A Quilting Life was founded and is edited by Sherri McConnell. This blog does accept payments in the form of advertising, sponsorships, and other related paid campaigns or endorsements. These payments are accepted as compensation for the time spent in writing, sewing, photography, supplies and time of the writer to supply quality content. All opinions expressed here are that of the author.
Pam L says
Love the colors of this line. Cannot wait to see what you are up to with this.
gailss says
I am seeing some really nice snippet of colors there Sherri and looking like this is going to be a really great collection.
KathyinMN says
Where is spring market this year?
Love the colors of this new line!
Quilts By Laurel says
I love these colors so much! Can't wait to see the collection! 🙂
Tami D says
Love the colors! They remind me of the "sour ball" bard candies my Dad used to keep in a glass jar in a kitchen cupboard. Can't wait to see more!
Hildy says
Love the colors and can't wait to see more!
Lara B. says
Well I can't wait to see more! If just the trimmings look that exciting Sherri, we just know the collection will be too!
Helen L says
oh my: it looks wonderful!!! Glad Market is coming closer!! 🙂
Karen says
I am pretty sure I love the prints in Valley even more than Bright Sun. Can't wait to see what you've made with them.
Michele says
I can't wait to see more!!!!!
farmhousequilter8 says
I am pretty new to your blog. Do you have a fabric line? Thanks Paula