Hello, friends, and thanks so much for stopping by for the A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 92 Show Notes post. In today’s episode we share details about some upcoming features and collaborations. We also share thoughts on fall quilting and fall decorating perfect for this time of year. And we finish with a short discussion on quilting on a budget. We hope you’ll enjoy the conversation!

A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 92 Show Notes
Episode 92 Details and Links
Below you’ll find a list of the topics we covered along with links to quilts and more from this episode:
- Summer Slice (on the wall)
- Sunshine Girl (on the table)
- Cozy Earth: 35% off with the Code AQuiltingLife
- Sherri’s T-Shirt Source
Where to Listen to & Watch the Podcast
Below you’ll find all of the places where you can listen to and watch the podcast:
Where to Find Sherri & Chelsi
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Patreon Community
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Academy Quilting Courses
Our Next Episode
Thanks so much for reading the A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 92 Show Notes post. For all of the previous posts in this category, go here. And stay tuned for our next episode which will air on Monday, September 25, 2023.
Happy Quilting!
Tammy Sorenson says
First – LOVE the podcast! I listen first while driving to work and then listen and watch again to be able to see the beautiful quilts and your smiling faces! Second – my daughter and I have a relationship very much like yours – we have a business venture together once a year, but we just love to be together too and the sports watching is a bonus too. As a grandma now, I love to go watch the grandkids! Third – your fabric and patterns are awesome! The tips and tricks are always spot on. Love my planner but have to admit that it’s too pretty to write in it yet! I’ll get there! Fourth – thank you for sharing your love and passion! I have 3 granddaughters (9,11 & 13) that have the sewing bug too! I can’t wait to meet and talk with you both at quilt market! Thank you so much for inspiring quilters! Billy is a great addition!
Ruth says
I loved the budget discussion! Many quilters have more fabric than they will ever need/sew. Billy made the best point…prioritize what lines you like and limit the number you buy.
julie kaplan says
hello sherri, chelsi, and billy……i just finished watching your podcast #92, and as usual, i enjoyed it very much. i find all of your podcasts to be inspirational, knowledgeable, and quite entertaining. the way the three of your interact is beautiful to see.
as i was watching, i was reminded to once again ask you where i could find the hexagon backing fabric. i cannot find it anywhere, and i would love to have some. at the time i first saw it, you were saying that it was in limited quantify, sew i am hoping it is still available. thank you all for your kind help; and i look forward to hearing back from you. your very loyal fan…….julie
sherri McConnell says
Hi Julie! It will be available in January. If you can message me I can set up a pre-order for you. Thank you so much!
Collette Koll says
Sherri, I want to sign up for you Sew along and the additional patterns (3) that you are offering. I thought I had signed up for it, but now I am second guessing myself. Is there a way to check this? Thank you so much!! Collette Koll
sherri McConnell says
If you clicked the link but didn’t pay, you are on the list and I’ll send a reminder.
If you paid, then you’re good to go, and you’ll be getting fabric requirements in early November. Thank you!