Happy Friday! It’s hard to believe just how fast this month is flying by! I’ve definitely been thinking about time and organization a lot lately since I’ve had several things going at once lately. I was able to finish up a few different projects recently, though, and now it’s time to get organized for the upcoming holiday sewing!
I had already scheduled a date with my calendar to get things organized
when I got some unexpected mail that will help me with my organizing! Kimberly at Fat Quarter Shop sent me the brand new Scrappy Project Planner along with all of the planner accessories (note: although these products were provided to me at no charge, the opinions in this blog post are my own).
I am a list maker, and I might have been just a little bit giddy with excitement about the note pad. I love that it’s in a daily format and I can use it for days when I really do have a lot to get done. I love the canning jar reminders to drink plenty of water, the fitness reminder section, and the happy thoughts area for doodling or writing a favorite quote. I really like the size of the note pad: big enough to put a lot on it, but small enough to fit in a purse.
The planner is wonderful, too. It has a large project planner section with pages and pages of project planning helps. I will definitely use this to record my long-term works in progress and other special projects. This portion of the planner takes up about half of the planner, and it’s great that it can serve as a reference from year to year.
There is also a weekly planner section with pages you date yourself. I think this is a great feature as well…there are 52 of these pages, so you’ll have enough for the whole year.
A third section offers organization ideas and tips with several block charts and other reference notes.
At the end of the book are patterns for six scrappy quilts…perfect for using the scraps you’ve been organizing. Finally, there are lined and graph paper pages at the back of the planner for extra notes, drawings, and ideas. I really think the planner is well done!
The planner accessories include cute washi tape, colored fine tip pens, page markers, and stickers.
I’m going to start using these organizational tools this weekend, and I’ll keep you posted about how they work for me.
Stay tuned…I have two new quilt patterns coming next week!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Susan Smith says
Thank you for the thorough review of the planner! I have not seen a review yet that answered my questions until yours. I really love the note pad.
Hildy says
I'm not so good with planners but your review is great!
Congrats to being on of the Top 100 Quilting Blog winners you on place 14 but for me you are the best:-)
Chookyblue...... says
Goodluck getting organised……
Karen Dobbs says
Thank you so much for your thorough review! It makes me consider it even more. Hmmm. I think it should be on my Christmas wish list.
Love your blog!
Helen L says
Isn't that book great?!! I thought it was a bit expensive when I ordered it, but when I got it I was so happy to see it had so much in it: 50 quilt planning pages!! Wonderful!! Now I have to get brave and write in it! 🙂 Have a happy weekend: are you going to Market this year? Hugs, H