Really, I wasn’t going to make this until next year…really. I have a plan of projects for the next couple of months that didn’t include any new Christmas quilts for me.
I soon realized this was what I wanted to do with these fabrics, and now that I’m half-way done, I might as well finish it, right?! (The fabrics are from several different makers…Moda, Michael Miller, Alexander Henry, Free Spirit and Benartex, and the pattern is “Cameos” by Joanna Figueroa of Fig Tree & Company).
I have a couple more thank you’s to send out as well…I recently won a giveaway and received a Bunny Hill bag pattern and two Moda charm packs from Rene of “Rene Creates.” Thank you so much, Rene!
Finally, just a few words about A Year of Schnibbles: Sinta and I are getting ready for the parades…be sure to leave a comment with a link to your quilt (or e-mail a picture) by October 31st. We’ll have the parade and the reveal of the November Schnibble on November 1st. Also, Carrie has recently shown some great new upcoming Schnibbles patterns on this post…you’ll love them! Again there will be giveaways…including a fun one from Fat Quarter Shop!
Have a wonderful day!
badlandsquilts says
that is going to be a beautiful Christmas quilt… I hope to some day be as productive as you but in the meantime love to see everything you do!
Sharon says
Hi .. I just found your site. LOVE IT! is this a paper piecing block? …. and where is it from. This is such a pretty Christmas quilt. I looked further and saw in in a different colouration …. pretty in that colour too …
I'll be back …
Di~ says
Very nice, doesn't red just make us happy happy sometimes? What a great stash you are working from there. Is that block a quick one or a little more involved?
onlymehere says
I'm loving it so far! I'll have to check out this book too.
Nicole says
Your Cameo quilt is positively stunning. Seriously. That may be the cutest thing I've seen in my life.
ivoryspring says
Sherri – you did the RIGHT thing starting the Christmas quilt. Just know that there will be other Christmas quilts to make for next year! 😉
Happy Quilting!
Rene' says
The Cameos pattern looks great in those Christmas fabrics!! Love the fabrics Nanette sent you…will have to check out Kim's new book. How have you found the time to organize your scraps with all the projects you have completed and organizing the Schnibbles Parade? ;-))
Mel says
I HOPE to be able to sew the Schnibbles project!! I've got the pattern and several charm packs.
I haven't begun as we moved to Colorado two days ago and before that we were packing, painting, cleaning!
LOVE the quilt with Christmas colors!!
Carol says
I love your Cameos quilt and it's just awesome that you made that entirely from your stash. I finished my October Schnibbles quilt, check out my blog for a picture.
Katie B. says
I can see why you'd want to get started on this right away! Gorgeous.
Darlene says
Your Cameos quilt is beautiful – I just ordered that pattern earlier this week and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. 🙂
I absolutely love Kim's book and am looking forward to making several quilts.
Marianne says
Your Christmas quilt looks beautiful. I love that pattern and am anxious to buy it soon.
Robyn says
All so yummy Sherri, but I do adore your top quilt..I may be tempted to make one myself.
I love Pineapples and they do look Pineappley 😀
Jewel says
I keep seeing this pattern everywhere. I think it is inevitable that I will end up making it.
Quilt Hollow says
Kim's book is awesome and I too am looking forward to her 2nd one…she is a real sweetie!
Christine says
Love your Cameos Christmas quilt. Looks good in the mixture of fabrics. And lucky Stitcher's Angel … your gifts are gorgeous.
Kathie says
christmas quilt is looking great, I can see why it just had to be made now! Nanette always has such fun fabrics, what a collection that lady has!….. oh lucky you!!!! I have that book of Kims on my to buy list, maybe Santa will bring it
Cardygirl says
Gorgeous quilt as always…I would just like to sit in a corner of your sewing room & soak all the creative gorgeousness in…LOL!
Carol says
I am hyperventilating over your Christmas Cameo…it is just out of this world…glad you kept going after the first block. LOVE it! Kim's book is so great…which quilt are you doing with the Beach House? Oh we need more hours in the day!
Stephanie says
Yes you absolutely did NEED to start that Christmas quilt now. Just love that pattern and fabric choices. Looks like Christmas candy.
Kaaren says
I just love that 'Cameo' quilt pattern. Just might have to order it today.
Doesn't Nanette have the most amazing fabrics?
*karendianne. says
I'm considering that "Cameos" pattern but thought maybe no. Then, oh then you display the block in the making. I tell you, the quilt is really great but you show THE BLOCK in the making it looks fun! Now I'm sold. I'll have to get the pattern. There's just no way around it.
*karendianne. who was For Sale but is now Sold!
Terriaw says
I don't think I could have stopped at the first block either! Such a great way to use up all those gorgeous Christmas fabrics. You're too funny when you mention you had planned on making this one NEXT year! I can't think that far ahead with sewing projects!
Jenn says
I really love that block on the christmas quilt…the quilt is so crisp and clean looking!
Millie says
I do not blame you for starting the Christmas quilt…sometimes we just have to give in for a great new pattern or good fabrics. Wow, you got such a good deal on the Christmas fabrics and I can't wait for this year Christmas sale. Enjoy your sined Strip book.
Dianne says
I am not an official member of Schnibbles, but I will have a finish by tomorrow. Can I send you the picture anyway?
Nedra says
Sherri, I love your Christmas quilt! Your fabric choices really caught my eye. I can see why you had to keep going and make the whole quilt. It's wonderful!
Jane's Fabrics and Quilts says
Look at all your goodies!!
Love your quilt, what a great block to showcase your fabrics, would look great with a couple of matching pillows, "just saying"!!
Simone de Klerk says
Amazing, the quilt you made!!! And I like the way you describe how you just had to make one block and end up with a whole new wonderful quilt!
Where do you get fabrics with 75% off???
Lisa D. says
I love your Christmas quilt!
Lisa D. says
I finished my October Schnibbles! Just in the nick of time!
LyndaG says
Sherri, Just posted my October Schnibbles – didn't have a blog at first, but bit the bullet…
Marianne says
What a wonderful quilt! Of course, it would be using a Joannna Figueroa pattern!! I already had plans to go to Borders and look for Scrap Basket Surprises today. Weird coincidence!
Cindy says
It's really "working" using different lines in your CHristmas quilt – even if you didn't plan on it.
Look forward to the Schnibbles Show.
May I ask – how many months into the Schnibbles you all are?
Candace says
I would have gotten hooked after the first block, too, Sherri! It's going to be a wonderful holiday quilt – and so great that you can use those valuable scraps! Nanette was so sweet to send some of her wonderful fabric, too! I think I'd best go over and check out Kim's book!
Material Mary says
Love that cameo pattern with the Christmas fabric. Stunning…
Anne D says
What a grogeous quilt.I can understand that you did not want to stop making it.I havea finished my october schnibbles. YAY It doesn't photograph well but I am very happy with it.
Anne D says
Sorry i forgot to link to my quilt
Carrie P. says
Such a pretty pattern and the fabrics make it perfect. I love that pattern.
Nanette has some of the most fantastic fabrics. I know you had fun going through them and I bet you have plans for them too.
Congrats on your win. I have not seen that book. Have fun making more beautiful quilts.
angela says
That Christmas quilt will be awesome!
Four O'Clock Quilt Company says
I'm in love with the Cameo pattern and it looks fantastic in that colorway… I think there's another quilt coming, who can resist? The center almost looks like Christmas ornaments, the old fashioned glass kind..
Rae Ann says
Sherri, I love your quilt and the fabric that you chose. It is stunning to say the least! I am going to follow up on getting that pattern. I just love Nanette's darling little fabric pack. She's the greatest!!!
amy smart says
The Christmas Cameos is fabulous!! I love the colors and fabrics you are using. The more I see that pattern, the more I need to get my hands on one!
Also, how awesome was that to see pictures of quilts YOU made at Market? Way to go!
Maggie A says
Love, love, love the Christmas quilt………..and I just love your method of costing!!!!
Karen says
Such a bad girl, you are! But oh, so fun. You struck while the iron was hot and made your quilt. And from sale fabrics already in your stash.
Magnolia Bay Quilts says
Oh, Sherri! Every time you post something you're working on, I add another project to my to-do list. I may have to bump a few things to make the Cameo quilt. It's a beautiful design, and your fabrics are awesome! You really did a great job of coordinating so many different lines.
Thank you so much for mentioning my book — you're so very sweet. I really hope you enjoy it. I'm anxious to see what you'll do with the Beach House Jelly Roll. That's a really pretty collection.
I can't wait to see the next Schnibbles Parade. It's so much fun to see all the different quilts. Those are the cutest patterns!
Sweettata says
I have finished my October Schnibbles quilt and emailed Sinta with my blog link as well.
Looking forward to the November pattern =)
Eileen says
But how could you NOT keep making those blocks? 🙂
And I knew without you telling that those charms came from Nanette's wonderful fabric collection. 🙂
Julie says
Julie in Oregon – October Schnibbles…
I love, love, love the quilt here – I wouldn't have stopped at one block either!
Christy says
I love all the projects you've been working on! That Cameos pattern is wonderful! I think I may have to get my hands on that one!
Here's the link to my Schnibble for October:
Nothing like waiting until the last minute, right!
Ginger Patches says
That is sooo cute!! I love your combination of fabrics. Here is my Schibbles link:
an encourager says
Of course you had to make yourself a new Christmas quilt! It's beautiful and whimsical, and I bet it makes your heart jump up and down! And… I noticed your sewing skills. Everything lays flat and matches!!! Wow!
Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? says
Such a lucky lady you are!
I LOVE that quilt with those christmas fabrics! Its wonderful!
fiberdoodles says
I just love these quilt blocks. Love the colors, love the fabric! It will be so beautiful!!
Linda K says
I think I HAVE to make a Cameo quilt. I just love all Figtree fabrics and I'm sure I will love a pattern,too. I have some Mill House charms, so a Schnibble is in my future also!! Maybe Picnic????
Nanette Merrill and daughters says
You are one busy little girl sherri! Holy cow I've been looking at your # of comments. You must be getting mega hits on your blog. Congratulations. You are reaching a lot of people that need to see your work and enthusiasm. I'm glad you like your little treat from me. Thanks so much for being my friend. I feel like I knew you "when".
Val says
Love the Christmas quilt! I would like to make one of these in the future…maybe I can find January sale fabric for next year!