Hello! This week is flying by…I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday. I’m here today with a works in progress post and a few thoughts about…quilting! So…I searched quite a bit before coming up with what I thought was the best fabric in my sewing room to use for sashing for my mini trees.
I auditioned several different fabrics and finally fell in love with this American Jane pindot. I really wanted to use polka dots in the sashing, but a lot of the
ones I had seemed to be a little bit “too much.” The American Jane pindot added the polka dot feel in a more subtle way. Next, I auditioned a few different red prints for the posts before settling on this Farmhouse print that really seemed to make a difference!
I noticed while setting my blocks together that I hadn’t centered one of my trees while trimming. I wasn’t going to do the block over–I figured it adds to the charm of my quilt, right?!
I’m sort of lost as to what to use for the border. I might have to try out a few different options over the next few days…
It sure has been fun to work on this over the past few days. I heard on the news today that Thanksgiving is less than 100 days away…and you know what that means (I won’t say it)!
So what works in progress do you have right now? Do you have more than one project going on a time? I’ve been thinking about this a little bit this summer as I’ve been trying to whittle down my works in progress and get them moved over to the finished pile. But really, I’ve discovered that I believe a few different works in progress are a good thing. I like to have more than one project to work on at a time. And I think having a few different options keeps things more interesting! Maybe this is why block of the month programs are so much fun for quilters…they mix the familiar with the fun of something new. What are your thoughts on this topic?
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Michele says
Adorable Sherri! I love that you used a light tan background! It looks gorgeous. Great pattern.
Susie Hoover says
Totally agree that having various projects in the works is more fun. It's also good to have so that, if you get stuck on a project, you have something else to work on while you work out the problem.
Your mini trees look wonderful. Can't wait to see your finish!
Hildy says
Love your minis! And yes to more than one project at the time! How can you just have one!?! Wouldn't be possible to me but it maybe a good a idea to actually finish a few;-)
Jennie in GA says
Cute trees, and your fabric choices are dead on. More than one project for sure. But don't get overwhelmed by UFOs. Ask me how I know.
cozy kitten quilts says
Sherry this is so cute! I'm going to get that pattern and make one for myself. Yours is darling.
I am the same way you are with multi projects. Rarely do I start and finish one without working on something else along the way. Unless it's for a special occasion and NEEDS to get done quickly. Multi projects is also a good excuse to add to an ever growing gigantic stash!!
Taunja Kelvington says
Love what you've done here . . . and it makes me so anxious for my kit to arrive from the folks at Fig Tree! Always enjoy seeing what you are up to, and yes, multiple works in progress keeps life interesting! 😉
Baa. xxx says
It is an adorable quilt – so happy that someone as skilled as you is fine if the block is a little out and say it adds to the charm – which I so think it does. Makes me feel so much better about my little irregularities. Thank you. It's perfect!
Helen L says
Hello sweet Sherri!! I love the pop of red for the cornerstones: it gives it that cheery Christmas feel!! And the pindot is so perfect in the sashing. And I have toooo many WIP's!! But it does help in that sometimes I'm not in the mood to do one type of sewing, so I have something I can work on that fit's what I'm in the mood to sew! 🙂
Di Hunter says
This looks great Sherri. I'm waiting for my pattern to arrive in the post. Around this timeof year I 'like to add' to my wip list because I start to think I should do at least one thing new for Christmas. I usually end up with one at least out of the two or three I end up starting! This year I already have some mini (read extra mini) felt houses in progress (embroidery not patchwork) and this week I planned a new quilt using Dashwood 'Winter Wonderland' and 'Christmas Dreams' fabrics. I have a weekend retreat in September so I hope to finish the houses and maybe piece the Mini Juniper. We'll see.. Plus I'm thinking about starting a blog and maybe a longarm quilting business! Inspiration is not lacking around here! Nor is there ever a shortage of unfinished projects to pick up again. xx
Monica says
What a pretty tree quilt! I keep a "bucket list" in my purse of projects-quilts, table runners, shams, etc. that I plan on working on, and each weekend i try and work on atleast one or more projects. It's nice to have several sewing projects lined up in my sewing room. It gives me something to look forward to as the week goes on.
gibbygoo56 says
The pattern says 20.5" X 23.5". This is tiny and so precious! I am loving the fabrics. Its sweet!
Needled Mom says
You did such a great job on your trees. It will be perfect for the holidays.
Jamie says
Super cute little trees!!!