Hello, and happy Monday friends. Thanks so much for stopping by to read the Quilting Life Podcast Episode 11 Show Notes. We had a fun conversation and hope you’ll join us every other week as we talk about all things quilting.
Quilting Life Podcast Episode 11

Episode 11 Topics
My daughter Chelsi and I always have a wonderful conversation during our podcasts. We hope you’ll join in by sending any questions or topic ideas you might be interested in. Here are the topics we discussed in today’s episode:
- Chelsi’s first quilt retreat
- Balboa fabrics
- Favorite Notions
- Home Machine Quilting Tips
- Quilting Blogs and Sew-Alongs
- Using Batting Scraps
- Our Fabric history, forecast, and thoughts on trends
- Sewing Room Organization Tips from the business world
Episode 11 Links
Here are links to products we mentioned and discussed:
- Maple Sky and Maple Sky Mini Quilt Patterns
- Cottage Charm Quilt in Labor of Love
- Quilting Life Planner (shipping now)
- Clover Mini Wonder Clips
- Boxes for Pattern Storage
- Labor of Love Sew Along Block 1
- Diagonal Seam Tape
- Primitive Gatherings Triangle Paper for Charm Squares
- Mini Simple Folded Corners Ruler
- Wonder Clips
- Sewing Room Organization Tips from Focus on This Podcast Episode #53
Where to Listen and Watch
Where to Find Sherri & Chelsi
- Sherri’s Blog (you are here)
- A Quilting Life Pattern Shop (Sherri’s)
- Chelsi’s Blog
- Chelsi’s Pattern Shop
- A Quilting Life Instagram
- Chelsi Stratton Instagram
- A Quilting Life YouTube Channel
- Sherri & Chelsi Facebook Group
Our Next Episode
Our next episode will air on Monday, October 19th. If you’re looking for show notes from previous episodes, you can find them all here.
Happy quilting, and thanks so much for stopping by!
Jackie Lohrey says
Sherri, I loved this weeks podcast but more importantly…MY PLANNER ARRIVED! Thank you, thank you, thank you ? I t is everything I hoped for and nothing I didn’t need. PERFECT! I still want a t-shirt though…just sayin ?
Sandal Keeffe says
This podcast was filled with so many things I enjoyed! The tips for organizing our quilting tools was very helpful! You mentioned finding a container for your quilting patterns and said you were almost done organizing them. This leads me to ask if you would talk more about how you are organizing your patterns. It was exciting to hear you are considering doing virtual trunk shows. I know quilt guilds are searching for virtual programs and wanted to suggest you consider offering your trunk shows to guilds for a fee. Thank you for your excellent podcasts! I look forward to each one b
Nancy Sumner says
Hi I have been enjoying your podcasts. I often listen to them while driving back and forth for appointments, etc. I wanted to add my 2 cents worth to the comments about batting: I will “piece” my batting scraps together using a wide zig-zag on my sewing machine and these are often used for small projects that won’t get a lot of wear and tear on them like wall hangings. And also one of your listeners was having a hard time with batting shifting while trying to quilt. I used to have that problem when I used 100% polyester batts, back in the day before I switched to 100% cotton or cotton blend. One of the benefits of cotton/cotton blends is the the fibers of the top and and backing (if cotton too), have a bond that helps to keep them together. I often had a lot of slippage when I used 100% polyester batts.