Hello and happy Thursday! Today is the official launch day for this year’s Fat Quarter Shop charity quilt along, the Clementine quilt along! I had so much fun making two different blocks this month. You will actually be making the same block in two different sizes!
I’m mixing a few different fabric collections for my version of this quilt…all by
Corey Yoder. The quilt will primarily be made with her latest collection, Flower Mill, but I’m adding in bits and pieces from my stash from a couple of her earlier design groups.
I loved this fun little block, and the directions make it so easy to put together (think strip sets and the opportunity for a lot of chain-piecing)! I’m mixing tone on tone backgrounds along with a solid Bella 9900-98.
I made my smaller block first and then made the bigger one. The small block finishes at 12″ x 12″, and the large block finishes at 20″ x 20″.
You can get all of the details for sewing along including the download for the fabric requirements and the download for the January blocks by visiting the Fat Quarter Shop Clementine Landing page here.
This quilt along benefits the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Fat Quarter Shop is happy to be partnering with Moda Fabrics to match up to $20,000 of donations for this great cause. On top of that, Fat Quarter Shop will be auctioning their quilt at the end of the quilt along with 100% of the proceeds going to the St. Jude campaign. You can visit the landing page link above to make an individual donation and to find out more.
And…you can go here to purchase a quilt kit and/or backing set for the Fat Quarter Shop version of this quilt!
And…there are a lot of quilters quilting along with the Clementine Quilt Along…below is a fun list of blogs and Instagram accounts you can visit for fabric inspiration for this quilt!
Sunset Family Living (@sunsetfamilyliving)
Pieced Brain (@piecedbrain)
Elise and Emelie (@eliseandemelie)
Carpe Quiltin (@gina_tell_carpequiltin)
A Creative Pursuit (@acreativepursuit)
By Hilary Jordan (@byhilaryjordan)
Cocoa Quilts (@cocoaquilts)
Heritage Threads (@heritage.threads)
Quilts by Joanne (@turtlequilterjo)
Kairle Oaks Handcrafted Goodness (@kairleoaks)
Good Starter (@good_starter)
3 in the Nest (@threeinthenestraleigh)
Center Street Quilts (@centerstreetquilts)
Ponderings from My Heart (@ponderingsfrommyheart)
A Bit of Scrap Stuff (@mellierc)
Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)
Creative Blonde (@creativeblonde66)
Pat Sloan (@quilterpatsloan)
Scrapatch (@scrapatches)
Elm Street Quilts (@elmstreetquilts)
One Wee Bird (@oneweebird)
123 Quilt (@123quilt)
SSK Craft Shop (@sskcraftshop)
A Quilting Life (@aquiltinglife)
Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)
Quilt ‘n Party (@quiltnparty)
Tanya Quilts in CO (@tanyaquiltsinco)
Aurea’s Kitchen (@aureaskitchen)
Crocheting Vixen (@crochetingvixen)
Happy quilting…and thanks so much for stopping by!
Michelle H says
This will be a fun quilt a long… I love your fabric choices!
Hildy says
Cute block I love that you choose different fabrics.
I'm tempted but first I need to finish some other things.
Stephanie @Quilt'n Party says
I love the fabrics that you have chosen for your blocks. So soothing!
Jan @Cocoa Quilts says
Your fabric choices are perfect! Can't wait to see how they all come together.
Cheryl B. says
I participated in 2016 and have the quilt top done and still hanging on the back door of my sewing room waiting to be quilted! I didn't participate in 2017, but I really like this quilt and I think I just made the decision to participate! We donate to St. Jude's every month as do my daughters. My middle daughter even toured the facility when she was driving cross country. A neighbor's son was treated and sadly passed away at age 4. We are big supporters of St. Jude's!