The other day as I walked into my sewing room this Mason jar with some of my Great-Grandmother’s old thread spools caught my eye. In an instant I was inspired to sew.
Sometimes just a piece of fabric or even a certain color motivates me to go make something. (Lately, I’ve been really drawn to aqua)! As a teenager I was motivated to learn sewing skills so I could make clothing I couldn’t afford to buy. After marrying and starting a family I continued to be motivated to sew clothing for myself and my children to help out with the family budget. I began to sew simple gifts for others for holidays. But now, even though I’m still motivated by many of these same reasons…I mostly sew and create because it brings me so much joy. I feel instantly happy each time I walk into my sewing room. What about you? What started you on your sewing/quilting journey? What motivates you to sew now?
I’m definitely motivated to work on my Farmer’s Wife quilts by pulling out the finished blocks and looking at them. I have 26 Farmer’s Wife Christmas version blocks finished…only to go for this quilt!
27 Fig Tree version Farmer’s Wife blocks are completed–118 to go for this set (to make a king-sized quilt)!
Oh, and here are the three Christmas version blocks I finished up yesterday–first, block 32, Farmer’s Daughter.
Here is block 14, Butterfly at the Crossroads.
And finally (and I think this might be one of my favorites), here is block 106, Wild Rose & Square.
I also picked up my 12 Day’s of Christmas (Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery Quilt 2010) quilt from the quilter yesterday–she did a fabulous job!
I love the swirls (there are lots of swirls in so many of the prints from this collection, so it was the perfect quilting motif for this quilt).
Just love this quilt…it will be hard to put it away for a few months until I can pull it out for holiday use!
First I’ll bind it, though. I have a little stunt sewing to finish up today…and then I might cut out a new project!
Thanks again for stopping by and for all the great comments–happy Saturday!
Regina says
I am loving just looking at all the COLOR!!! That aqua especially is wonderful!!!
Phyllis in Minnesota says
I enjoy the fact that so many of us learned to sew from our families or 4-H and sewed out of necessity in our younger years and now we sew for the enjoyment/pleasure. It is such a great feeling to be able to create such beauty for ourselves, friends and charity.
Keep on quilting!
W. Latane Barton says
I started quilting when I moved back 'home' after my husbands stint in the Navy was over. Suddenly I was 'gifted' with several tops that my grandmother and aunt had made with a 'Will you quilt these, please?' The tops made into real quilts, I then started making my own tops. And, I continue to sew urged on by a feeling that if I don't I will dissolve like the wicked witch of the west (Wizard of Oz)
Petal49 says
Your Christmas Quilt is so beautiful and I agree that it would be very hard not to have it on display now.
My motivation to sew, quilt, create is my 'other' life from being a Risk & Compliance Manager. I need something completely different to keep my sanity. LOL
CJ says
My mom was always sewing – clothes for the family for many many years, costumes for dance studios later on. I remember playing with the fabrics and always loved to go to the fabric store with her. I guess that is what motivated me to sew.
LOVE your Farmer's Wife blocks!
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
I started sewing for the exact same reason as you Sherri! I wore uniforms to school for eight years and when I started public school it was either sew something or keep wearing the uniform! Now, I just love to sew, create and give it to someone who will love it!
Your Christmas Quilt is awesome quilted. I've got to get mine together and to a quilter before it gets too late!
Scooquilt says
Love that aqua! I myself have a need to surround myself w/ jadite green items. I do believe that colors give off the energy wavelengths we need at the time. Your Christmas quilt is wonderful! So pretty!
Karen says
Your Christmas version of FW is absolutely adorable!! Can't wait to see it finished.
Terriaw says
Love seeing your progress with your farmers wife quilts – two at a time. Especially love those sweet Christmas fabrics you're using. What a treat to see your cool 12 Days of Christmas quilt all finished and ready to use!
Wendy says
It's the fabrics and colours that motivate me, I see a beautiful fabric and want to make something. Red and Aqua have been catching my eye lately. Your FW blocks look like a fun project.
KMSC says
Actually, YOU motivate me to sew! I love sewing the Farmer's Wife blocks so when I see yours, I want to sew another one. Keep up the great work!
Kelli says
Hi, Sherri! 🙂
I am new to blogland, have only been here about a week now, and have been enjoying all of the posts and pictures! I think quilting is somewhere in my dna.. although, not sure if I have that much talent. I just love the history in it. Also, I'm inspired by all of the bright colorful fabrics out there. Fabric makes me happy! 🙂
Sandie ~call me crazy says
Love your FW blocks and your Christmas quilt!! Have a happy weekend!
Angie Burrett says
Your farmer's wife blocks are looking amazing – it would make me very happy just to stand and gaze!
My husband bought me a sewing machine for Christmas back in 1980he thought I could make clothes for the children, haha! – I had just given birth on December 22 to our son, and I was NOT amused! Some jewellry I thought would have been better – but in reality of course it was the VERY BEST gift ever. My neighbour who is Danish got me started on baby quilts for all my "baby" friends, and one thing led to another. What would I do without my sewing machine!! Have upgraded since 1980 of course!
Diane H says
Thank you for the motivation! Your blocks and quilts are wonderful.
Deb says
My MIL has been a quilter for more than 40 years and she and her mother got me interested in quilting back in 1999. I've loved it ever since and have found that it has probably saved my life because it has helped with my depression issues. When down in the dumps I just go sew and my world is a better place.
Anonymous says
I can't believe how quickly you're sewing through The Farmer's Wife blocks – you go girl!
Suzanne says
Sometimes just looking at other blogs gets me in the mood to sew! Your projects are wonderful.
suemac says
You are guilting me into cutting two more blocks. I have 18 and need 2 more for this week. Your blocks are still looking awesome. Both sets.
Jackie says
I love the design in your quilt. I am often motivated to sew by need. Items in the stores are often so pricey these days.
Patti says
I love everything you have made. I am really trying to do this quilting. I have tried cutting with rulers – no good, then I was going to try Inklingo – no good printer broke so same with Paper Piecing now until next week when I buy a new printer and now I'm trying to do it with templates. As well as becoming a follower of yours I actually prefer to follow by email so I know each time you post so I'm doing that too as I LOVE YOUR Blog.
Thanks for sharing
Patti xxx
Sharon says
I agree with Suzanne. Looking at your projects have put in the mood to SEW. I need to get off the computer and back to my Sewing machine.
TaraB says
I need some motivation… Can you help me find it?
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famr_4evr says
I love this quilt! Such fun colors! I can't wait to have more time so I can get the pile of to do projects done.