Good morning and welcome to my stop on the Springtime in the Rockies Blog Tour! My friend Konda has put together a group of “Rocky Mountain” quilts by Rocky Mountain quilters!
I have a copy of the book, and the projects are wonderful…there are some beautiful photographs of the west included as well!
Be sure to stop by each blog listed below–you have a chance to win a copy of the book from each blog!
Sept 19 – Kansas City Star
Sept 20 – Amy Smart
Sherri McConnell (Me!)
Sept 21 – April Mazzoleni
Maggie Barber
Sept 22 – Becky Morganson
Marion McClellan
Sept 23 – Emily Herrick
Kathy Miller
Sept 24 – Karlene Riggs
JoyLyn Rigby
Sept 25 – Margie Ullery
Shannon White
Sept 26 – Machelle Preston
Kim Walus
Sept 27 – Konda Luckau
Jenifer Dick
So…to be entered to win a copy here, just leave a comment on this post about your favorite fall tradition (since fall will arrive here in the Northern hemisphere on Saturday). Thanks so much, and good luck!
Noele Corrigan says
My favorite Fall Tradition is playing in the leaves with the kids. The colors are so magical and it's a great way to have fun while getting a little work done 😉
Lisa Marie says
My favorite fall tradition is going to college football games and the associated tailgate parties.
Sandra says
Watching the maple trees turn into the orange, yellow and red colors. So beautiful to see. I also like the idea of using the slow cooker for your stews and soups. Not feeling quilty about quilting because dinner is ready whenever you choose to eat. Springtime in the Rockies is not only full of creative patterns but you also get to enjoy the photographs as well. Thank you so much for the chance to win this book.
Sandi T.
LC says
My favorite fall tradition is watching College Game Day on Saturday mornings with my husband, not getting out of our PJ's all day, and watching every football game that comes on. The first day of football season is my favorite day of the year, better than my birthday and better than Christmas.
Jayme says
My fave fall day, is the first day that I get to walk outside with the smell of rain and a cool breeze that keeps me just the right temperature while wrapped in a comfy sweatshirt.
Sally says
FAv Fall tradition? Watching football with DH and making hexagons with EPP!
Linda says
BizyStitches says
Besides the cooler weather, colorful trees, and not having to mow the lawn. The best thing about fall is that the NBA basketball season is just around the corner. Thanks for the chance to win the book.
Laurel says
My favorite fall tradition is harvesting the golden pomegranates on my tree in Arizona. The grand kids help me "beat" the seeds out and we make pomegranate salad.
The book looks beautiful.
Missy Shay says
I always go home to visit my family in the fall on my birthday, Sept. 30, and then we always go to the fair.
OhioLori says
Well…best parts of Fall are the leaves, and sweaters, and cozy quilts….playin in leaves with our Grandgirlie, makin Applesauce…& pies! Our Anniversary is in October…so THAT is our biggest "Tradition"…we always go down to Amish country! 🙂
Thanks for chance to win your Drawing too!!! 🙂
Kristen King says
We take a yearly fall trip to the apple orchard to get apples, pumpkins, squash. It is always a fun day and I always look forward to it! 🙂
Frog Quilter says
Camping in the mountains in october and trout fishing. YUM!
tubilinha tiacarminha says
Gosto das cores que a natureza nos presenteia,e o clima ameno.Obrigada.
Johanna says
I love going for a hike every fall to a tower that has a wonderful view.
{ HeatherK @ AReformedHeath'n } says
My favorite fall tradition is the pumpkin patch. Even now that my kids are older, it's so cute to see them card the biggest one they can possibly carry 🙂
Mama Pea says
I love going apple picking, although the pickings are slim this year due to late spring frosts! thanks for the giveaway!
Gertie Pye says
This looks like a fun book! We don't have a whole lot of autumn traditions until Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night kick in. But I do love the smell of a leftover bonfire on a crisp cool autumn morning. Makes me skip along my school run!
Helen L says
My favorite fall tradition used to be going to the pumpkin patch with my girls to pick out pumpkins. They are "too old" to do that now: I'm looking forward to the day I can go with grandkids!!! thanks for the chance to win this book!
Bari Jo says
mmm… fall here means green chili season – the smell of it roasting all over the city is amazing! We enjoy getting a fresh bushel, roasted, and then preparing it for the winter and putting it up in the freezer for future …. and enjoying it fresh now – Hatch Green chili means fall here for sure! And the Balloon Fiesta, too! The riot of colors in the trees is so pretty, too!
JoyceLM says
We go to college football games – go Tarheels! Thanks for the giveaway.
Barbara Woods says
we go to see our grandkids play football
Nita says
I know it's going to sound silly, but I love to buy a new pair of shoes in the fall. Something left over from my long-ago school days, I guess!
carol l says
Watching football and weaning calves. I just love everything about fall.
Carol L
Erin says
I love to work outside in the fall, raking leaves and cleaning up my garden.
ritainalaska says
each fall for the last 12years, i've trekked here or there to different places here in south central [alaska] … day trips, going for lunch and scenic views and fall colors. always have a great time and get great pix!
Jeanenne Nielsen says
I love the change of leaves, cooler weather, going to football games.
Kay says
We love to go to a pumpkin patch near us with our kids & grandkids. There are so many fun things to do – zip lines, corn mazes, slides (even though I broke my tailbone on one a couple of years ago), hayrack rides to pick up pumpkins & many more things to do there.
Karen says
I love to get outside in the Fall. Love the colors and the fresh air.
Carmela says
Making tons of soup and freezing them. So when those snowy days come, it's easy to just heat some soup up and sit by the fire 🙂
michelle says
My favorite fall tradition is definitly decorating. I love the orange, brown and gold colors. Thank you for the chance to win…
ljeanne says
Getting out my spooky, hand carved gourds and decorating.
Joyce says
Decorating with all the wonderful fall colors, apple picking and baking…yum!
Joni says
When the leaves start turning, that means that it is salsa and marinara sauce canning time! I love picking the ingredients out of the garden to later enjoy in the winter/spring months. Fall also means windy/rainy weather which brings me closer to my sewing machine!
Marcia W. says
The fall tradition I enjoy the most is my brother's annual hayride and cook out for "the little ones." My grandnieces love to ride at night across the fields and look for deer and turkeys.
Carol says
I love a walk Fall walk! And hot soup.
Barb says
It's all about the leaves! Watching them turn, enjoying the color, and doing the shuffle walk through the drifts.
LesQuilts says
Ours is raking all the leaves and then having a big bonfire into the evening. Then roasting marshmellows over the coals!
Thanks for the blog hop and the giveaway for the book! Looks great!
Take care, Leslie
jmniffer says
Raking up the leaves, tossing in a favorite tennis ball and watching our mineature dachshund disappear as she dives in after it! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
Carol says
I was born in Colorado, land of the Rockies so this book is awesome to me. I love the Fall because it means cooler weather which is nice after a hot Arizona summer. My favorite Fall tradition is decorating for Fall. I also enjoy going up North to see some Fall colors, love the colors of Fall especially the Aspen trees.
Jeanne Gwin says
I love all the Harvest Festivals and there are a couple of really great wine tasting tours that we enjoy each year. thanks for a chance to win the awesome book
u keep sewing says
Making applesauce, working cattle,
My very favorite is the fall colors.
Your blog is wonderful.
Thanks for the chance.
Sandy says
Besides the beautiful colors, I love apples and cider! Of course cooler weather means I sew more too.
Anita says
My favorite fall tradition is to go to the pumpkin patch or local farm to pick our pumpkin…even though I have teenagers I still make them go and carve pumpkins 🙂
Lisa says
Playing in the raked up leaves with my grandson.
Linda says
I love the chance to drive through the mountains and see the fall colors. The book looks great!
Cindi says
I love the cooler weather, and the beautiful colors of Fall. I also love being able to bake and make soups, chili & chowder and not worrying about heating up the kitchen!
Kathie says
my favorite fall tradition is baking pumpkin muffins and bread with my DD's, they loved to decorate the pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting and candy corns and pumpkins
of course this is my favorite time of the year, the cool weather and the beautiful colors , my palatte for sure!
thanks for the memories and giveaway!
Sharon says
I love the " just right" temps and color everywhere!
Josie McRazie says
I just love tondrive through the country and look at all the beatifulncolours! The drive fromnour housse to both of our parents houses innabout another month will be breathtaking! I love the fall colours!
Judith says
My favorite time of the year! Love how it cools down here in south Texas and sit outside on the pourch with my Prissy (our guard cat) and enjoy the morning with a cup of latte. Judith, Texas
Carol C. says
My favorite fall tradition is collecting different leaves and pressing them, then using them throughout the house, or making a wreath with them. I love the fall colors!!
Michelle says
Here in WV the mountains turn a beautiful pallette of orange, red and gold, and we always take a drive up the winding mountain roads to take pictures of the leaves!
Mary says
My favorite fall activity has always been field trips to the pumpkin patch and the apple orchard. I started this when my kids were small and now I get to go with grandchildren. One of the best pumpkin patches around is owned by a family friend and that makes it even more special for the grandchildren because they get a train ride while we're there.
Deb says
Pumpkin patch visits with my granddaughter and halloween, seeing all the cute little kids dressed up!
sophie says
The first cold snap in the Fall makes me warnt to roast veggies in the oven, pull out Mysore wool and start knitting again and get outside and go for a walk and start looking for the glorious colors of Autumn.
mindingmomma says
Smores! We love to have a little fire in the pit and roast mashmallows.
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
Our favorite family fall tradition is to participate in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. My DIL organizes it and we have bee walking the 5K for seven years in a row. It is always the second Saturday in October.
hueisei says
We don't have fall here.But, we will plant some local fruits in our garden during this time of the year.
Amys Crafty Shenanigans says
For me it would be to put the garden 'to bed'. I wrap the things that frost will hurt or kill -in fleece cloth and do the final grass cut, turn the compost and put all lawn chairs etc away. The garden looks so quiet and peaceful at this time of year with the flowers doing their last bit of spectacle and everything else is quiet and slow.
nancy b. says
Driving truck while we harvest our sugar beets…lasts just long enough to enjoy the change in routine and love seeing the fall colors while being outside all day.
KMSC says
I like to decorate my house with pumpkins, leaves, etc; all the colors of autumn. It's my favorite season. Thanks for the giveaway.
scottylover says
I love all the fall festivals that are going on. The local street fest starts tonight in the city I live in and with the windows open, we can hear the bands!
Sandy A
momof3 says
My favorite fall tradition is going to the pumpkin patch with the kids to pick out a pumpkin. Thanks for the chance to win!
Seacoast Quilter says
I love getting out the quilts when it starts to cool off.
Ullhärvan says
Fav fall tradition? Oh, I miss summer! Not much for fall or winter.
Kalynn's Creations says
Fall Traditions – Melon Days Celebration – Our city celebration in the 3rd Saturday in September and everyone comes home. They play softball, run the 5K, shop all the fantastic booths in the park, watch the parade, 3 days jam packed with family and fun. This year we had 16 little ones (2 weeks old to 11 years old) and they all brought their parents and grandparents! So much fun
Kathy H says
We like to go to the apple orchard and pick apples.
Sally says
I too have been making hex-flowers like mad lately! Thanks for chance for book!
marci sinfisi says
chestnut picking 🙂
thanks for the giveaway
Sherry says
I love to decorate for fall and bring a load of pumpkins home to place on our front porch. I know this book will be as good as all of her other books.
tpott says
I LOVE walking with my son, his friends and their mothers, trick or treating on Halloween. It's our favorite holiday, I'll miss it all when he grows up. ;-> Toni Anne
Ellen in Oregon says
My favorite fall tradition is putting my summer displays of sea shells away and bring out all my fall decorations. Totally lifts my mood and makes the house look fresh and revived. The new book looks great and thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.
Joyce Carter says
My favorite Fall tradition is going to the Fall Festaval we have every year on the first Saturday in October. Thanks for the giveaway.
isa13 says
Hi from France
When fall comes, I love to change the quilt that hangs in my dining room. Yesterday it was an hawaian quilt and today it's a fall colors quilt.
JPatz says
My favorite fall traditions are jumping in leaves, and going on quilt retreat!
Judy1522 says
My favorite fall tradition is walking through the leaves on a clear, cold, windy autumn day.
Siobhán says
In the US, my favorite fall tradition is going apple picking with the family. Oh, but how I miss that! Here in Ireland, I guess we don't have a go-out-and-do-something tradition, but we all enjoy the nights closing in earlier which mean that it's time to hunker down and enjoy time spent with one another.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!
Cecilia says
I like to clean off my porches and chairs so we can spend some of the nice days on the porch.
Happy Cottage Quilter says
My favorite fall tradition is bringing the fall colors indoors. We live in the deep south, so we do not have the change of seasons. Bringing the beautiful fall colors inside is a great way to get us ready for the holidays that are close behind. Thanks for the giveaway.
Deb says
Going on a family vacation is our annual fall tradition, and I always love it!
Gwen says
My favorite Fall tradition is our annual October trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains. The summers here on the Alabama coast are pretty hot and humid, and it is so refreshing to be in the mountains– to see the breathtakingly beautiful leaves– to hike along a rushing river– to reach the summit of a tall mountaintop– and just enjoy God's creation!!
Thank you for the chance to win this book! It looks wonderful– full of beautiful projects! 🙂
JCnNC says
Favorite tradition is going to the fall craft and quilting festivals. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to win. Judy C
jenni says
My favorite thing about fall is decorating for Halloween with my grandsons!
Mimi says
I love to takes hikes and photos in the fall time. The colours are spectacular and images amazing!! Thanks for the chance – the book looks great!
Lee says
I love picking apples and then making applesauce and apple crisp!