea says
It's a toss up between Pretty Bird and Mimosa. Before the summer is over I'd like to go horse back riding at a ranch that is in a neighboring town.
Jan R says
I love Dock of the bay and pretty bird almost the same. We plan to go to our daughter's beach house at least one or two more times this summer. Thanks.
babiesdoc says
I like the low volume fat quarters.
I have been trying to collect enough of those to
make a quilt .
I have 2 quilt in process. on needs a back ant the other the blocks assembled and a back. my goal to to do that and have them quilted by early september
Michele T says
I love all the colours and prints in the Jewel Tone Splash bundle!!!
Michele T says
Before the summer ends I want to go camping and hiking!!! Hopefully the weather continues to be favorable!!
Rosa says
Love them all but thinking on Christmas fabrics I chose Strawberry Margarita.
Before summer ends,my hubby and I will make a trip of five days to Asturias, north of Spain.
Rilene says
I love the Terra Australis bundle! Would love to make an exotic throw quilt with those fabrics!
Josie McRazie says
I love the low volume! (But really I love em all!!!)
Summer has flown by and really I don't get to sew a lot in the summer! It is mostly camping and family stuff!!
Patty D from NC says
MM Blue / gray dot. So fun! i want to publish my first pattern before summer ends
Anne says
Wow- these bundles are fresh and unique. I would like the red and aqua bundle and then the Ta Dot and then…,.
Linda King says
I love them all, beautiful fabric, but my facorite is the Docking Fabric, just beautiful blues. I am hoping to start on Christmas gifts, grandchildren would love to have a quilt.
Linda King
barbara woods says
i like 'jewel tone splash', thanks
Jayna says
I am planning on making a few Christmas presents using red work, so I am loving the red work FQ bundle!
One last thing I want to do this summer? Go to Memphis and see Graceland!
Julia says
I am absolutely crazy for Rustique! I hope to finish a at least one of the quilts on my list of UFO's!
Linda Wujcik says
30 Playtime is my fave! Maybe go on a short cruise! imakejoy@aol.com
Chookyblue...... says
raspberry mixer…….after working with some pinks and raspberries last weekend I would love more to play with……
I'd like to make some zipper pouches……..need to practise my zipper skills……..
Sigi G says
My absolute favorite is 'Sausalito Cottage'. Just love this bundle that Jodie put together.
I'm hoping to quilt one of my Row Along Quilts before the summer is totally gone. We'll see! (I'm soooo scared of ruining the beautiful quilt top).
Alesha Klein says
I like the Witch Hazel bundle. Would love to finish the Christmas quilt I am working on for myself. Thank you for the giveaway, very generous.
Karen M says
I love the April in Paris bundle. I spent 5 hours in Paris in May. Sigh. Let the fabric carry me back. Thanks for the chance to win.
Cindy Anderson says
I love raspberry mixer and jewel tone splsh and……. 🙂 I have several UFOs to finish before summer's end.
maggie says
Love the Back Porch prints bundle but oh so many lovely bundles. I sure would like to finish up some UFO's before summer ends so that I can start some new projects.
Christine M says
There are so many gorgeous bundles. I love the Home for the Holidays bundle. It would be great for making Christmas gifts. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Lee says
I love the Scottie Dog Classic fat quarter bundle! thanks!
legato1958 says
I just love the Candy Box Bundle.
I want to sew a Strawberry quilt for myself before the end of summer!
Ali says
My favorite bundle is the low volume fat quarter bundle.
What I'd like to do before the end of summer is make a blackberry pie out of what I pick from the backyard of our rental house, and I am almost there!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Joan says
My favourite is 30's Playtime. I would like to finish my quilt for the guest room. Thank you for the chance to win.
Jeanie says
Love the Low Volume bundle. I just bought some low volume fabrics this past week, trying to build my stash. I'm finishing up on a swap sister project. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Lisa Rogers says
It is a toss up between the raspberry mixer bundle and the one they are giving away. School started yesterday here so it is like summer is already over. I would like to visit my boys in Utah before they start college in 10 days. That would make my summer complete.
Mom C says
It'd be easier to ask what I don't want! If I was to be practical, I would say Grunge Basics and Michael Miller's Pinhead collection. Great basics and colors. The rest, so gorgeous. Thanks.
Jennie says
I'm always a sucker for a good Halloween bundle – LOVE Witch Hazel!
Teresa Stanulis says
I like the Strawberry Margarita bundle, especially because of the name! My summer ends this weekend when we leave to take my son to college. When I return, I plan to start a scrap quilt with some fabric I've been cutting into squares.
Margaret says
I love that Strawberry Margarita and I think I might like to drink one them laying in the pool before summer ends.
Polly says
Well that was like a kid in a candy store! loved so many, but what i really need right now is that wonderful low volume bundle. before summer comes to an end, i really need a getaway with my husband. And of course finish up two projects.
Polly says
Well that was like a kid in a candy store! loved so many, but what i really need right now is that wonderful low volume bundle. before summer comes to an end, i really need a getaway with my husband. And of course finish up two projects.
Tabitha Keener says
I love all of her bundles but if I have to pick one at the moment it would be Redwork! I want to visit the indoor pool at the gym in town I've been wanting to try out. Thanks for the giveaway!
candyknits says
My favorite bundle is the one I might win 🙂 I love birds this bundle is great!
Linda says
My favorite bundle is home for the holidays! I hope to run a 10K before the end of summer. Thanks for the giveaway!
Joan H. says
I want to get started on Christmas projects so the Holiday Flourish fat quarter appeals to me. I would like to have at least one more family gathering at the lake before the snow flies.
cari2178 says
I really liked the Rustique half yard bundle! The colors are gorgeous and would look beautiful in our newly decorated guest bedroom! Before summer is over, I hope to go camping with the husband and littles one last time 🙂
Crickets Corner says
It took me forever to narrow it down to my four favorite bundles but I think I'll have to go with Autumn Pageantry simply because I'm in the mood for fall. The one thing I want to do before summer is gone is sit on my deck without the neighbors construction crew making noise from dawn to dusk. lol
Karen says
It's definitely Strawberry Margarita, so pretty. No goals left for summer, it's just a day at a time.
Helen@Till We Quilt Again says
I LOVE "Dock Of The Bay"! and I plan to make freeze a few Jersey Tomato pies and preserve a few white peaches for this winter.
Sally Hurst says
Bits of Red is my favorite—I love red and white quilts. Before the end of summer I would like to finish a garden art project.
KatieQ says
I like the Blue China FQ BUNDLE.
I have been wearing a "boot" all summer because of an Achilles tendon injury of my left foot. I hope I am out of it soon so I can swim at least once before the summer is over.
KMSC says
The bundle I love is Sunshiny Day. I hope to finish a Buggy Barn Crazy Hearts quilt before September. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jeanenne Nielsen says
I loved her Friday Special bundle of the beatles, but the best one was the "Autumn Pageantry". Before summer is over I want to complete the Beatle Bag pattern that I have had for over a year and get caught up on a few unfinished projects.
ShirleyC says
I love, love all of the bundles, and I always look forward to the Friday emails to see what is featured.
However, my eyes always go to the aqua/red bundle! I am hooked!
I also like the Raspberry Mixer!
I'm working on some I Spy quilts for the grands for Christmas! I need to get done asap as I'm having surgery in the fall.
CandyR says
I'm a bird lover so Pretty Bird would be perfect for me. I want to go to Disneyland before summer ends. And guess what…I'm going next week to spend 3 fun filled days!!
Sherry says
Love the Pretty Bird bundle – all those wonderful pinks & greens! I also love that strawberry margarita bundle. Before summer ends I want to take my granddaughter to the St. Louis zoo. Thanks for the chance to win.
OhioLori says
Love Love Loooooove the Jewel Tone Splash Half Yard Bundle!! They are my Daughter's Favorite colors.. I would make her a Quilt (with several bundles of course! lol)
Before Summer is over…would love to go visit my Daughter, in NC. 🙂
Melanie says
Love the Gone Country bundle
debk says
I like the low volume bundle. I need to get my gardens in shape by the end of summer.
Sorcha girl says
Thanks for the introduction to Fort Worth Fabric Studio!! I'm in the mood for the Witch Hazel Fat Quarter and a new table runner for the holiday. A visit to my mother in Tucson is on the list for summer's end.
Thanks for the chance to win some fabric…great colors in the bundle, Metropolitan Medley!
Paula says
Well, I *really* need to finish the King size quilt for my bed. I do love the "Gone Country" bundle. Yum!
Vickie says
I love the aqua red bundle! I would love to finish a baby quilt by the end of the month for my newest grandson.
Sarah says
I really like Bits of Red. Thanks! Before summer is over I'd like to take my kids to a movie or concert in the park. sarah@forrussia.org
Cindy Grimm says
I love the Flirt half yard bundle! The colors are beautiful and out of the ordinary! I would love to finish the two quilts I've started for my granddaughters before the end of summer.
QuiltSue says
I love the Blue Skies & Sunshine bundle. As for something I want to do before the end of summer, well I'd like to win the lottery so I can buy at least one of every single bundle there!
I live in the UK so don't know if I'm eligiblle, but I really hope so.
Miggsie says
Blue Skies and Sunshine is my favorite. Thanks!
swakins says
I love the Pencil Smudge bundle, would love to pair that with something vibrant.
I want to go on one more picnic before summer is over.
Lynn McIndoe says
I like the Up Parasol Bundle. I want to finish the quilt tops I have started and make a "Big Boys" bed quilt for my Grandson, Archer.
jirons42 says
I loved the aqua/red fat quarter bundle. Red is my favorite color and aqua isn't always easy to find. I have a large quilt that just needs the last bit of quilting and then binding. I hope to have this done by the end of August.
Jimmye says
The bundle that really caught my eye was Witch Hazel. Surely I can come up with something to make with that adorable bundle for Halloween for the grandkids!! Thanks for this opportunity!
Laurelle says
I love Fort Worth Fabric Studio!I have purchased from them a few times 🙂 The carousel Pink bundle is catching my eye at the moment. There are so many I love, thanks for the chance to win some pretties 🙂
charlotte says
I love the colors in the Raspberry Mixer bundle. So fresh and cheerful. We are going to the beach next weekend for a whole week and I hope to get lots of relaxing in, as well as a couple of runs along the beach.
Joy says
Thank you for a sweet giveaway!! I am torn between the Redwork and Home for The Holidays bundles. I need reds and who can resist a cute holiday collection?!
Arianna M. says
I really like the Jewel Tone Splash. I want to finish some Christmas presents and a quilt I'm working on before the end of Summer.
leica mom says
Love the pink and green! That's what I would pick. What would I do before summer's end? I'm doing it now…first official day of vacation at WaterColor!! Look out beach!!
Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen says
Love the Strawberry Margarita bundle. I would love to go picnic with my husband before autumn arrives.
Havplenty says
I would love to have the Raspberry Mixer and the Low Volume bundle.
I would like to go back and visit my friend in Ft. Myers before my summer ends.
Donna W says
Great bundles. Right now I am into Black and Whites, and so I am liking Pencil Smudge. Would like to spend more time riding in the 1960 MGA that my husband restored.
Vickie says
I like Rustique….I would love to go to Bandera and Kerrville Texas and just mess around. I love that area.
Sharon Hughson says
Raspberry bundle would me my choice. Thanks for the giveaway.
suemac says
I like the Terra Australias bundle
Gregg says
I love the Sausalito Cottage bundle. And I would use it to make the double wedding ring quilt I want so badly to make before the summer is out!
GO STARS! says
Blue China FQ BUNDLE is my favorite. There are a lot of great bundles to choose from.
Wendi says
I really like the Nouvelle FQ bundle but I think my favorite is the Aqua/Red bundle. This summer I still need to loose 5 lbs, but give me another week and i'll be there!
Anita C says
Raspberry Mixer So bright & sunny…… Before summer ends, clean my sewing room…that was on the list for Spring cleaning !
Lynne Deering says
Love all the fabrics so many to choose from. Would really like to start Gypsy wife quilt this fall with nice bright colours.
Charlene Boykin says
I love the Aqua/Red FAT QUARTER BUNDLE FWFS Exclusive. I would love to make a pink quilt! tomcharlene@gmail.com
floyquilts says
I love Blue Skies & Sunshine it is so happy. I hope to make some bags for Christmas presents before summer ends.
Amanda Guthrie says
I love the Metropolitain Medley bundle. I hope to get started on a fall quilt before summer ends.
Dawn says
I like the Low Volume Bundle very much! My email is: dawnm1993@gmail.com
Paula says
Thanks for the great blog. Seeing new ideas and finding out about various shops and fabric lines is great. I love the Dear Stella Flirt bundle at Fort Worth Fabric Studio!
Kathy says
I love the 30's Playtime Collection. I would like to do a Thimbleblossoms pattern. Maybe Swoon…
Polly says
I love the Up Parasol bundle the best… but they are all great!! Thanks so for the chance to win! I'd like to get my postage stamp quilt made before the summer ends!
Lynne Tilley says
I like the Lecian Flower Sugar bundle. I'd like to go see my granddaughters one more time before the summer is over.
Dorothy says
Love the Ladybug assortment. My mom loves ladybugs, she would love something out of that! Before summer ends, I hope to go camping one more time. thank you for the opportunity to win.
Jules says
Pencil smudge bundle. :). Sadly summer ended for me 2 weeks ago
Avon says
My favorite is Blue Skies And Sunshine. I think it would be great in a modern grandmothers flower garden quilt.
Tess says
they're all great but my favourite is the FWFS aqua/red fq bundle – love those colours together. I'm hoping to get one last quilt top finished!
mary says
My favorite is the Posies Batik bundle. It would make great placemats for my kitchen. I'm still organizing my sewing room and my goal is to be done by Sept. 1!
The Queen Bee says
I love that store. I like how they assemble bundles taking the work out of matching fabrics…which I am terrible at. Currently Blue Skies and Sunshine is my favorite bundle…which ties into what I'd like to do this summer. It is starting to look like fall has arrived in upstate NY but I'd like a few more days of blue skies and sunshine before settling in to the fall season.
Thanks…. Pam
Kim says
I love the Purple/Pink Ta Dot bundle. My favorite colors and I've been designing a quilt using all dots in my head 🙂 I'm waiting on my son to come home to visit before heading back to college for his junior year. He has been working in Aspen all summer!
Patricia says
Blue skies and sunshine or dock on the bay, cannot make a decision.
First time on your blog, like it!
Patricia C
Theresa Henderson says
indelible is by far my new favorite
Ki Light says
I love the red scottie dog bundle and the strawberry margarita bundles. I couldn't decide between the two. Before end of summer I would like to spend one more day at Cedar Point with my son. He is 11 now and time is going to fast.
Jodi says
I like the raspberry mixer bundle. I would like to try to take a mini vacation before school starts.
Quiltfamke says
Lots of beautiful bundles. I'd like the "Blue china FQ bundle" this would fit nicely with my dear jane quilt. Before the summer is over i would like to win a give away.
Cheryl says
Wow, it is hard to choose a favorite. I'll go with Raspberry Mixer FAT QUARTER BUNDLE.
HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n says
So many pretty bundles. I really like the Jewel Tone and the Dock of the Bay ones. Someday I'll make a beach quilt =) Thanks for the chance to win Pretty Bird. I grew up with parakeets and a parrot, so just the name brings back memories.
Kathleen says
Pretty Bird – I can't get enough of pink and green!
Alice says
Love the Up Parasol bundle! Would love to finish painting a couple of pieces of furniture and get them inside where I need their storage potential!!
Jani says
So many choices! I really like 'The Littles'. The little whales, anchors, life preservers are all so cute – and of course – anything with polka dots is cute. Let's see – before summer ends, I'm hoping to get a few more works in progress done – namely a table runner and 2 baby quilts. I'm anxious to dig into my fall prints! Thanks for the chance to win!
Nancy says
I am in Love with the Raspberry Bundle~
Thanks for the Give Away!!
Katiejane says
I love the Pretty Bird bundle and the color combo. It screams "one last beach bag". Before summer ends I hope to finish re-doing my sewing room so that I can hibernate this fall and winter and do some serious sewing.
Amy says
What a great site! I really like the aqua/red bundle! Before the end of summer, I'd like to spend some time horse back riding:) Thanks!
pippirose says
My favourite bundle is Blue Skies and Sunshine. I'm hoping to spend one more weekend out at our camp. It's been so cold this summer! No one has even wanted to go swimming in the lake!
Patty says
I like the low volumne bundles.
aus_chick says
My favorite bundle is Enchanted by Windham. Before the end of summer I'd like to make the most of our community pool!
Sewgirl says
Love the raspberry mixer bundle! I have yet to get out and pick blackberries, which I keep saying I will, and time just gets away!
DeborahGun says
I love the Terra Australis bundle. And I would love to finish one baby quilt before summer is over!
Stacey says
I liked "Blues Skies and Sunshine".
Karen Propes says
Such beautiful fabric bundles. I love the Spa Day Half Yard Bundle HOFFMAN BATIKS. I also love the Christmas bundles. Thanks for the chance.
Mary W Quilts says
Love the low volume bundle, and the Christmas Gingerbread panel bundle and the dick of the bay and ………..
Kristy says
April in Paris would be perfect to sew something special for my oldest daughter! Thanks for the chance!
Mara says
If I had a lot of money I would get the Michael Miller Full Collection PINHEAD FAT QUARTER BUNDLE, but I equally love the too cute Scottie Dog Girl bundle.
Crafty Coffin says
I love the blueprint basics bundle (rainbow goodness)! I'd love to do one last "beach" trip before summer ends (really a lake with an imported sand beach, but my toddler loved it).
Riana says
I really like the NouvElle bundle; such gorgeous colors. And I'd love to finish up this quilt I've been hand-quilting for the past year soon…we shall see. Thanks for the chance to win!
Elizabeth says
I teally love the pink fabric advertised at the top of this feed if I had to choose?
Stacy says
So hard to choose just one, but I really love the Mimosas bundle. I would like to get started on a quilt before summer ends!