It seems to be all about Christmas sewing here lately…I’ve been making potholders of various shapes and sizes, table runners, pin cushions and zip bags. I can share most of those things as I finish them since the people I’m gifting them to won’t know which is coming their way!
I have been working on something for me, though, as well. I finally got my Vintage Holiday put together with the gray sashing. Now I have a decision to make…
I can’t decide on the border fabric. I love the red fabric I originally decided to use…but the same print in aqua is my favorite print from the collection. So I’ve ordered some of the blue to see which I like better.
The more I look at it though, the more I think the red really sets off the gray–and kind of makes the quilt. And I can always use the blue for something else…
What do you think…sew the red border on now…or wait to audition the aqua?!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Amanda Murphy says
I LOVE the red!
Heather says
That red is fantastic. Border in red, and bind in the aqua!
Dawn says
Audition?? I'm partial to blue so I probably woukd say blue border red binding.
Very cute….BTW. 😉
Mama Pea says
I never would have thought to use the gray as the sashing, but I really love it. I am really liking the red!
Mama Pea says
But it can't hurt to wait for the blue to arrive to audition it, can it?
Kate says
I'd probably wait to audition the blue, but then go ahead and use the red anyway 🙂
Sue Bone says
Put the red on and use the blue for binding?
Kari @ The Purple Quiltapotamus says
I would totally use the red fabric – I'm sure the blue is fantastic but that Red fabric just screams Christmas.
thea says
The red seems more like Christmas than blue would. but I'd have to see the blue/aqua first
Live a Colorful Life says
Red. Use the red! Even though you will probably really like the blue. Hmmm, as comments go, that doesn't really seem very helpful, does it?
Bev Arason-Gaudet says
I would wait to audition the blue otherwise I would always be wondering if I would have liked the blue better! Although you may end up using the red, waiting for the blue won't be a bad thing . Really cute quilt btw!
CathyK says
I really like the red!
barb's creations says
I'd go with the red 🙂 Barb.
Anne Heidi says
The red looks great!
Podunkpretties says
The red looks really cute, I'm with Sue, red border, aqua binding.
Carol says
LOVE the red! Sets off the the grey and makes all the red inside pop. Oh the aqua would be great binding. Love it!
Wendy Ouellette says
How can red be wrong? I say go for it! It gives it spark!
Joan says
I agree, red border and aqua binding. Beautiful quilt! Have a great weekend!
Sandy D says
I made this quilt also and used the red candy apple red candy fabric on it from Vintage modern fabric and it looks awesome
trish says
Hi Sherri.
I especially like the red!
I love how it looks by the
gray! :o) Can't wait to
see what you decide. :o)
What a cute quilt!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Trish xo
Vickie says
Hi Sherri, I'm like everyone else, the red!
Sharon@Sharon at Home says
Oh the red definitely.
LynCC says
I love the red, but I think you should wait to audition the blue! Especially with it being your favorite. The gray is set off well by that red, and red is always classic for Christmas quilts, but the blue with the gray may look very, very pretty in a wintry way. Wait and see so you won't ever feel like you should have waited. ;D
gailss says
Think I like the red as not sure the blue would bring out as much as red.
Thimbleanna says
I don't know about the border, but I LOVE that gray sashing and I'm not even a big gray fan!
Little Lady Patchwork says
I vote for the RED!
Karen says
I saw wait for the aqua, that way the red in the quilt will pop. You could use red as your binding because then that will finish the quilt.
Carrie says
I love the red – and after all, it IS Christmas. 😉
But if the blue is your favorite, I would wait. What about something retro/funky – red on two sides, blue on two sides? Or pieced?
Or another quilt just like it with a blue border! Come on… Christmas is still three weeks away… you've got time. I know you can do it. 🙂
Meg says
I'm with Dawn–blue border, red binding. The ornament blocks are SO cute!
Prima Donna says
My vote is for the red border and blue binding. Red say Christmas!
Bari Jo says
Oh that is a HARD question…. if you have time – wait to audition… but either way I think it will be so pretty! And very festive! I love red and aqua together! Your quilt is very Christmassy! I think sewing Christmassy fabrics in December is so much fun… I just need to get busy and do it!
sincerely yours says
Blue would make a softer quilt, but the red definitely sets off the gray sashing! 🙂
Anna says
If you have time, definitely wait to audition.
Mary says
Two reasons I vote for red: 1) this is a Christmas quilt and 2) I lived through the '50's (a decade reflected in this quilt) and we would have used red then. Pink was much more popular than aqua for decorations. And 3) this is a Christmas quilt.
flop says
I would like to see the blue …. The red of course is beautiful but I think I'd vote blue aqua .
Your Christmas balls are beautiful .
GranChris says
The rule is if you go ahead and sew it on you will end up liking the other one when it comes. However if you wait then you will like the Red so if you can wait I would wait.
Sarah_L_N says
I love the red! I would still probably wait if it were me though, just in case I did prefer the blue when it turned up!
Jeanenne Nielsen says
I like the red. I would just go ahead and do it.
Kristy says
Wait….patience is a virtue…and it often pays off…mostly in peace of mind. Kristy
ultraorganized says
RED always pops !}
Sandy says
I can't imagine the aqua would look better then that red! Ties everything together.
Darlene says
While I know I would love the aqua but I have to admit that RED is awesome.
•stephanie• says
i love ANY color as long as it's red!!
Jean says
Hi…cute quilt. I think the Blue will make the red in the quilt "pop". Give it a try!
Sharon Dawn says
The red for will say "Christmas" in a cheerful way!
Aliza says
I love the grey sashing. It looks lovely. I will go with the red!
Cindy says
The red POPS ! I've always admired you because you go outside the box with your color choices. I'd never of thought to use gray in the sashing…it looks wonderful!
I've seen this ornament quilt on a couple sites now, would you share where it came from?
Sarah says
RED definitely. The blue may be gorgeous, but I think the sashing will get lost with a blue border. The red just makes everything "pop".
Susie Schrader says
I like the red! but i LOVE this quilt. where can I find the pattern??
Anita says
I agree – the red sets it off, goes perfect with the gray! You can always use the blue for some matching pillows 🙂
Donna says
Even though I love the aqua fabric, I think that it would look washed out right next to the grey sashing. The red gives it a zing of colour. You could use the aqua for the binding.
Kathleen H says
I say wait and check the blue. Red is a bit predictable for this modern Christmas quilt. It's lovely.
PS Daima says
Great work you have done, I like it,
Leather Cords
natashag00 says
Use both! Use the red on the 2longer sides and the aqua on the 2 shorter sides
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
The red will definitely give it a more Christmassy look.