I just returned this evening from a quick, 3-day trip to visit my Mom and Grandmother. I was also able to visit with my brother who lives in China and who was home for a month this summer doing work for his doctoral program. Have you ever heard of the Extraterrestrial Highway? I have to travel this desolate, 98-mile stretch of road to get to my Mom’s. Coming home tonight we only saw one car, but we did see two antelope, two deer (and no spaceships)!
This quilt is my grandmother’s Bear Paw quilt made by her maternal grandmother, Emma Acelia Wakefield Fitzgarrald. My grandmother told me that to this day when she looks at this quilt she pictures her Grandmother Fitzgarrald wearing the dresses and aprons made from the fabrics in this quilt.

I’ve previously shared my three Dresden Plate blocks made by my great-great Grandma Fitzgarrald, and here is the quilt my grandmother put together from the other blocks (mine were left over from this project). My grandmother hand-quilted this wonderful treasure fairly early in her quilting days.

The quilt below is lovingly referred to in our family as the Lily Quilt. It was made by my grandmother’s paternal grandmother, Mary Gilchrist Bice. Grandma Bice asked my grandmother to pick out a quilt pattern, and this is the one she chose. The fabrics were all purchased at the dry-goods store in Walker, Iowa in the mid-1930’s. Grandma Bice hand-quilted this quilt and gave it to my grandmother when she was married. (The Bear Paw quilt was also presented to my grandmother at her wedding). Today, my grandmother brings this quilt out only at Christmas time.
I’ve previously shared my three Dresden Plate blocks made by my great-great Grandma Fitzgarrald, and here is the quilt my grandmother put together from the other blocks (mine were left over from this project). My grandmother hand-quilted this wonderful treasure fairly early in her quilting days.
The quilt below is lovingly referred to in our family as the Lily Quilt. It was made by my grandmother’s paternal grandmother, Mary Gilchrist Bice. Grandma Bice asked my grandmother to pick out a quilt pattern, and this is the one she chose. The fabrics were all purchased at the dry-goods store in Walker, Iowa in the mid-1930’s. Grandma Bice hand-quilted this quilt and gave it to my grandmother when she was married. (The Bear Paw quilt was also presented to my grandmother at her wedding). Today, my grandmother brings this quilt out only at Christmas time.
Handmade by Mai says
Quilting is running in your family. Thank you to show your family pitcures.
Anna says
Thank you for sharing your beautiful family quilts!
– Anna, sy.lugnagatan.net
Lizzie says
Thank you for sharing your family's wonderful quilts Sherri, how good that you are able to document them all with your grandmother's words and mind pictures.
maria says
How wonderful to have such treasures in your family. I love the story of your grandmother remembering her grandmother wearing fabrics from the quilt. We don't have such a big tradition of quilting in England.
Stephanie says
Absolutely gorgeous and they look like they're in pristine condition. How fantastic to get the stories behind the quilts. Real treasures…so glad you weren't kidnapped by ET!
Christine says
Thank you for sharing these beautiful quilts with all your bloggers. I have enjoyed them very much.
Cardygirl says
The family quilts are gorgeous…quite inspiring too. What lovely quilts you have in your very clever family.
Jackie says
Wow, what treasures you have in your family! They are truly gorgeous. I am not sure if you can have a favorite, but if so, I think I am just in love withe the dresden.
Carol says
Sherri thank you so much for sharing those beautiful treasures!
Joy says
Sherri thank you so much for sharing the pics of those precious quilts. The Dresden plate quilt is UNBELIEVABLE!! I just LOVE it. What treasures you have :o).
Joy :o)
SarahVee says
Beautiful quilts – with good old hand quilting! I love family quilts and the stories behind them. So glad you took pictures of them. I just might get my mom to pull the ones out she has this summer. Thanks for sharing.
Nedra says
Wow Sherri! I can see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Thank you for sharing such wonderful memories and quilts with us. What a treasured heritage. I LOVED this post and can hardly wait to see more.
ranette says
It is such a treasure to have your Grandmother tell you about each quilt. Oh and the quilts are beautiful!
*karendianne. says
I'm so glad to read you also took down in words the important special noteworthy items for posterity. You are truly gifted in so many ways. I cannot imagine how proud and honored you must feel to have such an infusion of true quilters running through your blood, your history.
I really enjoyed your post. Thank you for sharing your very own personal Quilter's Circle.
Sherry says
Hi Sherri. Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful family quilts & the memories behind them. Very lovely quilts. I know how much I cherish my quilts made by my Grandmothers & one by my Great Grandmother. Welcome home!
suz says
What a wonderful legacy you have! It's great that you were able to document these quilts. Hopefully these quilts and yours will be loving memories for generations to come.
Material Mary says
I totally love the quilts made by your grandmothers. They hold such a special place in our hearts.
The Quilt Buddy says
They are gorgeous! What great treasures for you and your family!
Have a good Monday!
Mimi says
What a treasury of memories and quilts you have.
You are a wise woman to document things and keep the memories alive and well.
Thank you so much for sharing your memories and pictures. I will be eagerly looking to see more postings.
Shasta says
Wow that is amazing that you have so many quilters in your family – and so talented too. Thank you for sharing these beautiful quilts with us.
rachel griffith says
oh sherri.
this post made my heart SO happy.
especially when your grandmother said that she can still picture her grandmother wearing her dresses & aprons made out of the fabrics of the bear paw quilt.
Purple and Paisley says
gorgeous family quilts! and my husband would love to travel down the extra-terrestrial highway! ☺
Sheila says
You are so very lucky! What a wonderful legacy.
Sheri Howard says
That is so wonderful that you have the record of those quilts!
bettyp says
What a treasure you have there !!!!
Wish I had anything of my GM :0(
Mary L. says
What wonderful quilts and how fortunate you are to be able to see and touch them and (maybe someday own them?). Thank your for sharing them with us.
Carrie P. says
Oh, they are all so beautiful. It is so great that you have some history about them. I have some olds quilts and I don't even know who made them except that someone in my husbands family did.
Linda says
Beautiful quilts, I adore the DP. How great that you now have the stories behind the quilts. I'm kinda green that my grandmothers didn't quilt.
Screen Door says
What a treasure– my favorites are the dresden and the Christmas quilt…
Raegan says
Wow! Very neat quilts.
Annette says
Such precious quilts. I am in love with the dresden quilt. I will have to remember it for inspiration on a future quilt for myself.
Gwendie says
Absolutely beautiful! And you are so lucky to know the story behind each quilt. Thank you for sharing.
Rose Marie says
What a delightful treat …. many thanks for sharing these wonderful quilts!
Janet says
Wow what a great post!! The quilts are wonderful and the memories that go with them are priceless.
Stephanie says
What a great post! I adore all of those. What a smart family to keep records – I have a bunch of no names on my old family quilts.
w&v says
V. here… I am so glad we have summer to see our relatives and catch up on important family history items. I love your family's quilts. These are gorgeous!! What a truly wonderful legacy to have these quilts in such good condition after many years. I love the twisted rope quilting on the dresden plate shashing. Also the christmas lilly is a favorite. They are all wonderful.I am so glad you know so much about each quilt. v
Candace says
How lucky you are to have not only the quilts, but the history behind them!
I'll have to send the photo of the Extraterrestial Hwy to my inlaws the "Roswells"!!
Karen says
Beautiful! Beautiful quilts!
Lauren says
Those quilts are amazing!!
And yes I have heard of that highway.. when Dustin and I lived in Reno we travelled it once a month to see Estefan back home. Gets pretty boring after the first hour. A whole lotta nothing! Did you stop at Rachel?
CJ says
Such beautiful treasures! Maybe you will get them one day. It is great that you have the information to go along with the quilts. Maybe you should make a little scrapbook with a picture and the story, for future generations. Too funny on that highway name. 😀
quiltmom says
Gorgeous antique quilts that are a real treasure for you and yours. I really like the bears paw quilt – it is an unusual form of it. The Dresden plate looks wonderful with the yellow sashing. Thanks for sharing your families special quilts.
Warmest regards,
Nanette Merrill and daughters says
Ok I have a lot to say. First off. My sister Michelle's property (stewarts) borders this highway. There is a natural springs right by the alien store on the highway. You know where I mean? Right by the big robot thing. ANyway across the street from that is some of their property and the natural springs is right there. Fun to wade in.
The quilts are amazing. They remind me so much of a quilt magazine now defunct. It was called "Vintage Quilts" put out by McCalls I think. I have lots of their old issues. I tried to get them all but couldn't and I do have a good collection. The quilts are so pretty and so amazingly made. The hand quilting blows me away. I have to tell you I have NEVER EVER seen a bear paw quilt I liked before your grandmothers. They always look so ugly to me for some reason. I don't like the bear paw block. But this quilt by your grandmother made my eyes bug out. Well they all did but I was especially interested in that one because I don't usually care for those quilts. I love how she made it and of course love the fabrics. Each one is very special. I have a dresden quilt story I need to write up and submit to a magazine but I can't find my photos of it. The story is really interesting. I'll have to tell it to you sometime. It is one of those things where you know you were in the right place at the right time. Really something that only happens a few times in a lifetime.
Thanks for showing the amazing family quilts. I could cry they are so lovely.
Zully says
Hola!!! Thank you so much for sharing those beautiful treasures with us. I enjoyed your post.
Hughs from Costa Rica!!!!
Peg - Happy In Quilting says
Sherri….they are totally awesome…what beautiful treasures..thank you so much for sharing.
amy smart says
Wow! Treasures for sure. I'm sure they're even more wonderful in person. I'm so glad you shared.
Karen says
Oh, what treasures those quilts are. And lucky of you to get the information that you did. There are things to this day I have often wondered why I didn't ask my mother about and she passed away 14 years ago. You just never know what is going to pop in your mind and makes you wonder why you never asked to hear more about things that parents and grandparents did or knew about.
hetty says
Wonderful! Those quilts are loved and treasured. Thank you for sharing this rich family quilt history. You come from a very gifted family.
Mel says
Breathtakeing! Glad you got history on them too!
dotti white says
Wow, Sherri…that is an incredible treasure chest of family heritage and memories and of the quilting love that you share! I loved reading it and looking at your grandmother's lovely quilts!
Rachel says
What absolutely beautiful quilts! They certainly are treasures and you're so lucky to have them around.
Sue says
What awesome quilts! The red lily quilt is my favorite, but they're all great.
Janet says
What treasures, I loved seeing these gorgeous quilts. Thanks so much for sharing them.
Tea Rose Home says
Wow… what a history of your family and quilt making. They are so gorgeous and I think some of the fabrics are very pretty. I am the first generations of quilter in my family and I would love for my children to carry this on. Thank you for sharing!
Jantine says
You are so lucky with a quilting history in the family! Good idea to go and capture quilt(picture)s and stories before it is to late!
Sølvi's blog says
Beautiful quilts. I think I will go back to handquilting after seeing these heirlooms.
Dawn says
What precious treasures ~ nicer than some museums! So wonderful that you were able to document some of your grandmother's memories and information about the quilts.
Tam says
Beautiful, beautiful quilts! Wonderful treasured memories for you and your family.
Thank you for sharing.
Lisa D. says
What a beautiful legacy your grandmothers left. You're so lucky!
Julia says
Thank you for sharing your beautiful family quilts!
It would be wonderful to have such beautiful quilts made by grandmother's ..
A real treasure to keep..
Julia ♥
lovely!!! So lucky of you to have all of these beauties.
Jane's Fabrics and Quilts says
Oh my thank you so much for sharing the history of quilting in your family. It was a pleasure to read about the quilts and who made them and to share the memories with us!
Kathleen says
What a wonderful visit . . . beautiful quilts and so special to know a bit of history about some of them. I'm suprised by the color intensity of the yellow and red – they don't look like they have faded very much. Thanks for sharing.
Peddlecar Quilts says
Beautiful beautiful, beautiful quilts. How I'd love to have one from my grandmother, but alas, they didn't trickle down this far!!
Magnolia Bay Quilts says
What absolute treasures! And they're all so beautiful. It's great that your grandmother is able to share so much information about them. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures.
Jeff, Elizabeth, Caleb and Jake says
I'm so glad you showed all those quilts. I love ALL of them!
Brenda says
I love the Bear Paw guilt. That is one of my favorite patterns. I recently had my mom give me info on some quilts that my great-great grandmother made for her when she was a child. I will treasure them always.
jen duncan says
WOW~ A legacy, for sure. Now we know you come by your quilting blood honestly. 🙂 So happy for you to have these treasures in your family. Thanks for sharing them with us!
belinda says
These quilts are lovely…thanks so much for sharing…AND for the
close up pictures…I am always
interested in sewing hand quilting
up close….what treasures! I'm with Nanette on the bear claw….this bear claw appears more 'dainty' than other bear
claw patterns I have seen.
Christine says
WOW. You are so lucky to have such a rich family quilting heritage. As far as I know, I'm the first quilter in our family.
Michelle says
I went into pre-term labor with my third baby on that stretch of highway and spent several very anxious hours watching the clock and counting contractions and scared out of my mind. Luckily, things settled down on their own and I made it a few more weeks.
Your stack of quilts in today's post is absolutely gorgoues!
monica says
how wonderful to have so many special and beautiful quilt in the family…
thanks for sharing!