Hello, friends! Today I’m sharing the Quilting Life Podcast Episode 27 Show Notes. Here you’ll find the list of topics we discussed along with links to any patterns or products we shared. (At the end of this episode we answered some fun listener questions about food). I’ve also included links to the podcast platforms where you can listen and watch our podcast. Happy Monday!

A Quilting Life Podcast Episode 27
Episode 27 Topics
- Review of our Livestream
- Quilt as You Go Method
- Diagonal Seam Tape with large blocks
- Pillow shams
- Pinked edges on pre-cuts
- Family dynamics of work for Sherri, Chelsi, & Billy
- Chelsi’s thoughts on a work-at-home mom of three
- Bathroom design + quilting
- Guidelines for combining different sizes of quilts
- Fabrics for Scrappy Quilts
- Food: Our favorite everyday dinners, favorite foreign foods, and favorite birthday meals
Episode 27 Links
- Safe Haven Quilt
- Afterglow Quilt
- Simple Table Runner Tutorial (can be used to practice quilt as you go)
- Quilt as You Go Made Modern (book)
- Diagonal Seam Tape
- Quilted Pillow Sham Tutorial
- Container Store Drawer Unit for Project Storage
Where to Listen & Watch the Podcast
Where to Find Sherri & Chelsi
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
Next Episode Details
Our next regular episode will air on Monday, May 17th. I hope you enjoyed the Quilting Life Podcast show notes. Find all of the Show Notes posts for the earlier episodes of the Quilting Life Podcast here.
Happy quilting!
Mrs Gillian Bloomfield says
Thank you so much for your informative and inspiring podcasts. Your enthusiasm for all things quilty is delightful.
I have some questions about background fabrics in scrap quilts.
1. Do you stick with particular styles of fabric when choosing backgrounds for a scrap quilt? eg all reproduction backgrounds in a reproduction scrap quilt.
2. How do you control the busyness? Would you mix shirting prints with viney prints eg.
3. Do you mix cream, white and beige backgrounds? Someone said in a class once don’t mix cream and white together.
4. I think sometimes quilts can be too coordinated and lack sparkle. How do you avoid that happening?
Many thanks for all your hard work
Gillian from Perth in Western Australia