Happy Valentines Day, and welcome to my stop on the Scraps, Inc. Vol. 2 blog tour! The projects in this book are amazing…I know you’ll find several you’ll want to make. I was absolutely honored to be asked to contribute with such a talented group of quilters!
When I began thinking about what I wanted to design for this compilation book,
I decided I wanted my project to work with the most common scraps I seem to collect: 2 ½″ wide pieces that aren’t width of fabric–you know…left-over jelly roll strips and pieces from charm packs and Layer Cakes. My project uses these types of scraps with simple piecing techniques; you can make each block completely scrappy or place similar colors together as I did. The background fabrics create secondary star patterns throughout the quilt.
The designs are fresh and modern, the photography throughout the book is beautiful, and you are sure to be inspired by Scraps Inc. Vol.2!
Leave a comment on this post with your favorite way to store your scraps for a chance to win a copy of Scraps Inc. Volume 2! Additionally, you can purchase Scraps, Inc. Vol. 2 here for 30% off with the code Scraps30.
Be sure to visit all of the blogs below to see more projects and for more opportunities to win a copy of this fun book:
Monday, February 8
Amy Smart, Diary of a Quilter
Nydia Kehnle, Nydia Kehnle Design + Photography
Tuesday, February 9
Amy Friend, During Quiet Time
Alexandra Ledgerwood, Teaginny Designs
Wednesday, February 10
April Rosenthal, April Rosenthal – The {Studio} Blog
Dorie Schwarz, Tumbling Blocks
Thursday, February 11
Erin Harris, House on Hill Road
Janice Ryan, Better Off Thread
Friday, February 12
John Adams, Quilt Dad
Kari Vojtechovsky, Craft Happy
Saturday, February 13
Katie Blakesley, Swim Bike Quilt
Kati Spencer, From the Blue Chair
Sunday, February 14
Melissa Lunden, Lunden Designs
Allison Harris, Cluck Cluck Sew
Sherri McConnell, A Quilting Life
Thanks so much for stopping by!
EDITED: Congrats to Janan Doster who is the winner of the copy of Scraps Inc. Volume 2!
Iris says
My favourite way is by colour in different baskets. Congratulations on a great addition to this awesome book.
Laura B says
I sort scraps into squares (by size) and strips. Any other shapes of scraps are stored by color.
Hope Mitchner says
I try to sort by size (square or strip) then the strings are just thrown in a box.
katyquilts.net says
Beautiful quilt! I have a couple decorative buckets and a vintage enamel baby bath tub that I use for scraps until they get cut up into projects, then they get stored in vintage enamelware containers.
Pam says
I store them by color and sizes in bins. My quilting friend do scrap exchange every so often so we can get a new group of scraps
Allison C says
In bins by color. Hopefully eventually by size too, but for now there is some organization…
Lisa in Port Hope says
I really need a method to store scraps, because the 2.5 inch strips have escaped and gotten into the bin with the crumbs…
Laura says
I'm not very good at sorting them. Scraps and yardage are all in bins sorted by color. It's a bit of a mess.
babiesdoc says
My organizational skills are questionable but I do have plastic boxes or bedding bags of squares and strips .. . And a couple of jumble baskets of everything or anything
Hildy says
So far my most common method is to put all scraps on one pile … let me tell you it's not the best way;-) But I also started to cut my scraps in more common sizes like 1.5", 2" , 2.5" and I actually use them:-)
Pat says
I've tried everything but am starting to think that saving by color works the best for me. Your quilt is beautiful.
cathy says
At the moment my scraps are in wire baskets in the closet. Not my favorite because they seem to go in and just stay there. I would like to try cutting them into common sizes, keeping them visible and using them. Perhaps clear containers on a shelf?
The book looks like it is filled with inspiration for updating my quilting style.
Katharina says
I have five drawers for the smaller pieces, sorted the different colours in the different drawers.
I have also five differnt boxes: for 1 1/2 ", for 2 ", for 2 1/2 " (all into squares),
for 1 1/2 stripes and one also for all the bigger stripes.
This is a good way for me to know, where the smaller pieces are, that i have to use!
Your project for this book is really beautiful – I love the colours!
Afquilt says
Store by color in jars. Thanks for the chance!
Lorraine says
Your quilt is lovely. I store scraps by square size and strip size.
Cindy Mizer says
I have my scraps in a laundry basket under my sewing table. They are subdivided into groups-strips, miscellaneous, smaller pieces.
I love your quilt pattern!
Jennifer says
I use ziploc bags for each quilt scraps.
BethAnn says
I want to be like Katharina! I don't have a good system. Great posts here.
Your project is beautiful! I love the flowers in similar colors!!
Thanks for the chance.
Aunt Marti says
Sherri, I made fabric bins to store my scraps (also mostly 2½" strips!) by color.
Tanya Quilts in CO says
I store my scraps by color in the plastic 3-drawer rolling carts. Scrap quilts are my favorite, so I would love to win this book!
Laurie Matthews says
I have way too many scraps and they are sorted by color in bins within my sewing room. They are getting out of control!
Lori V says
I'm just happy if they are off of the floor! Have Scraps Vol. 1. Would love Vol. 2!
Annie says
I delude myself by saying I will store my scraps in zip bags, but often they get stored on the floor, the cutting table, under the cutting table…..
Melanie says
I don't have a favorite as currently I just toss them in bin by designer!
I love how your quilt uses 2.5 inch strips!
Little Quiltsong says
I sort my scraps by size in 4 baskets – when getting to overflowing, I make scrappy blocks to use in my next 'beach' quilt. Sometimes I do keep designer fabric together to make a scrappy quilt. Your quilt is beautiful. Love how you used your scraps to make this.
Janan Doster says
I am forever visiting Target stores dollar bins and Michaels clearance rack. I have found several "wire" baskets there that I use to store my scraps. I love the wire baskets, they came already painted, I have one lime green and one light turquise blue…… I love the wire baskets because I can see through them and see all the different colored fabric strips and pieces. Fabric confetti!!
Charlene S says
My scraps live in boxes and bins. 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 strips live in separate bins/boxes. 2 1/2 by 4 1/2 bricks have their own container. Chunks live in another bin/box. 5", 6 1/2", and 10" squares all have their own zip lock bag. Larger pieces all live together in a big bin waiting to be cut into strips, blocks or bricks.
Grey Cat says
My scraps all end up starched, pressed and pre-cut into 2.5", 3", and 5" squares. These are then sorted by color and size into storage totes. Odd-sized but usable crumbs all go into their own bin, to make 'found fabric', and strips of widths from 1" to 2.5" go into their own bin, for scrappy string piecing.
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
My scrap storage is not very good – I'm reading everyone else's methods!
alexfamily says
By color. Would love to be able to break that down but space is limited. Love the new book! Here's hoping to put those s raps to good use.
Judy H says
unfortunately, right now they are all dumped in a box (or two) at the moment. my goal is to sort by color.
Havplenty says
Well let's see… scrap sorting. I have some sorted by color, I have some sorted by size and I have some living communally in plastic totes, plastic storage bins and large plastic tote bags. It's a treasure hunt every time I look to work with my scraps.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Sheila says
I sort my scraps by size. My strips are 1.5", 2.0", and 2.5". My squares are 2" and 2.5". Colorful small scraps and trimmings less than 1.5" and more than 1" are stored in a small tub to be used to make super scrappy pot holders. Works nicely for me as I'm make scrappy quilts.
kathy-o says
Lovely quilt! It makes me happy just looking at the pretty prints! I keep my scraps in a giant tub right next to my sewing machine – that way they are eventually used. Scrappy goodness – my favorite!
Cathy Calloway says
Well, I guess I have a method…. At least I keep strips in one drawer and big scraps in another, small scraps in a third. But I can see that as I do more projects, those drawers will soon overflow, so good to see what others are doing….
scottylover says
I store my scraps in zip bags by size and shape-either squares or strips. I then can grab whatever size bag I need and find what I am looking for.
Happy Valentine's day to you!
Sandy A
Sharon T says
I store my scraps flat in boxes and bins. Wish I had the energy to sort them by color!
cynthia says
I store by size, but that's about it–I store them!
Judy Gallegos says
I store them by color in my coordinating 1 hour baskets (made with that color's scraps too!)
Tracine Charest says
I short by color into bins. I am thinking I need to sort by size some how too. Love your design. So pretty.
tracinecharest at gmail dot com
EmileeHope says
I sort by color & size in small plastic boxes and ziploc bags. Someday I would like to make prettier storage, but for now it does the job!
Harrysmum says
I store my scraps in Ikea storage boxes sorted by colour, although I do tend to trim down to 2.5" strips and squares when I get to the end of a piece,this pattern would be ideal to use them up!
Harrysmum says
I store my scraps in Ikea storage boxes sorted by colour, although I do tend to trim down to 2.5" strips and squares when I get to the end of a piece,this pattern would be ideal to use them up!
Tamie says
I just have a couple of wire bins on my cutting table and it is working for now. Love your quilt.
Silverthimble says
My favorite way to store my scraps is by size and color. I hope to one day use up my scraps and then storage won't be a problem. ?
Amanda Joy says
I sort by size in covered bins. That way they are at my fingertips when I am ready for them. Thank you! Aj.holsinger@gmail.com
Kathryn says
I sort by size. Then I make either strip blocks or 9 patches.
Lesley says
I store scraps in 9 drawers by color
Judy says
Each quilt in this book is fabulous, what a great collection. Love your work! I store scraps in a few open baskets, with one larger pieces and one for strips only.
Robby H. says
In the past, I have tended to try to use up the scraps as I went. Baby quilt scraps? Make a cute little bib to go with and use 'em up. But I am finding I really want to make scrap quilts so I need to get a plan for storing them. I am very color driven in my designs, so I suppose sorting by color makes the most sense for me.
tammik says
By color in baskets. I also have the long plastic holders for jelly rolls. Wonderful! I'm having a great scrap winter!
Carol says
I'm not organized 'scrap-wise', but perhaps 2016 is my year to get organized. However, I love scrap quilts and all of my quilts seem to be scrap quilts so I have to make some changes soon.
Amy DeCesare says
I usually keep my scraps in a Baggie next to the fabrics they came from originally. I really love the way you think…most of mine are 2 1-2" pieces left over from precuts.
Anne D says
I keep some scraps from certain projects separate but most scraps get dumped in fabric bin to be sorted another day. I love your quilt!!
Elizabeth Bolton says
I store mine by color in clear-ish plastic tubs – when they're overflowing, I try to use some, but I am NOT keeping up very well!! I keep eyeing this book (and Vol 1) so would be delighted to win it!
Karen says
I trim my scraps into strips or squares 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, or 3.5" wide and then store them by size in small plastic bins. When working on a scrappy project, I can pull the bin I need and get to work!
Rosemary B❤️ says
These are gorgeous quilts.
I do save scraps especially if it is a fabric that I just love so much.
Others, I give away to my friend who churns out quilts for charity, like she is a machine!! I am in awe at her productivity.
I sort my scraps by color in big (2 gallon) zip bags so I can pick up a bag and see what is in there.
smithcindyk says
I have plastic scrap booking containers purchased from Joann's that I store some. Others are wrapped in comic book boards or in stacks on a shelf.
Betsy says
I keep all my scraps in a bin sorted by color.
Jane Thomas says
I store my scraps in plastic bins and bigger pieces on a bookshelf. Your quilt is amazing. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book.
cottonpaperflowers says
Such a beautiful quilt and a lovely book. Thank you for sharing! I store my scraps in bins by colour and type (reproduction, solid, modern). It works well for me. Thanks for the chance to win.
Mommy Me Time Scrapper says
I have bins that I sort squares and strips of the same size into from 1 1/2 up to 5. That book looks like it would be fun.
Shelley Folkerts says
I have large bins for my fabric stash and scraps sorted by colors, (blue, red, green, neutrals and patriotic fabrics so far.)I am hoping to reorganize this year and make some of my own precuts. Thanks for the chance to win such a fun book.
Mindy says
At the moment I'm storing mine in a divided laundry bin sorted by warm, cool, and neutral colors.
Linda says
LOVE my scraps! I have them sorted in wicker baskets according to their size! So pretty! Thank You for your Blog+Giveaway! msstitcher1214@gmail.com
MaryAnn Guappone says
I sort by size in labels bins. The book looks great, thanks for a chance to win.
Karen says
I store my scraps by color and specific sizes, 21/2" sqs,5"squares, etc.
Anne / Springleaf Studios says
Love your quilt with the strips scraps. I store by color and seem to also have a lot of 2 1/2" pieces of various lengths. Would love to win the book to add to our MQG library. We have the first book and it's quite popular with the members.
Kell says
I don't have that many scraps but what I do have I store in my dresser with my fabric. I love your quilt!
Pat V. says
My scraps are sorted by color in clear plastic bins. Love this idea for using leftover 2.5 inch pieces!
Darlington Delights says
I keep my scraps in ziplock bags sorted by collection. I need a better system though so everything gets good and mixed u
Eloise says
I store mine in a big tub with a lid….out of sight, out of mind!!! I NEED this book…use up some good scraps.
Sonya says
I store my scraps in Rubbermaid boxes, but I'd love to find a better way that would give me better access to them!
vkh6210 says
I have only recently started to sort my scraps. I am currently sorting by size. Before it was by color. While that worked for my applique projects it didn't work too well for quilting. Hope to make my first scrap quilt soon. Love the quilt you made. Great giveaway. vkh6210 at gmail dot com
AsktheLandlady says
I sort by color: reds/pinks, green/blues/purples, yellow/oranges and neutrals
Bearpawquilter says
I have sorted by size in mayonnaise jars but I am looking for a different way, by colors.
Carol says
I wish I had a favorite way. Mine are a mess! Mostly plastic drawers and ziploc bags. Lovely quilt!
mario san diego says
Scraps are everywhere in my sewing room! They are in jars, baskets and some are even in bins!
Carol S.
Little Black Cat Quilting says
All of my scraps are in baskets right now, with 2 or 3 colors per basket (depending on how full they are). Not the most creative way to store them, but it keeps them out of the floor! 🙂
lindaroo says
Little scraps are in one of those shoe holders with pockets, that hangs on the back of the door. Then, FQ-size scraps are folded into an old CD box on the wall, and strings are in a plastic bin.
I love those big, muti-fabric blocks in your quilt!
Diane says
The few scraps I have are currently in a plastic box not at all organized. I want to make some color coordinated fabric baskets but don't have enough scraps to do that yet. This book looks lovely.
Lisa Marie says
My "system" is to sort by color with larger pieces in see through plastic boxes and very small pieces in ziploc bags. Sadly, there are often a large basket of scraps that are unsorted and just chaos. I do love scraps though, and use them often. Love the looks of this book and your gorgeous quilt!
Laura says
My scraps are all in a big plastic storage box.. I do have a separate basket for solid colors but that is as organized as it gets for now. I need inspiration to use them before they start to multiply.
Abigail Tobler says
Not sure I have a favorite way, right now they are all just in one basket mushed together
Becca says
I'm not sure I'm particularly effective in my scrap storage, but I store mine by warm, cool, and neutral and by size. I'm still looking for the method that will really work for me!
tac73 says
I try to sort by color and store scraps in clear bins. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas.
Unknown says
I sort my scraps by size and store them in bins. I need to take the time and separate each size by color. I will use ziplocked bags to do that. I have a plastic tub sitting by my work station which holds scraps that still need to be cut up. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
Cher Merriman says
My scraps are a disastrous mess, in plastic drawers. I haven't figured out a way to organize them well. Would love to start using them in beautiful quilts like those in this book.
HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n says
I store my scraps by size in bins. After each project I cut leftovers into 4 different sizes and keep them ready for scrappy projects =)
Ann in NC says
I have a cart with 10 or so bins, so I store by size and colors and neutrals. I have a big bag for strings – just need some more variety and watch out! Very pretty quilt! Looks like a great book!
Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches says
I've got clear tubs sorted by size but not color.. 2-1/2 strips, 5, 4 3 & 2-1/2" squares, narrower strips and larger odd sized scraps
Helen L says
I store them by size 2", 2.5" in a box, 3", 3.5" in a box, etc. The boxes I use are the photo storage boxes that I get at Michaels or the local craft store on sale for about $2.00 each. So far, it's working well. Love your quilt!! Hugs, H
Spoolbeans.com says
I have a tall tower of those clear shoebox-sized drawers. My scraps are divided by color. I like to be able to see them like that because it reminds me to use them!
Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts says
In bins by color or holiday if I am making something holiday specific… it has been fun reading how everyone stores their scraps.. and has given me a few ideas! 😉
Tawa says
I store mine in plastic click clack containers, hidden in a cupboard. Maybe thats why I keep forgetting them. Thanks for the giveaway. Tarnia.hodges at gmail.com
Kathy says
Mine are sorted by colour in ziplock bags. I haven't been quilting too long so don't have too many scraps yet. Certainly not enough to make a quilt with them yet but I Ma working on it. Thanks for the chance to win.
alicuz quilts says
I have 2 small plastic bins filled with random scraps and a shoe box size bin with scraps cut in 2, 21/2, 3 and 5 inch squares. Thanks for the chance.
Corrie Tollett says
I love your quilt!!! My fave in the tour! I just started a system of scraps by size in containers.
GranChris says
I sort by color but sometimes I am lazy and the bins overflow.
Nell says
So excited to hear this as I love the first book. I aspire to one day have enough scraps of each colour to make beautiful fabric cubes for them all but until then I have clear plastic containers from my friend who owns a lolly shop. I have stuck a chalkboard label on each. Most are arranged by colour but I also have a few that say "strips" "2 inch squares" etc.
Lisa Stahl says
I sort by color then they go into these huge gallon sized (I think that's what they are) jugs that my Hubby's pretzels come in. They're clear plastic and when I have some extra time I will cut the leftovers into manageable pieces (1", 1.2", 2" etc) for future use. I also have one that is just for salvages as well. They sit atop the bookcases I use to store my fabric in and add decoration to my space as well as serving a purpose. The book looks like so much fun. Thank you for the opportunity!
sue godfrey says
I am very bad at sorting my scraps. I just have them all in a very large box, not sorted at all and I am trying to summon up the courage to start sorting them….it is a very large box lol x
Laura says
So far, the best I've done is to keep my large scraps in my bookcase and my small scraps in baskets that (desperately!) need to be sorted. I plan to keep my strips in one box, squares in another, sorted by size. It's just getting to it that is the most difficult for me!!
Beausoleil Quilts says
I store strips od 1 1/2 inches, 2 inches and 2 1/2 inches in a set of plastic drawers. They are closecat hand for scrap projects.
jetvic says
Mine are in drawers and plastic bags mostly. I do need to organize more that's for sure!
Your quilt looks lovely.
Fam Gordon says
My scraps live in some special baskets in my sewing space. They are not in any particular order, just randomly showing off their colors!
Quilt Granny says
My scrap storage system is very random. It started in a ziplock bag…years ago and now has evolved through increasingly larger baskets and very soon into several of those plastic storage bins. No….it's not color sorted…sigh. It exists all jumbled up together. Some day I will fold and sort those bits.
lynn says
I guess I don't have enough scraps yet to have an organized system! My small scraps are in a plastic bin…and my next quilt is going to be a scrap quilt. Thanks for the inspiration! and for this giveaway : )
Brynn says
I keep my scraps in Ziplocs by collection or project – I'm not very good at scrappy :/
Michellesayshi says
Mine are sorted by color in plastic bags. They are bursting at the seams, so it looks like I should start a scrap buster project asap!
Patty D from NC says
I sort my scraps by fav designer, solids and misc. I tried by color but it just didn't work for me. I've also got a bin for leftover charm squares.
Janet M says
I sort scrap by color using clear plastic bins. When I'm working on a project, I dump the bin out on the floor and rummage through pulling out the pieces that might be useable for my project. Not very efficient – time consuming AND messy! I know I won't be judged here :>)
Diane Beavers says
Hi Sherri
Storing scraps is something I just started organizing , by color and in plastic tubs or fabric basket. Can't see thru 'em tho so it's not been a cinch finding what I need. Katie from SwimBikeQUilt had a great idea "Wire basket", you can see thru and pull thru it too:)
Thanks for sharing your scrap buster, I do have left over layer cakes and a few jelly roll strips too.
Darlene says
I sort by color in clear plastic tote boxes. The white, neutral box is the largest,
Amy says
My favorite way to store scraps is in rolling drawer units. Each drawer contains a specific width of scrap. The scraps are usually sorted in casual colorways. After a scrap quilt pull, the color organization goes to pot, and has to wait for the cleaning bug to hit the sewing room.
veronicamade says
I sort my scraps by color in plastic shoe boxes. So if I need a certain color, I can easily find it in the shoebox. I also save long strips in a different shoe box and solids in a separate shoebox. So far, it has worked great for me. I label the ends with a P-Touch label maker so it's easy to identify what's in each box.
Beth says
I sort by size, rather than color.
Learn How To Make Quilts says
I love scrappy quilts but know though that I've found a favorite way to store them. They are now somewhat stored in various colors or as they were from a leftover project. I need to go through them and find a better way to organize them.
Learn How To Make Quilts says
I love scrappy quilts but know though that I've found a favorite way to store them. They are now somewhat stored in various colors or as they were from a leftover project. I need to go through them and find a better way to organize them.
alexfamily says
Scrappy quilts are the best. So much more you can do with them- exploring color makes it much more fun. Mine are stored on shelves by color with the smaller stuff in fabric bins.
Jessica says
Love your quilt and so excited about this book! I've been trying to think of a better storage method for a long time because right now, my scraps all just go into one big bin, which isn't very helpful. Still a work in progress. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
DIYDad says
I wish they where neat and tidy but since I dig through them… a big tote seems to be my method! I love the book! Congratulations!
robin says
I store scraps by cut size but have one giant bin as first stop for scraps under FQ size.
Lisa E says
Well, this is not my favorite way of storing scraps, because I have no system! I just throw them into a bag and hope for the best!
Becky (My Fabric Obsession) says
I sort by colors in bins.
craftygramma says
I currently store my scraps in clearish plastic bins by ArtBin, Creative Options, and a few from Target. they are kept by width – ready to be used, and/or by color if not trimmed down yet. I also have a pretty red metal basket holding a variety of widths ready for some strippy sets to be sewn, then cut into squares – Bonnie Hunter style.
Gayle with a Y says
I store by collection if I've purchased a collection, which I do often. Then sort into color piles once I've opened and used some
Margaret Lippert says
I store by size of pieces. Larger chunks quarter yards or more in one basket/tote. Strips in one basket, under 5" pieces in another basket.
I enjoy all the ideas for using scraps. I am just starting to get a good stash of scraps.
Robbienae says
I adore scrappy quilts and make many of them each year. I currently have a large tote bag that holds all my scraps and this method encourages me to use all the lovely fabrics that I already have on hand. Thanks for the chance to win this quilt book.
Andrea Burnap says
if I ever get around to sorting my scraps, it will be by color, in bins. I think this book would inspire me to do it!
Sewing Time with Brownie says
My scraps are a disaster, they are tossed in gallon size ziplock bags. I'm hoping to sort them by color someday!
Chris Cole says
I need a good way to store them. My fabric is stored by color, but my scraps are stor d by size and shape, so I forget about them!
Michelle Morrison says
Hmmm…I wish I had a favorite way to store my scraps. Currently they are in random piles and crammed into a few plastic drawers. Quite possibly I should get them organized!
Kay says
I sort my scraps by color. I always think I should cut them up into strips or squares, but I'm afraid that might be just the fabric I'm looking for in a little bigger size.
Marie J says
Using plastic bins, I organize most s raps by color and a few by theme – Christmas, flannel (brights, naturals, etc) but now I'm considering some by strip and squares! Thank you.
Marie J says
Using plastic bins, I organize most s raps by color and a few by theme – Christmas, flannel (brights, naturals, etc) but now I'm considering some by strip and squares! Thank you.
leanne says
thanks so much for a chance to win a copy of this fab book ! I keep my scraps in plastic boxes by colour if they're bigger than 4 inches and by size if they're smaller – it works for me and I love working with scraps !
Kelly O. says
My favourite way to store my scraps is by colour in wire baskets.
Michele says
I cut longer scraps into strips and store them by color. Smaller scraps are cut into squares (and tossed into a bin).
Your quilt is great…
Buffy Skolnick says
I sort scraps by size and by color and keep in clear bins for inspiration.
Suz says
ack! We're supposed to have a system? I'm a relatively new quilter, and I'm still working on that. I just now started a system on storing in-progress quilt tops–each to their own bin. It's all a work in progress 🙂
Melissa Messinger says
I admit to being challenged in the sorting arena. I do try to sort first by size, second by color. Using my overflowing baskets of scraps presents a whole different set of design problems. This book would surely help with that. Thank you for the give away.
Mary Graff says
I store in bins by size, squares and strips. The book sounds amazing!
Jennifer crimson says
I have volume 1 and LOVE it! And I even found your way to trim scraps into usable sizes the most helpful. I store my scraps in clear bins so I can see the colors and when it's starting to get full!
Jennifer crimson says
I have volume 1 and LOVE it! And I even found your way to trim scraps into usable sizes the most helpful. I store my scraps in clear bins so I can see the colors and when it's starting to get full!
Karen Shaw says
Honestly, I have tried multiple ways to store my scraps! However with multiple moves over the years and now kiddos hanging out in my sewing room, anything that contains scraps makes me happy.
Di~ says
Your quilt IS fresh and modern! Love it! Thanks for the chance to win, I love to keep my scraps in baskets by color!
Lara B. says
The way you planned out your design to use leftover strips is wonderful Sherri! I love how you used the scraps by color too! Volume 1 was a winner and I've placed my order for Volume 2! Congratulations!
KaliaContiki says
I divide scraps by size – under 6inches go in a ceramic container with a lid that looks nice on the table and the bigger ones go in my drawers that I have my fat quarters in. So when I'm starting a scrap quilt, I start at the smallest size and see how much I can get there, then move to the bigger scraps and eventually the fat quarters. Btw your quilting is stunning!
not specified says
I organize them by size and stash in a three-tier pull-out rack that sits right next to my sewing machine.
Susie Hoover says
Organize my scraps? You gotta be kidding me! Hahaha! They're semi-organized by size in different boxes and bins. One day I'll sort them by type … darks, backgrounds, lights, holidays, etc. But it doesn't really matter too much to me. I love sewing with my scraps!!!
Crafty Coffin says
Very cute quilt! I sort mainly by color but I keep all my strips in one bin and snippets in another.
Allison CB says
Lovely quilt – I store my scraps by color but not by size! Folded on shelves!
trudys_person says
My scraps are sorted by colour, in plastic colour-coded stacking bins … seems to work okay, but I really need to use them!
Tiffany says
I'm so glad you guys made another book!
I sort my scraps by strip size (I can always get a square from a strip, right?) in clear plastic drawers. Warms, cools, and neutrals.
Tammy McDonald says
I keep all my scraps together in a large galvanized tub. Looking through the scraps this way, tumblind them, often gives me added inspiration.
d says
I'm so new at this that my entire stash fits into a shopping bag! Scraps (rather than the fat quarter pieces that make up the bulk of my stash) are folded on top!