Hello, friends! Today I’m sharing the A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 94 Show Notes post with everything you need to know about today’s episode. If you are new here, you can also find all of the details on how to listen to our twice-monthly quilting podcast.

A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 94 Show Notes
Episode 94 Details and Links
Below you’ll find the links and topics for today’s episode. We had a wonderful conversation with two closely related topics that we feel quilters will really appreciate. Additionally, we shared a fun package we received from a friend!
- Miss Magnolia (quilt on the wall)
- Fall at Home (quilt on the table)
- Fall Dash (behind Billy and just $5 this month)
- Cozy Earth: Get 35% off sitewide with the code AQUILTINGLIFE at checkout
- Jodi’s Etsy Shop
- Jodi’s Instagram
- Captain Rick’s Seasoning
- Topic 1: Quilting “fails”
- Topic 2: Overcoming your inner critic
Where to Listen To & Watch the Podcast
Below you’ll find all of the places to listen and/or watch our podcast:
Where to Find Sherri & Chelsi
Find our shops and social media accounts below:
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Patreon Community
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Academy Quilting Courses
Our Next Episode
Thanks so much for stopping by for the A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 94 Show Notes post. Be sure to stop by on Monday, October 23rd for the next episode. Additionally, you can find all of the previous podcast show notes posts here.
Happy quilting!
Mary Susan Johnson says
I just finished listening to your podcast about quilting fails and being hyper-critical. I am reminded of something my mother used to say. “A blind man would be glad to see it.” Or for Billy, “A deaf man would be glad to hear it.”
Sometimes we need a little perspective with our standards for perfection. In the grand scheme of things, how important is it that our work is absolutely perfect?
For me personally, as a person who has taken out stitches more times than I would care to admit, one of the best things about getting older was losing my ability to see as clearly. Now I think, “It looks pretty good.” because i can’t see the imperfections any more.
julie kaplan says
hello sherri, chelsi, and billy. i found your podcast episode 24 very insightful; and i am talking specifically about being hard on ourselves. also, when billy said we do things that bring us happiness so shy make it so hard on ourselves unneccessarily, that struck a chord with me. i know that i am super critical about my tap dancing and ballet. i am currently 69 years old, and i didn’t start taking tap/ballet classes until i was about 66 years old. although i plan to stick with it, i find myself in class thinking of how i am not as good as i want to be or as good as some of the other dancers. i do believe that negative thinking is having an impact on my progression; and after listening to your podcast today, i will change my thinking and start believing “i can do this”, “i will do this and it will get better and better each time”. in summary, thank you ….. i learned a lot!!!