Hello, friends, and happy Friday! Today I’m sharing my 18″ finished Log Cabin Blocks + 10-Day Challenge Update. You might remember that in early July I shared a fun 10-Day Challenge. I really enjoyed working on the challenge myself and in hearing about so many others who participated in a variety of different ways. Keep reading for details on my blocks including a free PDF with strip sizes and thoughts on the challenge process and journey.

Log Cabin Blocks + 10-Day Challenge Update
18″ Finished Log Cabin Blocks
For my challenge, I decided to sew thirty minutes each day on 18″ finished Log Cabin Blocks for my challenge. I knew this would be a great stash-busting project, and I do love log cabins in any size. I finished up 12 blocks during my challenge but have decided to make four more blocks so that I can have a 4 x 4 layout for a 72″ x 72″ quilt. As soon as the quilt top is put together, I’ll share it here. I’ve had a lot of questions about the specifics of my blocks. You can download a free PDF with the strip sizes needed for the block here (or click on the button below).
Log Cabin Block Tips
I decided to go through my stash and cut as many strips as possible before I started sewing. At first, I was going to use my stash of 2 ½″ strips but then decided to cut from larger pieces in order to better utilize my fabrics. I did occasionally pull from my 2 ½″ strip bin when I felt like I needed a particular fabric. I put all of the strips out on a cutting mat as you can see above. Then I began chain piecing. As I finished each group of sewing, I specifically chose the fabric for the next round. While my quilt is very scrappy, it’s also intentionally scrappy in many instances so that I could get a nice mix of colors in each block. I also tried not to repeat fabrics other than occasional repeats of one of the center squares. (Find more of my Log Cabin block and quilt posts here).
10-Day Challenge Update
I really loved participating in the challenge–even more than I thought I would. It was interesting to me that some of my plans changed right away. For example, I didn’t realize I would be cutting up stash fabrics. I also didn’t realize I would spend the first three days just cutting fabrics. But I’m so glad I did. It made the sewing go so much smoother once I started. We took a short trip in the middle of my challenge, but I didn’t let that deter me. I just picked up my sewing again when we got back. I loved using the space on the Challenge handout to keep my notes. If you missed my original post on the challenge with steps to get started and the link to the free 10-Day Challenge printable, you can find it here.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Log Cabin Blocks progress and hearing my thoughts on the 10-Day Challenge. Thanks so much for everyone who participated in the challenge and who shared your journey through comments and emails. I plan to make this an every-other-month practice from here on out. I hope you’ll join me in September for another round!
Happy quilting!
Sue Kennedy says
Thank you Sherri for a great review of your 10 day challenge. This challenge really spoke to me!! I really appreciate your PDF!
Thank you for your wonderful blog. I look forward to this every day!
Allison McCullough says
Love your blocks Sherri, they turned out great and I can’t wait to see the quit when put together. I loved this 10 day challenge! I challenged myself to cut up scraps for 30 minutes a day for 10 days and had GREAT success. It actually made me organize my scrap bins and make some changes to my system to improve productivity. Thank you for the encouragement – happy quilting!
Patsy says
I did not do the 10 day challenge. I start tomorrow! I will watch for the September challenge. Thank you
Barbara Snedegar says
On the PDF you have sashing around the block. Could you please provide cutting info for the sashing and corner blocks? I love this quilt!
sherri McConnell says
The block in the photo is from our Sampler Sew Along we will be doing this fall. I’ll have all of that information available then. I’ll also be posting on Thursday with details for fabric requirements, etc.!
Jane Eilderts says
I love a good log cabin block and now might need to use up stash and scraps and make the 18” block. Did you have any problems keeping things even? I’m so used to using the log cabin rulers I hope the 18” won’t get wonky on me. Thanks for the great 8nformstion!
sherri McConnell says
It was really easy–I think it’s easier with the larger blocks to keep things more accurate.
Nicole says
I love a good log cabin block! I am currently working on Chelsi’s hearts at home quilt! Love how all of your collections mix together nicely 🥰
Kathryn Trask says
The ten day challenge was great. I got some great progress working on my pre 2022 quilts and felt really good about it. I’ve since done a 10 day challenge on my slow and steady read and have found now I am on a roll and have continued it, so it jump started me. Now I think next I’ll do a 10 day meditation challenge. I find 10 days is just perfect and of course if you miss a day I like that, no worries just pick up again.