Hello and happy Friday! It’s Friday Favorites day today here on the blog where I share a few of my favorite finds…and first up is this fabric I’ve been looking at for quite a little while now…
The collection is called Charleston, and it’s by Amy Sinibaldi for Art Gallery
fabrics. This is one of those collections that I had no idea what to make with it but knew I’d better get some or I’d regret it later…
I love the flowers, and the pineapples…
and these blues…I’ll have to think on this for awhile! (I got mine here).
I’m also in love with this mini clipboard I ordered from Sweetwater. It’s the perfect side to display a favorite quilt block but would also be super cute in the kitchen…they also have kits available for these so you can finish the board the way you’d like.
I’m a book worm at heart, so I thought I’d share a couple of my recent “good reads.” Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age is by Sherry Turkle. She first explains the problem that’s come about in this digital age and then goes on to show how we can recapture communication through conversation. It’s been really interesting and insightful to take a look at how digital media and communication affects each of us.
The other book I’ve been reading this month is Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life. I first got this thinking I’d read it and share it with my kids, but I’ve learned a lot from this one, too. There are terrific chapters with exercises to help you start where you are and figure out changes big and small you might want to make in your life.
Another book I have to recommend is The Complete Book of Clean: Tips & Techniques for Your Home. This is a fantastic follow-up to the author’s first book (I previously reviewed this author’s first book The Complete Book of Home Organization
which is my most favorite organizing book to date). Not only is there information on cleaning anything in your home you can think of, but there are also terrific cleaning charts, lists, and de-cluttering ideas along with recipes for homemade cleansers. It’s a keeper!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend…I’m planning to do a little cleaning and organizing and quilting of course! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hildy says
I love Amy's new fabrics the umbrella print is my favorite.
Have a wonderful weekend:-)
Miss Jean says
Very pretty and inspiring, but what's with all those popup ads? Blech