Hello and happy 2017! I’m so looking forward to 2017…how about you?! I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to finish a lot of works in progress this year as well as start (and finish) some fun things I’ve had on my list for awhile. Of course there will also be new fabrics with Moda and new patterns coming with those fabrics…I can’t wait!
I thought I’d take today to let you know about three different quilt alongs I’ll be
featuring on the blog this year–I hope you’ll be able to join in!
Minis and More
The first quilt along you should know about it my yearly Minis and More quilt along. Each month Michele and I pick a pattern–it’s usually something fast and fun, and we try to look for free patterns and tutorials when available. We have a monthly parade on our blogs on or near the first of the month (here at A Quilting Life and at Michele’s blog Island Life Quilts) to feature the photos of the projects that have been emailed to us. It’s a lot of fun, and we’ve been sending out little thank you gift packs each month to one of the participants!
For our February parade we thought we’d start off with a project that might appeal to everyone–finish up a work in progress month! Pick any current work in progress, take a photo of where you’re at with it when you begin the challenge, and then take a photo when you complete your project! Email your photos to me or Michele (first names A-K email me, and first names L-Z email Michele). I’m thinking of trying to finish up my string block project pictured above…or maybe my log cabins or pineapples pictured below!
A Quilting Life Free Block of the Month 2017
I’ve decided to also offer a free block of the month on the blog this year which is something I’ve had on the list for a little while now. Pop in on the 5th of each month for a free pattern and tutorial for a 12″ quilt block–I’ll also be offering a couple of different setting and finishing options during the year to go along with the blocks! I’m going to be making two different versions of this quilt, so you’ll be able to see some different options as far as fabrics go!
Christmas Gift Project of the Month
Last year I worked on small projects throughout the year to have a lot of things ready for Christmas without the holiday rush. I thought it would be super fun to have a Christmas gift project post for you each month on the 25th. I’ll provide either a free project with tutorial or a review on something fun I’ve found. Some of the projects will be Christmas-themed, but many of them will be gifts you can give for any occasion! I’m really looking forward to this quilt along!
Thank you so very much for coming along for my quilting journey in 2016–I hope you’ll continue to join me in 2017 and also hope you’ll enjoy these quilt alongs!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Stephanie @Quilt'n Party says
I love the plans you have for 2017, especially the Christmas project a month feature.
Hildy says
I'm so looking forward to your quilt alongs!
It's a great idea to use a currently WIP nd finish it till the end if the month. I'm currently wrestling with my Tula Pink City Sampler quilt the quilt top is almost finished (just need to add the side borders) and then I need to quilt it. I've made the blocks for the sew-along hosted by Angie (@gnomeangle) and now try to finish it for the finish parade Jan 16th-25th. Is it okay to use this for your parade too? If not I'm sure I have some other WIPs and UFOs laying around;-)
Patty D from NC says
Love the idea of a holiday sewing all year round. Looking forward to seeing what you share.
Shelley E says
Wonderful plans for 2017. I look forward to it.
cherylh says
Actually a question.
I was wondering if you would give instructions to make the monthly 12" block 1/2 size to make minis?
Brenda says
Love all of these ideas!
Jan Taylor says
These all seem like so much fun. I can't wait. Happy New Year! xo
Jacqueline says
How very generous of you to share your time and talents with us. Looking forward to seeing your projects for 2017.
Rosemary B❤️ says
I am looking forward to your creativity and inspiration. Happy New Year
grammajudyb says
Sounds like fun. I plan to pop in and participate in one or two.
SallyC says
This sounds like a lot fun! I want to join all of these quilt alongs. Thank you!
Gilda says
I'm looking forward to your quilt alongs and tutorials!
Dondi Murdock says
You make this sound very do-able. I want to try to do this! Thank you for your great sunny attitude and for all you share!
Tracine Charest says
My plan is to be organized this year. I've marked my calendar foe your BOM and Christmas Project dates
tracinecharest@gmail.com at Gmail dot com
Marcelle says
These sound like a lot of fun! Looking forward to getting going. Thanks for organizing and planning this.
Warm Quilts says
I will have to clear the 25th of the month to participate in a Christmas gift project. They all sound like fun.
Little Quiltsong says
Love your 2017 plans! Each of them sound exciting – especially the monthly blocks.
Jan A. says
All three of these sound like they will be fun. I'm looking forward to the Christmas projects.
Libby says
I too love your plans for 2017 and I plan to follow along.
Thank you and Happy New Year !!
Jeanna says
These sound life three very fun quilt alongs. I'm very interested in the minis and more as well as the Christmas gift one. However, I'm not a hexie kind of gal…I love them but find them intimidating.
Thanks for these opportunities, Sherri and Happy 2017!
Cheryl B. says
Thanks Sherri! My first full year of retirement and I hope and plan to accomplish lots!
enderbushy says
Love all of these ideas especially the Christams project one:)
Quilt n Queen says
Thank you Sherri…I'm sEw looking forward to the quilty fun you have planned us…love all three. 🙂
Vicki Lou says
YES…..I love the idea of a Christmas gift a month! I'm ready, willing and able.
Judi Smith says
I am sooo excited! Minis, BOM, UFO's and Christmas every month!! So glad I just throughly cleaned and organized my quilt room. This is the way to start a new year! Can't wait!
Bubba and Nana says
I'd love to join along with these three doable projects. They sound like fun. Thank you
JudyC says
I love the holiday quilt along, I always get in such a rush because I don't start early enough.
And minis's are my favorite thing to play with!
Love all your ideas, it will be a great 2017!!
OneCreativeFamily says
All of these are such great ideas. I don't know which to start with.