Hello, friends! I hope you are healthy and doing well at home. It’s sure been a week for us…while I got a lot accomplished I have this nagging feeling that I should have done more. I think it’s just everything that is going on is very good at affecting us emotionally. I’ve been making sure to remember to celebrate the accomplishments no matter how small! If you are here for the first time, The Saturday Seven 125 Inspiration for Quilters is a smorgasbord of fun things for quilters: find patterns, notions, recipes, good reads and more!

Saturday Seven 125
1. Feed Your Spirit
We’ve all got to take special care of ourselves in these crazy times, and I loved the ideas in this article…none of which require spending any money. Read it here. I also loved this short author interview with a discussion on the myth of “busyness” being related to success. Find it here.
2. Recipes to Try
For dinner, I’m looking forward to trying this Classic Chicken Marsala. And this Chocolate Banana Bread recipe is on the top of this week’s list! I also found a Chocolate Swirled Banana Bread recipe I want to try as well. And I also can’t wait to try these Mother’s Day Brunch Muffins with several different add-in options for a variety of flavors.
3. Quilt & Sew
Here is a fun tutorial for a Simple String Bag (perfect if you’re looking for a quick project or small gift)! And I loved this tutorial for a Spa Headband (another fun gift idea). And some quilt humor for today from Barbara Brackman via Sunbonnet Sue (one example is titled “Social Distancing”)! Finally, click the link underneath my Village house blocks above for the free pattern for that quilt.
4. Bookshelf
I feel like I should be reading all of the books with all of this time at home. But I’ve really been enjoying Joy at Work and will finish it before starting something else. When I ordered it I didn’t realize it was a co-authored book. But I’m enjoying the chapters by both authors…and it’s so very timely with so many of us working from home these days. Find it here. This is another timely read…one I finished earlier this year but just might review–Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad.
5. Staying Home
One of my favorite food bloggers just posted a great recipe for Homemade Hand Sanitizer. Find the recipe here. And if you’re looking for organizing and DIY projects for your time at home, there are lots of great ideas in this post.
6. Getting things Done
Are you struggling with procrastination during these crazy times? I feel like I definitely have not been as productive as I should be with so much available time. I enjoyed this article with tips for avoiding procrastination and getting things done. With this being said, and shared, though…I definitely feel like we can’t be hard on ourselves at all during these stressful times.
7. Last Week on the Blog
Below are links to the post from last week…if you missed any, there are some good ones:
- Sewing Room Tour (all of the updates on my new sewing room)
- Moda Block Heads 3 Block 14
- Best Quilting Tools & Notions (with video)
Thanks so much for stopping by to read the Saturday Seven 125. For all of the previous posts in this series, go here.
Patty Boyd says
I sure enjoy your blog and all the wonderful tips. If I ever finish making face masks (up to 170 now) I plan to do your block of the month. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate all that you do! Stay safe!
Jean says
I am at 170 also! What a rewarding project! Stay well! ??
Jean says
Lots of great ideas! Thanks! BTW, finished my Bloomtopia Quilt, just gorgeous…off to quilter!!!
Janet G says
I love the Saturday Seven and always look forward to it! I did want to comment on #6 though and all of the concern and urgency around doing things with all this time and working at home…
You are not working at home. You are AT HOME, during a crisis, trying to do work. There’s a huge difference. Isolation and quarantine aren’t normal conditions for productivity.
Everyone is having to learn a new normal, create new routines, constantly making new decisions about everything during an unprecedented pandemic crisis. It’s absolutely exhausting. I would so encourage everyone to give themselves some grace and if you don’t accomplish anything amazing today, that’s fine – you got through another day however best you could. And yay for you.
Much love to everyone, whether you’re accomplishing great things, or simply existing. <3
Janette says
I love the Saturday posts (actually I look forward to all of your blog posts and videos), I made the chicken divan last week and this week it looks like I’ll be making chicken Marsala and chocolate banana bread this weekend. I started the village houses over a year ago, I have a few masks to make for friends and I need to put my border on last years BOM (haven’t started this years but I do have fabric picked out) – then maybe I should make a few houses.
Kathie says
Hi Sherri,
Thanks so much for another great SS post. Always enjoy and appreciate what you find and share with us. Such pretty pics of Balboa – just love the mix with those new colors!
Jane says
This is the first time I’ve seen your blog. I plan on following it every week. You have such a positive attitude. Thanks for being there. Can’t wait to go back and click on the links to read more. Have a great day