Hello, friends and happy Saturday. Thanks so much for stopping by to read this week’s Saturday Seven 163 which is a weekly lifestyle and inspiration post for quilters (or anyone, really). I love writing these posts each week and feel like it’s a bit of “me” time to do the research for writing about this variety of topics each week. After a crazy beginning to my week (I have some major deadlines just around the corner), I was able to enjoy a quieter end of the week. So I’ve been doing a little “January refresh” around the house and will share a few pictures…more to come next week. And now, I hope you’ll enjoy this week’s post.

Saturday Seven 163
1. Self-Care
I’ve seen lots of articles on self-care recently, and I think it’s for good reason. So many of us are alone, disconnected, and struggling in a few ways or in many ways. So I’d love to have this as a category for awhile (or possibly for the year). For me, self-care involves some of the following: taking a walk outside, reading a good book, getting organized, chatting with a friend, getting rest, taking good care of my skin, and eating well. For this week, let’s start small–simply make your own list of ways you can practice self-care 🙂
2. Feed Your Spirit
There is something so refreshing and replenishing about practicing gratitude and appreciation for all we have. This week I loved this post on seeing the lovely in every moment. And I also loved this one: “A New Year is a Beautiful Fresh Start.”
3. Quilt + Sew
There is a new Sewcialites block this week…and it’s my daughter’s. Find the block pattern here (I’m still thinking about going back and sewing all of these in the 3″ size–they are so fun)! And the gorgeous Folktale collection by Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique is now in stock…find it here.
4. Cook
I can’t wait to make this Tomato Avocado Salad–it looks so fresh and delicious! I’m a soup lover, so I also can’t wait to try this Creamy Potato Soup. While I have a favorite go-to scallop recipe, I’m going to try these Brown Butter Scallops soon. And this recipe is totally out of the box for me, but I’m trying to cook and eat healthier, so I’m going to give this one a try.
5. Read
I’m setting reading goals for the quarter this weekend and so I loved this list of things to ask yourself about your reading life (scroll down to just before the transcript of the podcast to find the list). This week I’m currently re-reading this book–it’s so helpful!
6. Organize + Decorate
I just ordered these beautiful labels to help organize in my pantry. If you’re looking for beautiful wall organizers for yourself or your family–you’ll love these. I’m doing this 10-step Home Reset Challenge (printable is free) to begin the new year. And here is a printable Home Goals worksheet (I think I’m going to use it quarterly). Finally, there are some fun ideas on this post: “6 Ways to Refresh Your Home After Christmas.”
7. On the Blog Last Week
- Podcast Episode 18 Show Notes
- Quilting Life Quarterly Winter Edition
- Moda Block Heads 3 Block 52
- Block of the Month January 2021
Thanks so much for stopping by to read this week’s Saturday Seven 163 Lifestyle & Inspiration for Quilters post. If you’re looking for more ideas you can find all of the posts in the series here.
Happy quilting, and thanks so much for stopping by!
sue s says
Your post on Seeing the Lovely is just what my son and DIL need, but will not unfortunately appreciate. I will use it for myself. Thank you!
DHW says
Good for you, Sue S. Modeling good practices for our families is a perfect way to teach. Go strong!
Rebecca says
My self care looks a lot like yours 🙂
I paid off my mortgage in April 2020 and that was my biggest self care of the decade, yay!
I immediately started a 2′ raised hugelkultur bed encircling my small home, got about half through before winter shut it down. I moved over 2800 pounds of block gravel soil compost. I really know how to have a good time.
I am plotting a indoor shuffle making my home more functional and prettier. Mostly tearing out 1979 dreadful cheap builtins. Turning a big room into a beautiful quilting room instead of having quilting piles all over the place.
With close to zero money of course 😉
Never had a craft room before.
Dianne says
Love reading your Saturday Sevens!