Hello and happy Saturday! Welcome to the Saturday Seven Inspiration for Quilters 70 post with ideas from around the web for quilters. I hope you’ll enjoy this collection of things I’ve found this week. Enjoy!
Saturday Seven Inspiration for Quilters 70
1. Quarterly Review
Can you believe it’s the end of the first quarter of the year? Yesterday I posted some ideas and tips for reviewing your sewing in 2019 and for setting goals for the next quarter. Read this post here.
2. Good Eats
These Bacon-Wrapped Teriyaki Chicken Skewers are perfect for this time of year. Recipe here. I’m going to try this Homemade Dinner Roll recipe soon–they look absolutely delicious!
3. Quilt Exhibits
Here is a great list of Antique Quilt Exhibits this spring and summer. Barbara Brackman compiles these terrific lists seasonally. Maybe one of these events is close to where you live or might be traveling to. Find the list of quilt exhibits here.
4. A Good Read for Quilters and Makers
My friend Elizabeth wrote this beautiful piece on the phrase “Making, Not Knowing” which I absolutely loved. There are so many good ideas in her piece that will resonate with quilters and makers. Read her blog post here.
5. Cleaning and Organization
This post caught my eye because of the unusual title. Then I realized I’m sometimes guilty of “Hotel Bathroom Syndrome.” Read about this syndrome and how to cure it here.
6. A Fun Fabric Bundle
I love this Desert Sky Floral bundle Jodie has curated. It combines some of our Walkabout prints along with some others that work wonderfully together. Get the bundle here.
7. Pre-Orders Available now for Sunday Best Quilts
I have pre-orders available in the shop now for my upcoming book with my friend Corey Yoder–Sunday Best Quilts. It’s getting close to release day…it will be released on June 3, 2019. Order here.
I hope you enjoyed this week’s Saturday Seven Inspiration for Quilters 70 post. You can find all of the previous posts in this series here.
Happy quilting!
Hildy says
Thanks for this post and I can’t for your new book it’s on m wishlist but I learned that it’s smarter not to preorder them at least here in Germany. For whtever reason you get your book later and pay more if ou preorder. I preordered the new Moda All-Stars book and saw yesterday that it’s actually in stock but mine wasn’t shipped yet. So I cancelled my preorder and bought one of the in-stocks (which btw is about 1€ cheaper) and now it’ll hopefully arrives on Monday.
And now I’m off to finish my minisandmore project:-) Have aa great weekend!
Carolyn says
Love your blog!! May I ask what the quilt markets use as stall dividers between exhibitors?
Thank you!
Catherine says
Your quilts are always outstanding! And now recipes…?you are like the Martha Stewart ( no offense meant) of the quilt world! Good at everything and we all want to hear how you make all your wonderful quilts and other things.
You should write a lifestyle book!
Elizabeth E. says
Thanks for the shout-out, Sherri. Loved seeing all these fun things on today’s Saturday Seven.
🙂 Elizabeth
Cindy Roosma says
For some reason I can’t get the Desert Sky Floral Bundle link to workman you give me or info so I can get it.Thanks!
Ramona Chester says
Loved the bit on Hotel bathroom syndrome. I enjoy and look forward to these weekly reads.
Alycia says
Thank you for including Barbara Brackman’s list of antique quilt shows. I had no idea there was an exhibit at the WW1 museum in Kansas City, MO. I live about 20 minutes from the monument! I plan to go as soon as I can.