A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 88 Show Notes
Hello, friends! Today I’m sharing the A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 88 Show Notes. Today’s episode is a special one because we are finally able to share our upcoming Strawberry Lemonade Fabric collection. Find all of the details and links to everything you need to know in today’s show notes post.

Episode 88 Topics and Links
Find links below to topics and the quilts for today’s episode:
- Montage Fat Eighth Quilt (on the wall)
- Vintage 2 Quilt (on the table)
- Strawberry Lemonade Fabric Video + Details post
- Thank you to Cozy Earth who sponsored today’s episode. Get 35% off sitewide with the code AQUILTINGLIFE
Where to Watch and Listen to the Podcast
You’ll find links to watch and/or listen to the podcast below. As always, we would love a review on the Apple Podcast platform if you love our show.
Where to Find Sherri & Chelsi
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Patreon Community
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Academy Quilting Courses
Our Next Episode
Thanks so much for stopping by for the A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 88 Show Notes. Be sure to stop by for our next episode which will air on Monday, August 14th, 2023. As a reminder, we are always looking for listener questions or topic suggestions, so please email them if you have some you would like us to discuss. Also, you can find all of the show notes from the previous episodes here.
Happy quilting!
Alinda Coiner says
I just LOVE the podcast!!! Y’all are so informative, fun, and great to listen to while I sew!!! Thanks for all that you share!!!
julie kaplan says
once again sherri, chelsi, and billy you have inspired me with your latest podcast….and if i want to be totally honest…all of your videos and podcasts make me want to be a better quilter. right now my biggest struggle is time management. i listen to you and i see all of your fabulous quilts and various projects that you are able to complete. i am in desperate need of help with my strong desire to sew more and finish more projects in a timely manner….i really don’t want to take an entire year to complete two or three projects. whatever assistance you can offer me would be greatly appreciated; and if you are able to respond, i hope you will address this during your q & a viewer listener podcast coming up on the fifth monday of july. thank you for all you do….all of you!! wonderful people!! fantastic family!!
Ali Barnes says
I love your new collection, congratulations! Chelsi, please do a sew along for Botanicals 2, that would be so cute in this collection!
I love your family dynamic, you are so loving and supportive of each other! I especially appreciate how Chelsi thanks her mom for her help, it’s sweet!
Yvonne says
Thank You for all the work and effort that you three put into the podcast and the U Tube
video! Thank you for opening yourselves to us.
I had tried to look at the Moda catalog that was mentioned it would be listed in the show notes, but I could not find it. Any help with this is appreciated. Thank you
Lynda Cox says
After listening to podcast I had to come home and check out the moda catalog on line. What a great article and pictures. I think your podcast really hits home with me as I started quilting because my mom did now my daughter and her 8;year old daughter does. ThAnkyou again for the all the great patterns and fabrics. My dream is to see and feel your fabric in person but sadly I have yet to find a quilt store that has any. I live in Ontario Canada.