Hello and happy Saturday–thanks so much for dropping by today! I hope your weekend is off to a great start and that you have some fun sewing planned! I have some fun things to share today…and hope you’ll enjoy my eleventh edition of the Saturday Seven!
I’ve been lucky to be able to get a lot of sewing finished up over the past couple
of weeks…unfortunately I can’t share any of it with you until next month, but I’m in love with the projects and quilts I’ve been working on! In the meantime, enjoy these fun links!
1. Scrappy Log Cabins are my favorite…I’ve been wanting to finish up my bright scrappy cabins quilt ever since I went full speed on my Christmas Log Cabin quilt last November…if you were too busy to join in last fall, you may want to consider a spring or summer version of the quilt. Free block information download available here.
2. A friend recommended this book, and I am really enjoying it. In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs is a wonderfully inspiring book filled with advice, ideas on art and creating, beautiful photography, and more. I’m reading just a couple of profiles each day.
3. My friends at Martingale sent me the loveliest of Valentines! This book Lunch-Hour Embroidery: 130 Playful Motifs from A to Z has delightful embroidery designs grouped alphabetically along with a stitches guide at the beginning. I’m putting the book, the hoop, and the floss in one of my project bags right now so I have another project on the go!
4. I just got a LoopyCase for my phone, and I love it! Some friends introduced me to it, and now I’m not sure how I managed without it. It sure makes it a lot easier to hold my phone!
5. I do love a good quilt-themed t-shirt, and this new one from Put a Quilt on It is soft and comfy. Plus I love the saying!
6. All about kitchen organization …because if the kitchen is organized there will be more time to sew, right! There are links to organization ideas as well as printables for kitchen cleaning and organizing chores.
7.I do love sugar cookies for Valentines, but these Cherry Chip Cookies from Lisa look delicious!
I’m still putting the finishing touches on my yearly sewing room organization…it’s taken a bit longer than I anticipated, but I’ll have more organizing ideas to share soon!
Happy quilting…and thanks so much for stopping by!
Hildy says
Your log cabin quilt is definitly on my to-do-list for this year just don't know which fabrics to use yet.
And I love the embroidery book with the cute little hedgehog it's on my wishlist too.
Have a wonderful weekend due to 'Fasching' (carneval in other parts of the world) I have a long weekend till Wednesday:-)
Little Quiltsong says
I was finally able to pick up my trim-it ruler – and after getting into the flow of using it – I am so glad I bought it. I ended up keeping my blocks at the 4.5 mark, to make a few baby quilts – I loved how each came out so crisp and trim. This year it was my 2.5 and 2 inch scrap basket's turn to be diminished :)! It seemed like a losing battle, but I am getting there and totally amazed at how many quilts have come from two mini baskets of scraps. Love your blocks and the embroidery book with extras looks delicious. Enjoy!
O'Quilts says
I love log cabins too…This was a great post. I came upon your 12 inch house block. I cannot find the tute or the pattern. Can you help me..I loved it.
Ramona says
Your cutting table looks wonderful. I have been cutting on the kitchen counter because the higher height is much more comfortable for me. Didn't realize how much so, until I cut at a girlfriend's house on a low table! Already sent the loopy case recommendation to my daughter – she seems to go thru cell phones all too often!
Linda Cox says
You can put bed risers under the legs of your dining table to make it higher for cutting.
WhiteEagle says
A month of the flu bug and then having to fill in for 3 days at the quilt shop, after a year off,for their employee that got the flu while owners were at a show has put my organizing schedule so far off kilter I may get it done by Christmas 2018. Getting OLD and grouchy!
Valorie Webster says
Your room is amazing! And I could live in the t-shirt! Thanks for sharing!
Sue says
I just love all your posts. Have you ever done a tutorial on chain piecing? If so I would like to look it up and am not sure how to do that. I've watched a few utube videos and am pretty sure I understand but I just watched another one and got very confused.
Thank you
Susan Lambrix
Hanya Moschner says
Thank you so much for these Saturday Seven posts! you give useful links on subjects I am interested in and wonderful quilting ideas.
Helen L says
Thanks for the great ideas and links. If I ever get a smart phone (waiting for hubby to cave on that one!! 🙂 the loopy looks like a must get!! Have a great weekend!! Hugs, H
Sandy Schocke Long says
I'm such a fan of your blog; it's one of the very few I try to read regularly! And, I've really enjoyed reading your new Saturday posts.
After recently buying our new house, (ok…it's been almost 10 months now) I'm finally at the point of being able to organize and decorate my sewing room. Yay me!!!
I might have asked before, but what color and brand of paint did you use on yours? The color is my most favorite, and what I want to paint my walls.
Thank you!
Nancy in NV-wheres the dude at blogspot says
I love your Saturday posts. I have a couple of QUESTIONS for you.
How do you hang your mini quilts?
What do you use for a design wall?
I was just curious.
Thanks, Nancy
Kristi says
Hi Sherri,
Thanks so much for sharing our wonky t-shirt. I'm glad you like it 🙂
Lostinspace says
Hi Sherri,
I always read your blog and enjoy it. I live in France and have just sent off for a Loopy case, I'll try it and then see if anyone else in the family wants one! Looks good and I like your Saturday Sevens, I appreciate very much that you do the hard work for us.