Hello, friends! Today I’m sharing the Saturday Seven 359: Lifestyle & More for Quilters with a fun roundup of things I’ve found from around the internet this week. I’m reading two new books (spoiler, I love both of them) and have found some great inspiration for you in a variety of categories as well. Keep reading for all of my favorites this week and more!
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Saturday Seven 359: Lifestyle & More for Quilters
1. Self-Care
This week my self-care has been taking lot of time to read (see number four what the two books I’m really enjoying right now). Here are some thoughts on when decluttering is difficult. And some interesting thoughts on becoming and expanding beyond our old self-views.
2. Recipes to Try
These quick Crunch Wrap Supremes are a fast and easy lunch or weeknight snack/dinner option. Finally, Pumpkin Cheesecake (need I say more)!
3. Quilt + Sew
First, if you ordered a Laguna Sunrise Project Package–it’s in the mail. I was able to put together a few more if you weren’t able to get one when they were listed. If you love Halloween quilts, you’ll definitely want to read this post by my friend Lissa about her recent Halloween quilt journey. And did you know that Moda Fabrics will shortly be celebrating 50 years of business? Read all about this amazing milestone and an accompanying quilt contest with terrific prizes here.
4. Book + Podcast Recommendations
You know I love a good productivity/time management read! And this week two new books dropped. I’m reading them simultaneously which actually works because Burkeman’s Meditations for Mortals: Four Weeks to Embrace Your Limitations and Make Time for What Counts is meant to be read a chapter a day for a month. So far, I’ve read the introduction plus the first few days, and I’m loving it!
I’m also loving Kendra Adachi’s The PLAN: Manage Your Time Like a Lazy Genius. This book is also full of compassionate time management ideas especially for women with practical helps along the way. The book is divided into three sections, and I’m almost finished with the first section.
5. Favorites This Week
I’m loving this new-to-me lip gloss! Also, how darling is this Rifle Paper Co. Pouch I got to put in my bag? I love this hand soap–perfect for fall! And finally, this is very early for us, but we have a Christmas tree up in our house–I’m super excited to share more about it with you next week!
6. Halloween Projects + Fat Quarter Shop Spooky Box {spoiler alert}
My Fat Quarter Shop 2024 Limited Edition Spooky Box arrived the other day, and it is such a fun box! The box didn’t arrive in time to film, but we did film some other fun Halloween sewing and project ideas you can watch in the video above. I’ve got a photo of the box below with a list of the contents–there are still boxes available, but they do sell out. And the contents are worth $105 making this a $35 savings!
Spooky Box Contents
- Pumpkins & Potions Fat Quarter Bundle (such a fun collection by Kimberbell)!
- Pumpkin Large Vintage Trim (this will be great to have on hand for all things fall)!
- Pumpkin Leather Rotary Sheath (exclusive)
- Exclusive Fall Candle (exclusive)
- Candy Corn Triangle in a Square Template (exclusive)
- Witchy Manor Quilt Pattern (exclusive)
- Bobbin Toppers in a fall-themed storage tin (exclusive)
7. Recently on the Blog
Below you’ll find links to the posts from earlier this week on the blog:
Stay tuned next week for a fun new pillow I’ll be sharing!
Thanks so much for stopping by to read the Saturday Seven 359: Lifestyle & More for Quilters post. If you are looking for more similar inspiration, you can find all of the previous posts in this series here.
Happy quilting!
Ruth Christos says
Love ur cross stitch patterns