Hello, friends, and happy Monday! I’m stopping by today to share the A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 8 Show Notes. We taped today’s episode on Saturday and had another fun conversation about all things quilting. Find the list of topics discussed as well as all of the links for things we mentioned below.
Quilting Life Podcast Episode 8
We just want to again thank everyone for listening (and watching if you are viewing on YouTube) and for the positive feedback. We are always looking for questions and topics to discuss, so feel free to email or leave them in the comments section.
Episode 8 Topics
Our episode today covered so many topics! Here is a list of what we discussed:
- Works in Progress
- Pressing
- Evening Routines
- Our Sewing Rooms
- Selecting & Carrying out Projects
- Project Organization
- Joy in Quilting
- Choosing Projects
- Sewing Time
- Sewing Organization for non-permanent work spaces (Dining Room Table Sewing, etc.)
- Sorting, Rotating, Washing Quilts
- Organizing Notes/Project Ideas using a Cell Phone
- Our Previous Professions
- Building a Stash
- Buying Yardage/Pre-Cuts without a Project in Mind
- Good Background Choices
Episode 8 Links
- Zebra Mildliner Pens
- Martingale U Class Info Video
- Martingale U Class Sign Up page (available 9/8/2020)
- Chelsi’s Community Quilt Pattern
- Elfa Storage Drawer Unit
Where to Listen and Watch
Where to Find Sherri & Chelsi
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Patreon Community
- Sherri’s A Quilting Life Academy Quilting Courses
Our Next Episode
Find all of the previous Podcast Show Notes pages here. Because there were five Mondays in August we taped three episodes this month. We’ll return to our regular first and third Monday schedule in September with our next episode airing Monday, September 7th. Happy quilting, and thanks so much for stopping by!
Joy Dickson says
I love your podcast. As I said on the YouTube podcast, thank you for reminding me of my WIPS. I started an Aurora quilt in Creekside when my boss brought a fq bundle home from market. It’s been sitting there in a plastic container in a cupboard, you inspired me so much I put your podcast on pause and went and hung it up on my design wall. Now I’m ready to finish. I loved your Creekside line so much.
Ali Barnes says
I love your podcast, I look forward to it (I actually watch it). I have a question. I have tried a few things using jelly rolls, but my piecing does not seem to be as accurate with them. Any suggestions?
Janette says
Did Chelsi share where she got the white desk she has in her sewing room? I have really enjoyed the podcast. I watch on youtube and love seeing all the quilts!
Patti McConnell says
Is there going to be a sew-a-long with the Balboa Fabric when it comes out?
sherri McConnell says
Yes, details are in the Thursday, June 3rd post!
Andrea Teal says
Hi! I love your you tube videos and wanted to ask if you have a list of bella solids that coordinate with Balboa. I hope you can point me in the right direction 🙂 Thank you!
sherri McConnell says
Yes, thank you for reminding me to post this. The post will go up on Monday morning 9/7/2020. Thank you!
sherri McConnell says
Actually…Thursday morning will be the Balboa solids post 🙂