Spring break has been great…a lot of staying up late, sleeping in, reading “sew inspiring” things and quilting, of course…along with a little bit of spring cleaning and organizing. While organizing I found quite a few blocks I needed to get caught up on. First I finished 16 “A La Mode” blocks (fabric Simple Abundance)…only 8 more and I can put this quilt together–can’t wait to finish–love the fabrics and the pattern! Actually, I would have finished this already except that I need to cut the background pieces for the remaining blocks
I think one of the reasons I love these blocks so much is that pinwheels and stars are two of my favorite quilt block designs…and this pattern incorporates both!
I also finished up block 10 of the “2009 Mystery Designer Block of the Month” from FatQuarterShop. This block was designed by Joanna and is a gorgeous block!
I like the way my second block turned out too…I’ve added my Bar Harbor scraps to the fabrics I’m using for this quilt…and love the way Bar Harbor coordinates with Prairie Paisley and American Primer. Block 11 should be arriving soon, so it was good to get caught up.
I also finished block 3 of my Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along quilt from Moose on the Porch Quilts! I wish these blocks were coming out each week instead of every two–they’ve been so much fun!
Oh…and the winner from last weeks giveaway is comment #136… Di…congratulations! I really enjoyed all of the wonderful organizing tips and ideas…thank you so much! Have a wonderful week!
Dianne says
OK…I guess I really need to "get on" my block 10! Still haven't done it!
Sandy says
Love your stars and pinwheel blocks…great fabrics. I also love the Jelly Roll Sampler blocks…am keeping up also! ;o)
Barb says
Love all of your blocks
sunny says
Beautiful blocks! Enjoy your party.
Darlene says
Beautiful blocks!
Vickie E says
wow you really did accomplish alot. you beat me hands down. I finished one thing LOL but I did spend some time with some quilting buddies.
Kate says
Love the A La Mode blocks; Ive got the fabric/pattern stashed away for a rainy day. Look forward to seeing yours finished 🙂
Peg - Happy In Quilting says
Sherri you have been so busy love all your blocks.
call me crazy says
You have been busy! I love the star & pinwheel blocks too. 🙂 Have a great week!
Mary on Lake Pulaski says
A La Mode is looking fabulous Sherri! And that block that Joanna designed for Mystery block of the month could be used in a whole quilt! Fun stuff!
Terriaw says
I'm impressed with how productive your spring break was! I too adore those pinwheels inside star blocks. I made one for my quilting bee a couple months ago. The mystery blocks look like they have a lot of pieces and piecing!
Brenda says
Wow, you have been busy. Love all of your blocks.
Trisha says
Great blocks, Sherri! You always work with the most beautiful fabric.
Red Geranium Cottage says
I like all your blocks Sherri.
Thimbleanna says
Oh Sherri! They all look SO pretty! I want to live in your sewing room!!!
Kim Walus says
I love all of your blocks and the one that Joanna designed is one of my favorite. Thanks for sharing. I hope you had a great Easter weekend with your family.
Nedra says
I downloaded the instructions to the Jelly Roll Sampler blocks and hope to get started in the next few days. It looks like you've had a great spring break, and got a lot done. Anytime you combine pinswheels and stars you know you've got a winner.
Rae Ann says
Love all of your blocks, especailly the one by Joanna. Beautiful~!
Allyson says
I love the second BOM block out of the Minick and Simpson fabrics. They are my favorite designers! Like you, I just love how their lines corrdinate with each other…Prairie Paisley, American Primer, Flag Day Farm…fun to mix and match, and even better to use all the scraps together.
All these BOM's really keep you busy! Hope you had a nice Easter weekend.
Joy says
Oooh Sherri what gawjus blocks!!! I particularly like the one you used your Bar Harbour fabrics in … it's just stunning!!
Joy :o)
Judith says
What a beautifull blocks you have made.
I still have to make block 10 of the bom, but will do that when 11 arrives. First have to finish up the schnibbles of this month.
Sew Create It - Jane says
Beautiful blocks..I particularly like your second version of block 10.
Carol says
I love all your blocks!
Stephanie says
So many pretty projects!!! It does feel great to catch-up. Glad you enjoyed your Spring break.
Cindy says
Looks like you've caught up on all your blocks.
And I have to say – the Bar Harbor made from the Designer Mystery Block #10 pattern really "pops" to me. I'm "extra" liking that one.
Lori Holt says
wow sherri…you have really been getting alot accomplished over spring break…you go girl!
you're blocks are all perfection:)
Amy, a redeemed sheep says
I can only dream of making such beautiful star and pinwheel blocks. They are breathtaking!!
Di~ says
Hey! I'm very excited to see that I won!!! I agree, I wish the jelly roll samplers were coming every week! I'm doing mine with the "Sweet" line. Thank you Sherri!
kpaints says
Lovely blocks, you have been so busy! 🙂
Sandra Henderson says
I'm so glad I've found you! I'm making stars (simple) from Prairie Paisley right now and LOVE it! You can see them on my blog and win an antique sterling silver vase, drawing isn't till Wed! I'm NEW to blogging and since I live on an island w/no stores, mail, bridges to mainland, nothign! it's wonderful for me to be able to visit and learn! GREAT site! I'm adding you to my page! XOXOXO I'll come back and visit more often!
Cacau Jafet says
Tudo muito lindo!!!!!!
A Gardner's Cottage says
So lovely!!!
QuiltedSimple says
lovely, lovely blocks!
Denise says
Sherri, your blog and your projects are very inspiring…now if I could just get motivated. Perhaps I should move one of my machines outside, it's too nice to be inside!
Lei says
Nice to meet you Sherri! Thanks for stopping by. I am in total awe of all you featured quilters. It is an aspiration of mine!
Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie says
Love your blocks but I have to say I love the pinwheels and stars. You must of been going at high speed with all you got done.
SheilaC says
Your blocks are beautiful, I especially love the one designed by Joanna! And your colors really make it pop!
John'aLee says
Hey girlie,
Congratulations on being named one of the best 55 quilting blogs to read in Mark Lipinski's magazine. I picked it up this weekend while at Barnes and Noble. What do you think about him not being part of the magazine anymore?
Anne Heidi says
I just love your pinwheel/star blocks, they are so pretty!
I really should get going on those FQS BOM blocks as well…. they have been put aside for MONTHS…. which means there are a lot of blocks to make….
Kim D. says
Great blocks, I too love the stars with pinwheels in the middle. Looks like you've been busy.
Carrie P. says
Fun pinwheel blocks.
I had to look at those two star blocks really close to see that they were the same block. Amazing how the fabrics make it look so different.
Congrats to Di.
Cindy says
Beautiful blocks!! I just love the bag you made out of the Verna (posted Mar 11). Do you know what the dimensions are for it? Thanks, Cindy
kimmie's quilt's says
wow all of your blocks are gorgous! great job!