Hello, and happy Thursday. Today I’m happy to be sharing a list of the frequently most asked questions I get about my yearly free mystery block of the month programs. (I really should have published a post like this long ago). Below you’ll find the most common questions I get along with the answers. Also, I’ll definitely update this when other questions come along that aren’t listed.

Quilting Life BOM Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Quilting Life BOM?
Each year for the past several years I have shared a free block pattern each month and have set my blocks together into a quilt (or quilts) each year. This is a mystery sew-along, so the blocks are a surprise each month. Blocks are often offered in more than one size, and I share a link to a free PDF printable for the block directions each month.
Do I need to sign up?
You don’t need to sign up to join in. Simply visit my blog for the free patterns each month. However, many people do like to subscribe to my blog so that they can get emails whenever I post. This makes it easier not to miss the posts with the free patterns. You can sign up for my email newsletter here.
How can I get the free patterns?
Patterns are available on the first Thursday of each month. If I know I can’t post on that date, I do try to make the patterns available earlier. Occasionally I’m a couple of days late, but I try my best to honor my first Thursday deadline. Simply click on the link in the block of the month post each month for your free pattern. You can find all of the posts for the previous block of the month blocks here.
Do you offer video tutorials for the quilt blocks?
For the past couple of years, I’ve been sharing a video for each block. I post the monthly videos on my blog and also post it here on my YouTube channel. If I already have a video filmed for a specific technique used in the block, I’ll direct viewers to that video. In the videos I also share any special rulers I might have used for accuracy and also give links to those products where applicable.
Will the patterns always be available for download on your site?
The current year’s patterns are available through the end of the year. Be sure to download them by December 31st of the current year in order to make sure you get them.
Where can I find patterns for previous year’s quilts?
Previous year block patterns are combined into one file along with the finishing instructions and are available here in my Etsy shop.
Can I use the patterns for a sew along with a group of friends or for my guild?
Yes. However, please make sure that each member of your group or guild downloads their own copy of the pattern from my site. Quilting Life BOM patterns are not available to sell by guilds or shops–they are for individual use only. If you are a guild or shop interested in providing copies of a previous year’s patterns to your group, please email me.
Where can I find the fabric requirements?
The January block posts include a basic requirements list. Generally, you will want to have 12-16 fat quarters along with 2 ½ yards of background fabric when making the 12″ size. A Layer Cake can often be used for the 6″ blocks, especially if you have at least 1-2 coordinating fat quarters.
When will finishing instructions be available?
I will share finishing fabric requirements in the fall as it gets closer to the end of our mystery quilt along. Finishing instructions are available along with the December block patterns at the end of the year.
Do you have the patterns available in a paper version?
The 2020 and 2021 patterns will be available in a paper version (mailed to you) very soon! I’m just waiting on my cover order to arrive.
How can I get a kit to make my quilt?
In the fall of each year, I offer signups for kits using similar fabrics to the ones I’m using (this year I’m sewing with our Seashore Drive collection for my 12″ finished blocks). While the 2022 list is currently full–there will be more kits available when the Seashore Drive collection ships sometime in March. Please email to get on the waiting list for those. Additionally, I will frequently make scrap bundles of our fabrics available to those wanting to make a scrappy version of the year’s blocks. Watch for announcements about those bundles in the monthly block posts.
How can I share my blocks and quilts?
If you’re sharing blocks and quilts, please use my #aquiltinglife hashtag on Instagram. Or you can also share your block and quilt photos in our Sherri & Chelsi Facebook group here.
More Questions?
If you have a question about something I haven’t addressed here, please email me so I can add it to the list.
Thank You
And finally, but definitely not last on the list–thank you so much for sewing along. I love to see your fabric choices and creativity. Thank you so much for inspiring me!
Mary Baldassin says
I would definitely like to get on the wait list for the BOM KITS. Thank you
Grainne says
Thanks Sherri for the excellent patterns and guidance you provide. I’m just wondering about the size of the finished quilts this year.
Keep up your superb work Sherri!
Marie Christensen says
I tried downloading the 2021 BOMs in December, during the week of Christmas and they were not available. I thought I read that they would be available until the end of the month. Were they removed early or did I misread that somewhere?
Mary McCluskey says
I had the same issue, Marie. I misplaced my April and November instructions and am trying to catch up.
Patti McConnell says
Sherri, thank you for all your amazing tutorials, free BOMs, and y[ur helpful tips and tricks. They are all so appreciated,
Kathleen Pfleghaar says
Hi I am missing only the November block from the BOM 2021. Is there any way I can get just that one?
sherri McConnell says
email me 🙂
Denise Clason says
Thank you fir bringing the 2021 BOM blocks for us, again!! I’m very anxious to finish up the blocks this year! ?
Marcia says
Referencing cutting instructions for the Feb 2022 block, are the cutting instructions correct for Fabrics B and C; indicates to cut diagonally 1 time only to yield 4 triangles. Should that be cut diagonally 2 times?
sherri McConnell says
Yes, but watch the video…you won’t have to cut the squares diagonally using the method I show.
sherri McConnell says
Yes, pattern has been updated
Sherree Chmitlin says
This will be my first time to do your quilt along. So excited!