Happy Friday! I’ve got some fabric and pattern inspiration to share today! I guess I didn’t make it very far into the new year without purchasing a little fabric; I had so much fun sewing with the Sweetwater black and red prints for my Valentines pillow that when I saw these fabrics I had to pick up a few!
I think I might have to make a heart quilt with these fabrics and some of my
scraps for next year. The Project Red reds pictured above are readily available now!
I also love these Circulus fabrics by Jen Kingwell. I bought the bundle at market, but couldn’t resist picking up a yard each of the two lightest grey prints. They will make great backgrounds for a future project! You can find the Circulus collection here.
This isn’t fabric…but a fun sew along I wanted to tell you about. Isn’t the checklist with the houses cute?! I already had this pattern and am thinking of making it with a mix of all of our fabric collections. Hoping to make a few houses this weekend. Find the cute sew along download here.
And finally…I picked up a copy of this magazine at the bookstore the other day. I saw it around Christmas time and really wanted to make the cover wall hanging. But I couldn’t locate the magazine on-line and then forgot about it with everything going on! I was so happy to see it on the shelf the other day…a project for next year!
Have a great day, and I’ll see you back for the Saturday Seven tomorrow!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Andrea York says
I have that Villages pattern~time to start working on it!
Robby H. says
I have that Village pattern, too. Must be time to dig it out and get started. I had been thinking of scrappy-scrappy, but your idea of a more cohesive design has me thinking, too.
Hildy says
Love all the fabrics and a Village quilt with your fabrics would be great!
Carla says
One day after retirement I might do a sew a long but not now. I love the pattern though.
I'll follow along for now to see what everyone else creates. ;o)
Dondi Murdock says
I just ordered that Village pattern. It is just too cute! It might take a year or two to finish since I am working on about four other projects right now, but that is ok. It's all Ok! It's my schedule and I don't answer to anyone on a finish date. For once, I'm not doing a wedding quilt! Yippee!