Hello and happy Monday! I returned home late last night after a wonderful five days in St. Louis, Missouri for Spring 2017 International Quilt Market! I’d never been to St. Louis (or Missouri for that matter), so I was really excited for this quilt market!
about this market, but I will say that the convention center probably
had the worst lighting I’ve ever seen at an event like this. During set
up, we were hoping that once all of the lights were turned on it would
get better, but there was a strong yellow tint that affected the way
everything looked. So I’ll just be sharing a few photos today, and then
I’ll try to edit my photos for my future market posts.
I set up the booth on Thursday (a few things are missing from this picture that didn’t get added in until Chelsi arrived Friday afternoon). I was happy with how everything turned out and felt like I was better able to showcase all of the quilts this time around.
You can see that with Chelsi’s arrival we have a few more props added to our shelves!
I got a lot of wonderful photos of many lovely booths and quilts at market! I’ll try to get the photos edited a bit for lighting and will be back to share them soon!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
quiltingmieke says
HI, what a wonderfull blog
Looking forword to see the next foto d
Big hug
Angie&Gary Short says
Thank you for sharing the photos. (Maybe the light people will change out the bulbs – one day : ) !!) Your booth is absolutely amazing. It's so cool that you spent 5 days there!! Thank you for your post. Have a great day!! Happy sewing!!
Home Sewn By Us says
Hi Sherri,
What a fun theme Moda had – I love all the jelly roll strips. Your booth looks fabulous – very inviting and welcoming. I'll bet you had lots of visitors. ~smile~
Helen L says
It looks so beautiful Sherri! And you and Chelsea are so cute! I can't wait to see your new line IRL! (I pre-ordered the layer cake, so I know I'll see it as soon as it is available!) 🙂 Glad you are back safe! Hugs, H
lissa says
You and chelsi can really make the moves on the dance floor as well as design beautiful fabric and patterns. So nice to see you oth.
Rosemary B❤️ says
Wonderful Sherri
So sorry the lighting is unpleasant. Don't get a head ache haha
Your booth looks superb
Quilt Fabric Pizazz says
Your booth is great. Each and everyone of your quilts fantastic. Your fabric line is wonderful. Congrats!
margaret says
quilts displayed so well I am sure you had lots and lots of visitors and loads of lovely comments
Chookyblue...... says
beautiful quilts……..your stand looks lovely……
Hildy says
Wonderful booth and you and Chelsi look really cute!