Back in March I showed a sneak peek of some market sewing I did for Lori…
It was such a fun project that it was hard for me to share just these little snippets of Lori’s new line, Sew Cherry for Riley Blake and her wonderful pattern “Vintage Dishes!”
But I’m happy to be able to reveal a bit more now (thank you Lori for these wonderful photos)!
“Vintage Dishes” was a lot of fun to sew…
I’ve always loved teacups and dishes, so it was a perfect match for me!
And the zig zag border was amazing…it went together like a dream. I could seriously add this border to so many quilts!
And scrappy binding, too! Can’t wait to see this one hanging up at market!
Anita says
What a sweet quilt! Does Shari sell her patterns on-line?
a little bit biased says
Oh how beautiful!! I love it…lucky you 🙂
PamKittyMorning says
Oh gosh that couldn't be cuter!!! xo
Sew A Little Happiness says
Absolutely gorgeous! Love it!
So sweet!
Carrie P. says
Love, Love It.
Coloradolady says
Where can we get that pattern?? This is so cute!
Carol says
LOVE it! It's a great pattern and I'm absolutely crazy about the border!
Sinta Renee says
OMGosh, you are killing me! I just "uncovered" my Lori Apron pattern… wouldn't they go together sweetly?
Jodi-JoJoMia's Place says
That quilt is so cute, the pattern and the fabrics are just made for each other. Great job, I love it!
Dianne says
very cute!
Stina says
****PRETTY**** :o)
Keep Stitchin' says
Oh my gosh, I just love this! Where can we get the pattern? It's adorable!!
Tammy says
This quilt is absolutely adorable!!!
Debbie says
Absolutely adorable this one!!
Greetings, Debbie
Christine M says
Love it!
Peg - Happy In Quilting says
Sherri, love the fabrics, gorgeous quilt…
Cardygirl says
Just beautiful…vintage & fun!
Karen says
Soooooo cute!! It will be a winner at market :)!
Darlene says
A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E, Sherri.
Nedra says
I absolutely love Lori's Vintage Dishes pattern, and it couldn't be cuter than made with Sew Cherry.
Nickname unavailable says
I really like this fabric line! I just ordered a bundle today. I wonder what the bundle will turn into!? So many possibilities:) Vintage Dishes is very sweet-great job.
sandra says
Oh so cute, i hope you will let us in on how to do that cute border. Wish I had a little girl to sew for but I just have grandsons.
Brenda says
Love your quilt.
Patty says
Verty cute!
Gretchen says
Adorable quilt! I can just picture one hanging in my kitchen. What a great, clever pattern. It would be fun to make to match the dishes you have your kitchen. I can see it made in brights for people who have Fiestaware or pale greens & aqua for people who have Fire King or Blue & white for people who have Blue Willow. OK can you tell I have a lot of antique dishes? Why didn't I think of this pattern???!!!
Karen Elizabeth says
Too cute! The fabric and pattern are perfect together.
Cherry Red Quilter says
what a cute quilt – love the pattern, love the fabrics! Just my cup of tea!
Carol says
So Dang Cute! That must be one of Lori's patterns.
suemac says
So cute. A good girlie quilt for a girl who likes tea parties.
Ariane says
It looks wonderful. I love it. That fabric line is just beautiful. So happy, and cheery. Love it!!
Melody says
What a lovely pattern and gorgeous fabric. Beautifully sewn too.
Pia says
Love it – want it!!!
Pat says
I love it. Where do we find the pattern?
Kigwit says
Oh that is so cute! Absolutely love all the gingham.
Lisa D. says
What a beautiful quilt – and your stitching is so perfect! Thanks for the peek!
sewmod says
Oh my, the cuteness! It's adorable!
The Tulip Patch says
That is a-flippin-dorable! Are the mugs paper pieced or regular? I'd love to try this one day. I can see it in my American Jane stash.
Michele says
tink's mom says
Wow seems to cover it. Love the border too.
fialka012 says
Simone de Klerk says
Definitely a quilt to fall in love with!
Kim Walus says
Love it! Love IT! LOVE IT! YOu did such a nice job making it too!
amy smart says
I've been dying to see this one. SO cute, Sheri! Can't wait to see it at Market. And you too!
Chris says
Sherry I absolutely love that vintage dishes quilt!!!! When will the pattern be available? I agree that the zig zag boarder would look great on lots of other quilts! You did a great job…… As always!
Amanda Murphy says
Absolutely adorable – great job!
AnnieO says
Charming, whimsical and full of dots, checks and flowers. What's not to love?
Nicky says
Love the details – the squared of corners on plates and the quilt, the gingham cups on the bias, the cup handles and scrappy binding – so cute.
Glenna @ Hollyhock Quilts says
Oh my goodness! This is so cute I can't stand it!!
naoko says
This is stunning cute quilt!!!
I've just now got this sew cherry charm pack…. oh,I had better have ordered them after seeing this cute quilt!
Nanette Merrill and daughters says
Spectacular. You did an amazing job.
Gmama Jane says
I MUST have this pattern!!!!!!!!
Gmama Jane
Katherine says
Lovely quilt! What a fun design – and great fabrics. I'm sure this will receive a lot of attention at Market. Hope you have a wonderful time!