Happy Friday! It’s been a little while since I’ve been able to do a Friday Favorites post, and I can’t think of any better way to begin the new year than with the fabric and books I’m going to mention today!
I was delighted to receive a little bundle of beautiful over-dyed wools from my
friend Joanna Figueroa. Ever since she shared that these gorgeous Fig Tree wools were coming I’ve been anxiously awaiting them! She has designed some perfect small patterns to go with them which she had at market this fall (think strawberries, birds, pumpkins and more), and I’ve also found another project I want to make with the wool: this gorgeous tree wall hanging in Simply Modern Issue 3. My friend Elizabeth is hosting a quilt along for this project, the Oh, Christmas Tree Quilt-Along, and she has it all planned with manageable steps neatly divided into monthly tasks so the quilt can be finished in early fall.
I’m also in love with these new Sweetwater fabrics from their First Crush collection. I got this beautiful bundle from my friend Brooke and can’t wait to sew up something with these!
Finally, along with getting organized in my sewing room this year, I’m also trying to take some big steps to get my house organized. This week two new terrific home organization books were released that I couldn’t wait to read. The first book, The Complete Book of Home Organization: 200+ Tips and Projects is absolutely amazing. This book has beautiful photos, ideas and tips for every area of your home. The author writes a popular organizing blog, A Bowl Full of Lemons, and reading the book is like scrolling through the best of hundreds of organizing blogs and having it available at your fingertips. At the end of each topic there is a challenge section with a process map and list of tasks to accomplish to get that part of your home organized. This is definitely a book I will hold on to, refer to, and read over and over again.
The other new organizing book just out this week is Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up. This is the follow up book by Marie Kondo to her first book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
. I’ve now read both of her books, and her perspective is wonderful. Some of her ideas are a little foreign to westerners; however, I think she explains the differences well. Her method involves really purging anything from your home that doesn’t bring you joy; her first book explains her philosophy on clutter and organization while the second book provides more specific examples on her ideas and her method. I really feel like I’ve learned from reading both of them. I must say, though, that my favorite is the book above, The Complete Book of Home Organization: 200+ Tips and Projects
along with the organizing book I reviewed a few weeks ago, Decluttering Your Home: Tips, Techniques and Trade Secrets.
Here’s hoping your new year is off to a great start! I’m planning quite a few projects in my sewing room this weekend, and I have some great ideas for next week’s Quilt Your Stash post.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Paige says
Beautiful wool and fabrics! Going back to your organization post now!
James Pk says
Inside a great time as well as how a lot of you happen to be burning off throughout each workout as well as make sure to you're providing your own body throughout in excess of this Ageless Alpha an individual convert your current meal people eat directly into fuel with the workouts and regardless of whether people do not acquire within enough calories and also.
Needled Mom says
Those wools are beautiful and will be perfect for the QAL.
Hildy says
I love Joanna's new pattern they are so cute! And the new Sweetwater line is great I already have some of it and plan to make something with it soon (just don't know what yet;-)
Karen says
Thanks for the tip on the QAL! I have been drooling over that project in my magazine — lol. I'm not sure I'll be able to quilt along due to my BOM commitments (including Joanna's wool applique BOM), but I will certainly follow along!
Helen L says
I ordered the small bundle of wool too, and can't wait to see it! My family ordered some of her wool patterns for me for Christmas, so I'll have some fun things to make. I just saw that Christmas tree quilt a bit ago and it is beautiful: you'll have fun making that one! Hugs, H